Word for 2015: Live
Today I’m taking a break from my crafty posts and bringing you my favorite type of post to write- a personal one.
As the years have gone on, this blog morphed from a crafting blog, to a hodge podge and now it’s a place where I can share my projects, but also to be open and real. With the PPP Shop opening, I had some complaints that I should stop sharing personal posts on a business blog. I’ll admit that for a few days, I struggled with this decision. The whole situation got me thinking and honestly, I wouldn’t be in the position that I am had it not been for this blog and me being me. While I can’t say this will forever be a place for me to share a mixture of both, at this time in life, I plan on keeping it the way it is. (I hope you’ll stick with me!)
Some of you may be familiar with having a word for the year. I did it in 2013 and it was COURAGE. Needless to say, the word definitely shaped my year and by December, I found the courage to pursue a dream I had– starting my own business.
Last year, was a year where I felt like I was in transition and quite honestly, things were a blur. I was dealing with the residual issues from my car accident, pursuing answers from doctors, trying to stay afloat after all the medical bills, tackling the world of being a business owner and taking a leap and quitting my job of seven years to devote my time to Pretty Pink Posh.
Now we’re here in a new year and I really wanted to have a word for this year and ultimately, the word LIVE came to mind. This year I’m determined to live. Due to my health issues, I haven’t been able to interact with friends, go places and make plans like a normal person would. Every day would bring on new challenges and since I didn’t want to back out of plans or disappoint, I would just not make any plans. I saw everyone else living their lives, but I felt like mine was almost at a standstill. In 2015, I want this to change, even if it’s baby steps. As we look to this new year, I’d like to encourage you to choose a word. Have one? I would LOVE to hear what it is!
I’ll see you all tomorrow for day 1 of the birthday celebration with special guests, prizes, inspiration and more!