Twenty- eight

Pretty Pink Posh

You snuck up on me and I must admit, you scare me. The number 28 signifies that I’m getting closer and closer to 30 and truth be told, I’m nowhere close to where I thought I would be in life.

As a little girl, I had dreams of being married, having a family and a house with a cute picket fence by now. The reality is I’m single, never been married and have no kids. The fairytale romance still hasn’t come and I’ve experienced a lot more life, heartache and difficulties than I ever wanted. (Partly due to me being rebellious and going down paths I never should have gone) However, despite the years I wish I could erase, I learned so much that I’ll carry with me through the rest of my life.

I learned that I’m stronger than I imagined. The accident that happened almost three years ago, has been a constant reminder of this. To this day, I still have to fight through things that surfaced because of the accident, but I’m still here, FIGHTING. There have been so many days in the last three years that I have cried in pain, desperation, frustration and a million other emotions, but I have pushed through. I can’t remember the last time I had a full week of “feeling normal” since the accident, but that hasn’t stopped me from still going for my dreams, fighting for joy and trying to be the best business owner I can be. There are days when all I can do is lay in bed, despite a million to-do items and orders stacking up, but that’s okay. That, my friends, is also part of being strong.

I learned what’s really important in life. It’s not the designer purses, a huge collection of craft supplies or thousands of followers *gasp*. My family and closest friends have taught me that you could have all the luxuries in life, but if you don’t have people to walk through life with you, who GENUINELY care about you, you don’t have anything. I without a doubt wouldn’t have made it this far had it not been for my family and close friends. I am beyond blessed by their love, selfless care and compassion on me and the daily struggles I go through.

I learned that life has bumps in the road but you have to adapt to them and move along. By golly, I’m not an expert at this (it’s that Type A, first-born, control freak in me), but if you don’t adapt, you’ll be stuck right where you stopped while everyone else goes about their life.

aheadI won’t pretend that I’m not still hoping for a fairytale romance and that picket fence I mentioned above. I could write a whole post on how much I dislike dating and all that goes along with it, but I’ll spare you. In the meantime, I’ll continue to FIGHT for my dreams and goals, pursue opportunities and be the best person I can be- both in my personal life and in the crafting industry.

28, let’s do this.

Pretty Pink Posh



  1. Well, I look forward to all you have to offer those of us who don’t know you that well. I wish you the best of birthday wishes, now and forever. It’s wonderful to know someone so young, is aware of things it took me another 10 or 15 years to figure out myself.. hehe Prayers for many more wonderful years, and I hope you achieve all your hopes and dreams. God Bless.

  2. Happy Birthday Paulina! Remember it is not what you accomplished in life that makes it worthwhile its how you lived…your kindess, generousity and ability to lift people up. here’s to you and many more wonderful birthdays!!!

  3. Wow, Paulina! I admire you for your strength and insight to push forward, sweetie! Here’s prayers for your future AND your 28th Happy Birthday!! I absolutely love your blog and shop and won’t get my supplies from anyone else because I love your items…better quality! Hang in there!
    Sunshine Sharon

  4. Happy birthday! I am sorry you have to endure pain daily but as you said you are strong and this has made you stronger. God has a plan for all of us. It is probably a good thing we don’t know what it is ahead of time! Have a wonderful day and Celebrate YOU!

  5. Happy Birthday Paulina! Very few people are where they thought they would be in life. Funny how life throws us curve balls and detours. Jesus promises that He will never leave us or forsake us and that gets us through. I can’t tell you if Jesus has a life partner for you or not, but keep praying about it. Hugs to you!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! You should be proud of all you acomplished, there is still plenty of time for the romance and kids. I am almost 43 and I had to start over again 2 1/2 yrs ago when my husband walked out on me and our boys. I thought I had my ljfe all figured out and now I am sorting it all out again!!! But you are very correct that riches are not things, they are the people in your life that love you for you and support you no matter what!!! CHEERS to you on this very special day!!!

  7. Happy, happy birthday, Paulina! You are such am inspiration to so many. Cliche, I know, but your day will come. Two of my daughter’s didn’t marry until well into their 30s. Continue to grow your strength as a tough,confident woman.

  8. Happy, happy Birthday!
    I pray God gives you the desires of your heart according
    to His will. Trust Him each day for the little things and
    you will be blessed.

  9. Pauline, I know you have had more than your fair share of challenges and you have dealt with them in such a courageous way. Believe me when I say, 28 is young! 30 is young! 40 is young! 50 is young! Need I go on? LOL I remember being in my 20’s wanting the same things that you talk about. I met my husband thru a dating service (not online, though I know there have been many success stories). We were 35 at the time, neither married ( busy career people). I didn’t get married until I was 36. So you have a lot of years left to find that perfect dream. Hang in there. It will happen when you least expect it.

  10. What a wonderful post and I can totally relate. I am turning 35 next week and I am still waiting on that “white picket fence” part of life, but I have learned to enjoy the journey life is taking me on and I love every minute of it!

  11. Happy birthday, Paulina. I am a fellow Washingtonian, living in Maple Valley. It’s nice to know that you have risen above your pain and accomplished so much with your life.

  12. Happy Birthday to you, and may this be the best year ever! May all your dreams come true.

  13. Your true love will find you when you least expect it and the time is right! Happy Birthday to you and I hope that year 28 is filled with less pain, more joy and so much love that you are bursting with it! Go eat lots of cake and chocolate because Birthday calories are reversed! Just like if you eat an ice cream cone from the bottom up those are reversed calories! LOL

  14. Happy birthday to you. Wish you all the best and take good care of yourself. 28 is so young and I wish I’m still 28. :) Isn’t it the trend to get married late (say in the 30s)? I kinda miss the days when you wakeup you can just do whatever you want and plan your OWN daily routine without thinking about pickup/dropoff kids, dinner, housework……. Enjoy your good days!

  15. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Paulina!! You are an inspiration, with your spirit and drive and creativity….keep it up!

  16. Paulina, you are still so very young, and beautiful! Things will fall into place, when you least expect them! Thanks for sharing not only your talents, but your personal thoughts! Wish you lived closer, we have a single man in our church that is early 30’s and feels just like you do! Hugs!

  17. Happy Birthday Paulina—you are the same age as my daughter she to has had many health problems that she dealing with and still is not married or children but she to is fine with that. She knows it could be a whole a lot worse. Good luck in the coming year with all your adventures and just think of it this way good things come and happen to people that wait and when you least expect it :). Again many more Happy Birthdays enjoy your special day!

  18. A very happy birthday to you! I think what you’ve accomplished to this point in your life is impressive. As it has so far, I imagine the rest will fall in place when it’s supposed to it. :)

  19. Happy Birthday to a special young lady. You’ve gone through what others haven’t, you’ve learned what others don’t know. I was in a serious accident in Feb. and am learning to walk again and am pushing my hands and arms to stamp and color and cut and make those cards that many friends have always associated with me. It’s hard. I know what you are saying. I respect your pushing yourself to run a business and keep-on going. Thank you for your website and kindnesses.

  20. Happy Birthday Paulina. I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I didn’t get married until I was 37. It was only when I stopped looking that I found my true love. You may feel as though you’re life is passing you by but you are only 28 (nearly) and you have already accomplished so much. I hope you have a wonderful day and things improve in all areas of your life day by day. Hugs Sarah xxx

  21. Happy Birthday to you. And, good for you for being single , having your own business, pursuing your dreams. I was already divorced by age 28. Obviously, I married too young. Take your time and enjoy your life. Your blog brings happiness to many people.

  22. Happy Birthday Paulina! You know as a 38 year old I look at you and what you’ve achieved and wish I’d done more with my life – lol! You’re doing so well. When I was 28 I too thought I’d be married with kids. That didn’t happen until I was almost 33 and now I’m almost 39 and with two kids with one about to start school. You’re so right, you just need to keep moving forward. I’m curious to know what your life has ahead of you and it makes me realise that you can only do what you can to be the best you can. Keep chugging on!

  23. Paulina, from the perspective of 58 yrs. old I can tell you, your 30s will be awesome. You come into yourself so much and stop giving people power in your life. I’m sorry for the bad things that have happened to you but you are so fortunate to have wonderful family and friends. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future!

  24. Happy birthday u are wonderful to have achieved what u have till now, fairy tales do come true, good times r always around. Love ur work

  25. Happy birthday sweet Paulina! You are wise past your gentle years! You are doing just fine, and whatever comes will come. You have such a kind heart and you bring joy to so many people (me included). Take it easy on yourself and be happy – in whatever form that takes. I have the feeling 28 is going to be a great year for you! XOXOXO

  26. Happy Birthday, Paulina. Hope! That is what keeps us appreciating the life we have been given and always looking forward to a better day.

  27. Happy Birthday, Paulina!! It is hard not to look at birthday’s in terms of what we hoped to accomplish but I am glad you are also able to see all that you have accomplished. You are very clear about what is truly important. May the coming year bring you much happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life!!

  28. We’ll be there to keep you company in your 28th year. You are what I now call POSH STRONG. Happy Birthday.

  29. Paulina, it sounds like you have experienced years of life past your age. Take it all and do what you can to best handle it. You must be doing OK because I her in the industry is what a great person you are and that counts for a lot.

    You have time before Mr. Right comes along. The more life experience you have had, the easier it will be for you to figure that he’s the right one.

  30. My life too got flipped upside down and every which way imaginable when I got hit by a DUI behind the wheel of a one ton truck. Life has Not been the same however, I learned to adapt and improvise. It DOES get better! Yes, there ARE still bumps in the road however, one Does get through the bumps, roadblocks and whatever else comes one’s way. Yes, there were many things I had to give up doing (Not by choice!) however, I have found other enjoyable things to take place of what I enjoyed doing before the accident. Arts & Crafts, the simple things in life has been of great help in retaining my Serenity and Sanity. My go to color is Happy Face Yellow along with Good music, PPP, and enjoying God’s creation when I’m feeling down and out from the after effects of the accident. Always remember Adversity IS your friend. It makes us stronger people and prepares one to tackle what’s to come down the road. God Does NOT Give Us More Than We CAN Handle. JAI YO! HUGS!

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