
Polka Dot Paradise Color Challenge

Woohoo, we made it to Friday! Today started out LATE- read: 11:00 am! After my {crazy} week and my late night, I was very happy to sleep in. However, I did feel groggy- I may have gotten too much sleep. Crazy, right?!

After running errands with my brother and sister and chores around the house, I was able to do some crafting. I had lots of fun watching Numbers and making {pretty} cards. Today was definitely a day of random color schemes- none of the cards look the same!

Here is a card that I made for the color challenge at Embellish Magazine. This is definitely not my normal color combination- guess that’s why it’s a CHALLENGE, right?! Of course, when I saw that we had to incorporate polka dots, I knew that I HAD to participate. ;)

More on Embellish Magazine……it’s brand new, so you can start participating from the very beginning! There are some great people involved in this magazine- I couldn’t think of more talented people! The founder, Ashley Cannon Newell, has some amazing cards on her blog. Just judging from her style, I know this magazine is going to be absolutely fantastic. If you get a chance, be sure to stop by Embellish!

Well, that’s all for tonight. I’ll blog again tomorrow!

New Friend

Today was the day that I got to meet Amy Tsuruta! Since we found out we live in the same {small} town, we decided to meet so I could personally give her the Cuttlebug that she won from my blog candy giveaway. Oh goodness, she was just as sweet as I thought she would be and she is SO full of energy! It was fun to chat for a bit and also hear about her crafting future. Amy is so talented and I hope this isn’t the last time we meet!

Here are a few pictures of how I wrapped the Cuttlebug- notice the huge tag I made! Yes, those are snowflakes on the tag….I was thinking since it was such a large present, it would qualify as “Christmas in September”. :)

That’s all for me tonight. I came home from work with a killer headache- hopefully it goes away soon. Have a great rest of the night!

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2 Sketches 4 You- Kazan’s Sketch #35

Yippee! I’m glad I was able to play with Kazan’s 2 Sketches 4 You sketch this week! It was a fairly easy sketch, which always helps with my busy schedule. I absolutely love this color combo- can you tell? I just realized that I did these colors last time I played at 2S4Y!

Have you been able to tell I have made an effort to post on my blog more often? I wanted to post on Monday, but didn’t know if you guys get tired of hearing from me. I figured distance (ie: time) makes the heart grow fonder. :)

I’m still trying to mentally come up with a birthday card for my mom. Time is ticking and I’m starting to get frustrated with myself. I think I’m just going to do a “simple” card and see how that works. Unfortunately, you aren’t able to see it until AFTER her birthday- she reads my blog occasionally!

Well, it’s off to bed I go. One more work day this week, then it’s my weekend! I really have to enjoy this one- come Monday, I’m gonna be crazy busy prepping for my trip to Las Vegas.

‘Night all!

P.S. Be sure to enter the DeNami Design blog giveaway! You could win a $50 gift certificate!


Christmas Spirit

I am starting to get in the Christmas cardmaking spirit BIG TIME. I actually rarely make Christmas cards to hand out to my family and friends…maybe I’ll change it up this year. I am wanting to make some cute, pastel tags- hopefully I can find some wrapping paper to match. If I can, I’ll definitely take pictures!

In the next few weeks, I want to start planning what I’m giving everyone for Christmas. There are a few people that are easy to buy for (ie youngest sister, brothers and a few friends), but then there are others I haven’t the slightest idea what I’ll give them. I’m going to *try* to set a budget this year since I really overdid it last year. I would love to make some handmade gifts this year, but I want them to look nice and be useful, any suggestions?

This weekend I was able to spend time with friends and got LOTS of laughs- an easy way to burn some calories. This upcoming week is my mom’s birthday, so I need to come up with a fab birthday card. If you didn’t get to see the card I made last year, here it is. It was such a labor of love, and of course, I feel like I have to top it this year. I have NO ideas at this point….hopefully I’ll have a burst of inspiration between now and Saturday!
I hope you enjoyed the first set of my Christmas cards! Have a great rest of the night!

Cuttlebug Giveaway Winner

Thank you to all who participated in my Cuttlebug Giveaway! It was so fun to read your comments and also see your fabulous blogs! I know you are all waiting to hear who won, so without further ado, the winner is Amy from Tsuruta Designs!

In case you were wondering how I picked a winner…. since there were quite a few entries (yay!), I went “high tech” and used Random.org to pick the winner. (Oh how I love technology.)

Again, thank you all. I had lots of fun with this giveaway- I’ll be doing more in the future! Who knows, there might be another Cuttlebug in the future…..or maybe even something bigger! ;)

Cuttlebug Giveaway

BLOG CANDY IS CLOSED. Please check back later for some more fun candy!

Okay, it’s the moment you have all been waiting for….*drum roll*….my BIG blog candy!

One lucky winner will get:

1 BRAND NEW Cuttlebug Machine

1 Birds & Swirls Embossing Folder
1 Argyle Embossing Folder

The details:

One comment per person- unless you become/ are a blog follower.

1) Leave a comment ON THIS POST letting me know what your favorite crafting blog is and why.

2) Leave a link on your blog to my giveaway! (If you don’t have a blog, that’s alright, be sure you let your friends know another way! )

3) Leave a way for me to contact you. (ie: blog or email address)

…:::If you become a (public) follower, or already one, you get to leave an additional comment! Just let me know you became/ are a follower!:::…

You have until Sunday, September 13th, 9 AM PST to enter. I will post a winner later that day.

***Unfortunately, because this machine is heavy, I can only ship within the United States. ***



Cleaning Room

Whew, I can’t believe I made it through the week! Even though I only had to work three days, it was so hard to get back into “work mode” after the holiday weekend.

After work I went to Target (one of my favorite stores) and purchased some goodies. Once I got home, I went into my room and felt like it was a complete disaster. Yes, I have been super busy and haven’t had a chance to clean it….but how did it get so messy?! Once I started cleaning, I couldn’t stop! I cleaned under my bed, in drawers, shelves, pretty much everything I could. I have a huge load of laundry (including sheets and blankets) that need to be washed, and I also have a couple bags that need to go to the garbage. I tend to be a fairly tidy person, how did this disarray happen? I think over the years my need for everything to be perfect is slowly fading- I must have that stop! Thankfully, I had fun cleaning since I did it with my sister and we were being goofy while listening to music. Oh how I love my sister! :) I think I’ll treat her to something yummy tomorrow- she IS the sugar queen!

I gotta get these items washed and put away. Have a wonderful night! Oh, and in case you haven’t done it yet, be sure to sign up for my blog candy! There are only 3 days left- make sure you tell your friends and post it on your blog!!

ABC’s of Me- Take 2

Available or taken? Available, and not really enjoying that fact.
Best Friend? Kalyn
Cake or Pie? Pie. Give me a banana cream pie and I’m good for hours! :)
Drink of choice? At the moment I am horribly obsessed with Sugar Free Raspberry Italian Sodas. Hey, at least they are sugar free!
Essential item for every day use? Make-up. I look like a zombie without it.
Favorite color? PINK! Did you really need to ask?!
Google? Yes.
Hometown? Seattle, Washington.
Indulgences? Sweets and pedicures!
January or February? February. Reminds me that love is still alive and gives me hope that it’ll come to me! :)
Kids and their names? No kids at the moment.
Life is incomplete without? Family and friends.
Marriage date? TBD
Number of siblings? 2 sisters + 2 brothers= 4 goofy siblings
Oranges or apples? Apples! I especially love Fuji Apples.
Phobias and fears? I have a phobia of a certain word, but I’m not going to write it! I didn’t realize it was a phobia until a few weeks ago. I also have the fear of being paralyzed.
Quote for the day? God does not give you more than you can handle.
Reason to smile? My brothers.
Season? I used to say it was summer, but I’m really starting to enjoy fall. I love wearing scarves and sweaters, and reading by the fireplace is always a delight.
Tag 3 people?
Eva at Foster Family Fun
Sarah at designs by *Sarah Martina*
Wendy at Created by Wendy

Unknown fact about me? I was once engaged.
Vegetable you hate? Brussels sprouts and eggplant
Worst habit? Biting my nails.
X-rays you’ve had? Dental and a few other boring ones. So glad that I don’t need them often!  
Your fave food? I like so many things….do I really need to chose one?!
Zodiac sign? Cancer.

Everyday Purple Mini Kit

Happy Wednesday to all of you! I hope you’ve made it through the week alright….I know it’s been hard to get back on schedule after the holiday weekend. This morning I heard my alarm at 6:10 am (normal time), and decided I would get a few more minutes of sleep. Fast forward 47 minutes….I literally JUMPED out of bed and scrambled to find clothes and quickly put on make-up. Yes, even though I was running late, I still had to put on make-up. Believe me, you do NOT want to see me without it. I left the house at 7:15 (I’m supposed to leave no later than 7:00), and still had enough time to get donuts for my co-workers and got to work with 20 minutes to spare. How is this possible? I have no idea. ;)

These past few days I have been busy coming up with different mini card kits. I know a lot of people would like to make their own cards but don’t have the creativity, time or possibly not the right elements. After fiddling around with different ideas, I came up with a cute and yet simple card kit. The mini kit provides enough embellishments for two cards- all for the great price of $3.25! All you need to have is some plain cardstock, adhesive and another other embellishments or stamps you may want to add, and you have two fabulous cards in minutes!

I’m hoping these will be popular so I’ll be able to come up with more kits. It was so much fun to create these sets! At the moment, I have FIVE of this mini kit listed in my Etsy store. Depending on how well they do, I may add more in the future.

Let me know your thoughts, or if you have suggestions for future kits. I’m thinking Thanksgiving and Christmas cards are next. ;)


Two for the Price of One

Lately, I have been on this kick to try and use up some of my scraps. Goodness knows I have way too many of them! I’m totally loving this style of card lately- you can mix and match colors, add different patters AND use up scraps! It’s the perfect Paulina card! :)

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I rarely use purple. I wasn’t too sure if I liked this card, but it has started to grow on me. However, whenever I look at it, I think of Barney (ie same colors).
After much time away, I have finally posted new items to my Etsy store. I was in the Etsy chat room and a person suggested I make kits. I was already thinking of doing this- do you think it’s a good idea? I think I’ll make a few and see if they even sell. :)
Today was my first day back at work after a 5 day weekend. Oh goodness, it was SO hard to wake up! Even though I was busy at work, I couldn’t help but think that I needed a few more days of vacation. I’m glad that it’s a short week- I’m already looking forward to the weekend!
I’m gonna wrap this up. I’ve had a horrid headache for the last 2 days, hopefully I can kick it soon!