Las Vegas Part 3

Yippeeee! It’s finally the start of my weekend! After my business trip and jumping back into work, I’m SO ready for a little R & R. First on my list: to unpack my suitcase and clean my room! I think unpacking is the worse thing ever-I think I detest it even more than cleaning the bathroom! I hate having lots of laundry to wash and then having to put it all away! Thankfully, I don’t have another trip for six weeks….

Here is a picture of Wendy and I in front of the booth. Oh goodness, I have no idea what I would have done had Wendy not been there. While we were setting up (in 100 degree weather!), I got really dyhydrated and nearly passed out. Needless to say, in between the trips to the restroom and having to sit for long periods of time, I wasn’t too much help. Even though this was Wendy’s first show, she handled it like a pro and was a lifesaver!
*Side note: Wendy has an AMAZING post for Dawn’s color challenge- you must check it out!*

This next picture is with Maria of It’s Cheaper Than Therapy. Yes, that is really the name of their company. :) I had the privilege of standing near their booth. Let me tell ya, Maria is one amazing saleswoman. After hearing her tell one person after another how versatile The Big Shot was, I caved and bought one. I know, I know, I’m supposed to be saving money….I’m serious, this lady could sell you snow in Alaska! If you are ever in need of any Sizzix or Spellbinders, ICTT is the place to go. I haven’t bought any dies yet- I’m still trying to decide what I want! Anything I “must have”?

Well, I’m off to get my craft on. Be back later!

Las Vegas Part 2

Hello my dear blog friends! Hope you had a great Wednesday! Any plans for the weekend? I’m really hoping that I can get some crafting in…it’s been over a week! Right before my trip I got a box of goodies- I’m DYING to play with them!

These pictures are right in front of the Bellagio. For Vegas newbies, they have a water show every 15 minutes….it is truly spectacular. They have music playing and the fountains “dance” to the music. We watched a total of 8 shows- yes, we were there for 2 hours! Both my mom and I were truly mesmerized by the amazing waterworks. If you go to Vegas, you NEED to check it out. I was amazed at how many people gather for these shows….if you look around, you will see all sorts of people. We saw some people dressed up in fairy outfits, Batman, the Joker and then of course, you see all kinds of other people.

Well, that’s all for tonight. I’ll be posting cards soon, I promise!


Las Vegas Part 1

As promised, here is a post with pictures from Las Vegas. I have quite a few…be prepared to see a few days worth. :)

This first picture was taken right in front of the Bellagio hotel/casino. Isn’t it gorgeous?! If (very, very slight chance) I ever go back to Vegas, it would be so cool to stay here! I’m sure it costs quite a bit, but a girl can dream, right?

On the ceiling in the lobby entrance, there was a Chihully display. It was so stunning! There were so many gorgeous displays at the Bellagio, it was hard not to take pictures of everything! (Honestly, I wanted to take a picture of the bathroom, but I didn’t think that would be appropriate.)

In the atrium, there was a fabulous fall display. My friend, Wendy, said that they change the display every few months….I can’t imagine what it looks like in the spring! For this display, they had tons of pumpkins, squash, fall flowers and this creepy tree man. :)

This was the display that was behind the registration desk. It’s a little hard to see from the picture, but there are huge pumpkins and other fall decorations surrounding the lion statue.

In closing, here were some of the stunning chandeliers near the atrium. Can you imagine them in person? It really was a sight to remember.

I’ll be back soon with more pictures!


Classic Christmas

Hey girlies! Here I am writing from Vegas again. This weekend has been full of interesting things, to say the least. Today is the last day of the show, and then we are going to be tearing down the booth. If you come and visit today, be sure to say hello and that you read my blog!

Today I originally planned to show you the submission I did for the Embellish Magazine publication call…however, I think I read “the call” wrong! I used blue, but not turquoise or light blue! I’m so mad at myself now…all the time of typing out instructions and the supply list, and also putting the card together. I guess that will teach me to READ the instructions carefully next time. I was super excited to show you all since this was my very first submission. I will show you the card….eventually. :)

I can’t wait to show you the pictures from Vegas- I got a lot of good ones. I’m gonna forwarn you, there will be a few posts of pictures- too many for one post! In closing, I have a question for you. Have you been to Vegas? If so, what was your favorite part? If you haven’t been to Vegas, would you ever want to?

Take care, and I’ll talk with you soon!


No Place Like Home

Happy Friday from Las Vegas! I hope you had a great week and that you have some fun plans for the weekend.

Yesterday we (my mom and I) took an early flight to Las Vegas. We left our house at 4:30am, and flew out at 6:20. This was the first time that I took an early flight. Oh wow, I did not know how busy the airport was that early! We were standing in the security clearance line for appoximately 20 minutes. My mom and I were noticing all the different travelers, and some of the people who looked like they just rolled out of bed. We had a great flight and landed in Vegas at 8:45. We were hoping to check into our hotel early, but there was an extra charge. We ended up going to several different casinos, stores and walked the “Miracle Mile Shops”. I’ll write more about this later…along with pictures. :)

Right now we are relaxing in the hotel room waiting to set-up for the show. We are staying at a nice hotel that is quiet AND non-smoking. I knew that Vegas was loud, but didn’t realize how loud. After walking only 30 minutes, I got a horrible headache that lasted ALL DAY. I took tylenol and took a nap, but nothing would make it go away. Thankfully I’m back to normal {or as normal as I’m going to get}.

In closing, these cards are my first set of A1 size cards. I absolutely LOVE this size- it’s perfect for a little note! I’m hoping to do a craft fair this year, so these are some of the ones that I’m hoping to sell. Have you sold at a craft fair before? Any tips or suggestions?

I’ll write again soon. Have a fab day!


Sending You Love

Right now I’m looking at an empty suitcase and have the sudden urge to cry. I think it’s the dreaded hormones….yuck! Hopefully I can pull it together, get some energy, pack this suitcase and relieve some of this stress {quickly}!

Yesterday I came to the realization that I need to lose weight. Yes, I already knew this and was kinda, sorta doing it. I’ve been getting lazy, and it’s really beginning to show. Why is losing weight so hard?! My goal was to lose 15-20 lbs by the end of the year. Sadly, I haven’t lost any of it! With the holidays coming up, I’m scared that I’m going to gain even more weight and that will NOT be good. Any tips?

This card I originally made for the Eat Sleep Stamp: Sketchy Thursday #52. I made this one first and then I did the Christmas one. Since they were SO similar, I didn’t think I should submit them both. I asked all my family members and the Christmas one got the most votes. :) Which one do you like better?

Well, hopefully I can snap out of this grumpy mood. Seriously, who tells people when they are grumpy?! Oh yes…..I do. :)


Pink Balloons

This card makes me so happy- I just love the light and bright pink buttons! Add the polka dots and scallops, and this card screams “made by Paulina”! I actually made this card way back in July, just never got around to posting it. I seriously have TONS of cards you have never seen, and some you will never even get to see! (The ugly ones are not worthy of your views.) Do you ever make a card and it turns out horribly? What do you do with them? I’m thinking they will go to my brothers….they like giving cards and aren’t too picky on the way they look.

I just got some new products from DeNami Design– can’t wait to play with them! After work tomorrow I need to pack, and then I leave for the airport around 4AM on Thursday. I’m guessing that you won’t see these products for at least a week, maybe two. Once I post them, I’ll let you know which products are new…’re gonna ♥ them!

I’m gonna get going, it was a long day. *hugs*

Sweet Birthday Wishes

Happy Monday to you all! Hope you had a fab weekend- what all did you do? Yesterday my friends, sisters and I went to the local fair. Oh goodness, it normally only takes 30 minutes to get to the fair, but yesterday it took two hours! It seems like EVERYONE in Washington decided to go! It was crazy, to say the least.

Above is the card that I made for my mom. It wasn’t nearly as elaborate as I wanted, but it is “her” colors and she loves her polka dots. :) I wasn’t too sure of this color combination at first, but now I really like it.

Today was crazy busy at work. Since I’m going to be gone on my business trip, I want to make sure we get everything out of production and shipped off. In between the incoming shipments, paper work, outgoing shipments and the day-to-day tasks, I’m going to have my work cut out for me. The rest of the days this week, I will NOT wear heels. I made that mistake today and my feet were dying. I actually took my shoes off and was walking around in my socks!

In closing, I want to thank you all for your sweet comments lately. It warms my heart to read all of them- I really love hearing from you and knowing that I’m not just sending this off into cyberspace. :)

Toodles, girlies!

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Sketchy Thursday #52- Take One

As promised, here is another Christmas card! Aren’t these DeNami Design chickies adorable?! Everytime that I used them, I can’t help but smile! :)

This card is based off the sketch from Eat Sleep Stamp: Sketchy Thursday #52. My friend, Amy, told me about this site and how they are celebrating their first year of sketches. Basically, if they can get 52 people to participate in the sketch, they will give one lucky winner a $52 gift card to a fab site! (You can even choose the place!) Be sure to check it out, and also spread the word! How great would it be to get a gift card and go on a shopping spree?!

Hope you all had a great Saturday! I plan on doing a little blog hopping and then I’m headed to bed. Tomorrow I’m heading out to the local fair- it’s so much fun, especially when you go with friends! I see yummy scones, corn on the cob and various other amazing food items in my future.

That’s all for today- you got two blog posts in one day! How amazing is that?!

Sweetheart Bicycle

These past few days I have been a cardmaking factory! I have been stamping non-stop, so I’m going to have lots of cards to share with you all! As you all know, I’ve been trying to go outside my comfort zone and try out new techniques, color combos and layouts that I haven’t done before. In this card, I made my own striped background and used a fun color combo- what do ya think of it?

Above is the bicycle stamp from the “Everyday Button Bits” stamp set. This is the first time I have used it, so I’m not sure if I really like it or not. Any thoughts?

I’ll have another post later today- be sure to check back! I’ll be featuring some DeNami Design chickies….you don’t want to miss it!