
Classic Holiday Greetings

Sunday greetings, dear friends! I hope you all had a fab weekend!

I’m just about to head to bed, but I wanted to share a card that I made yesterday. As you can probably tell, I’ve been on a holiday kick. In between Thanksgiving and Christmas, you’ll be seeing lots of different color schemes and styles. :)

These past few weeks I have been obsessed with stamping my own polka dot backgrounds. I love playing with all the different tone-on-tone inks, and also trying to make the polka dots look aligned. Have I been succeeding?

Hope you enjoyed this simple, sweet and short post! My comfy bed is calling my name. It’s gonna be another crazy week at work….I’ll post when I can!

Stamps: Small Solid Circle, Vintage Labels, Signature Christmas
Paper: Red, Cream, Brown Kraft, Spring Moss, Dark Chocolate
Ink: Vintage Sepia Versafine, Satin Red Versafine, Tea Dye Duo
Other: Martha Stewart double scallop border punch, ivory grosgrain ribbon, decorative pearls


Circle Card Color Challenge

I need to get a Cricut cartridge that makes circle cards….it’s too hard doing it any other way. I followed the instructions from the Embellish Magazine website to make a circle card using two circle die cuts. Their sample looked phenomenal, but I don’t think mine looks all that great. Even though I’m not completely thrilled with my finished product, I figured I should show you since it did take me a little while. :)

I love how fun and funky circle cards are- you never see them at the stores! It was nice to play with a different card shape for a change. Have you participated in this challenge yet? You still have time to get in on this fun!

I’m on baby-sitting duty, so I need to make sure the kiddos are in bed. (Don’t worry, I type fast, so I haven’t been “away” for too long. :)

‘Night blog friends!

Stamps: Fancy Flourishes, Damask Designs
Paper: White, Dark Chocolate, Spring Moss, Bitty Dots Basics
Ink: Vintage Sepia, Spring Moss
Other: Aqua Mist and Spring Moss buttons, Cricut Expression


A Note of Thanks

Wow, today is such a gorgeous fall day. It’s a little chilly outside, but the air is crisp which puts a hop into every one’s step. Today was the first day I wore a scarf- oh how I love them! I have so many different colors, lengths, styles….is it weird that I plan my outfits around my scarves?

I made this card several weeks ago….when I first started getting into the “fall mood”. I love these colors together! My silly scanner doesn’t allow for rounded corners to turn out very well…in real life, the corners are PERFECTLY round! :) I was thinking of making place cards for Thanksgiving with these colors- wouldn’t that look scrumptious? If I do end up making them, I’ll be sure to post the finished product(s).

Today I MUST clean my bedroom. Since I have been on the go a lot, I haven’t had any time to straighten my room. My poor bed and four (yes, four) loads of clean laundry need to be attended to.

I should get going. So much to do, so little time. I would love to play with my new Spellbinder dies today….hopefully I’ll get to soon!

Stamps: Mini Polka Dot, Medium Double Circle, Autumn stamp set, Damask Designs, Background Basics:Retro, Mega Mixed Messages
Paper: White, Brown Kraft, Dark Chocolate, Spring Moss, Bitty Dots Basics, Bitty Box Basics
Ink: Vintage Sepia, Satin Red, Toffee, Summer Sunrise, Tea Dye Duo
Other: Brown satin ribbon, 2″ scallop circle punch, Red button, twine, corner rounder


Whismsical Thanksgiving card

Hello blog friends! I hope your week is going well…we have made it to the middle! :) Anything new, interesting or exciting going on in your life?

On Monday I had my first paid personal training session. Oh goodness, I am STILL sore! Tonight I have another one…I think we’re going to work on legs today….yikes! I am loving that I can start to see results already. If you follow my Tweets, you know that I’ve been trying to eat healthy snacks- not always an easy task. Lately I’ve been eating a ton of oatmeal, salads, apples and yogurt. Not exactly filling, but it does the trick. Any healthy, filling snacks you can recommend?

I’m super excited to show you this Thanksgiving card. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out. I’m not gonna lie, I was super surprised that I made this card…lately I have been surprising myself! Aren’t these colors and patterns delicious? I haven’t ever handed out Thanksgiving cards, but that might change this year.

Well, I need to get going. Until next time, enjoy this gorgeous fall weather…don’t forget the scarves and gloves! :)

It’s My Blogversary

I made it! I have officially blogged for a year! Granted, I wasn’t always consistent, but I DID carry it out. I feel like I should do something special, but I’m out of ideas, and also low on $$. Since I recently did the BIG Cuttlebug blog candy, I think I’ll have to wait a little bit to do another big thing. I’m already starting to think of ideas though….if you want to add a suggestion, be sure to let me know! ;)

Thanks to all of you who have followed my blog and those who leave sweet comments & compliments! I don’t think I will ever tire of reading comments. If anything, they are just feeding my appetite for more! LOL Keep them coming, they make blogging that much more fun!


Have a great day!


Raspberry Color Challenge #17- Take 3

Yes, I know, I know, I have already participated in Dawn’s color challenge TWICE already. If it’s worth anything, this one is my favorite….I wish I had come up with this card first! Here is another card that I made for Tawsha’s newsletter. Can’t you just imagine a bride giving this to the photographer, caterer or wedding planner? I think it’s so fun and whimsical, and yet it’s simple and elegant.

Okay, that’s all for today….even though I have a ton of other cards I could show you, I think I’ll spread them out over a few days. Gotta keep you coming back for more, right? :)

Pastel Flourish card

Happy Sunday! Today I am thoroughly looking forward to taking my Sunday nap! :) It really seems to jump start my week, and definitely puts me in a good mood.

Like I mentioned in the last post, I have been designing cards for someone who owns a business, a wedding business. I met Tawsha via Twitter, and we really seem to hit it off. She is such a sweetie and hopefully I can meet her one of these days! :) Anyhow, getting back to the story….she has seen several of the cards that I post on my Etsy and wondered if I ever did anything wedding related. I usually tend to stay away from that occasion- I never seem to like any of my wedding items. She left it open for me to design place cards, thank you cards, etc., so I had an array of different things to choose from. I decided to try some thank you cards geared towards bridesmaids (ie: girly, pretty, elegant). I had so much fun designing/ making these cards- stretched myself and went out of my comfort zone. I did a bunch of new color combos that I think turned out delicious. You’ll see more of them in the coming days!

Did you create lots of cards for World Card Making Day? I got LOTS of cardmaking in which was really awesome. However, I used a bunch of cardstock….might be time to buy some more…..


Embellish Magazine Submission

Hey girlies! Happy World Card Making Day to you! Any fun plans? Hopefully it’ll involve some paper crafting! :) I know I have lots planned for today….I’m so excited!

I am finally posting the card that I submitted for the Embellish Magazine publication call. Yes, this is the one that I did not read correctly. I had Aqua Mist ribbon I could have used too! I guess my “speedy reading” has finally caught up to me.

Right now I am working on some pretty fab cards- can’t wait to show you! I had someone approach me to design some cards for her business newsletter- I nearly squealed with delight! I’m going to be focusing on elegant thank you cards. It’s been so much fun, and the owner is such a sweetie. I’ll fill you in on all the details when I have them!

That’s it for now. Gonna get ready to hit the gym. While I may not achieve my goal of losing 15-20 pounds this year, I’m gonna do my best to lose as many as I can! :)


Raspberry Color Challenge #17- Take 2

As you can see from the title, here is my second take of Dawn’s color challenge. I really didn’t like the first card, and I’m not entirely thrilled with this second one either….what is wrong with me?! I need my creativity to kick in soon….lots of deadlines. (I’ll post more about this when I can.)

I know this is super short, but I have to finish dinner and get working on some projects.

Have a great night!


Raspberry Color Challenge #17

Can you believe it?! You get two posts in a day! When I first saw Dawn’s color challenge, I thought it would be a piece of cake….until I started working on it. I think my creative mojo is all gone- I have no new ideas! Hopefully once I make a few more cards, I’ll get some of my creativity back.
As of today, I’m going to be on a budget for my stamping supplies. I have NEVER been on one before, so this is going to be really hard. Any tips? I still need to figure out how much I’m going to allow myself to spend…..not looking forward to it!
That’s all for me tonight. I think the week has just caught up to me. I see a sugar-free raspberry italian soda in my immediate future. :) ‘Night!