Is Summer Over?

Hello blog friends! Hope all is well with you and that you have been enjoying the last bit of summer. This morning I got an email from Wendy and she mentioned her kiddos were going back to school today! I don’t know if it’s because I’m no longer in school or because I haven’t had a vacation yet- it doesn’t seem like summer is supposed to be over! I have noticed the “Back to School” sales but it still hasn’t registered in my mind.

Right now I’m gearing up for my HUGE blog candy. When I say huge I don’t mean it’s a ton of stuff-it’s a nice BIG piece of candy. :) It’s so hard for me to keep secrets…I need to figure out the details of the candy and then hurry up and post this. Let’s just say I have heard nothing but good about this particular product and I don’t even have one yet! Yes, I could have kept this for myself but I wanted to share with all of my beloved blog friends. Keep checking back for more details!

I made this card about six weeks ago. Yes, I know I have been horrible about posting my cards lately. Honestly, I haven’t done much stamping in the past month so I haven’t been motivated to blog or even list on Etsy. Last night I got an email from my sweet Etsy friend requesting three of this particular card. It was so fun to get back into the stamping mode and get my stamp on. However, before I do any more stamping, I MUST clean up the stamping area- it’s a complete disaster! I really need to get some sheleves or something…all the embellishments are taking over the table and that’s not a good thing! I love the Making Memories embellishment center but it’s so expensive. I have lots of the Making Memories jars for my buttons and I also have TONS of ribbons. Anyone have suggestions?

Well, I must scoot. If you have any organization tips, I would appreciate it! I would also love to hear you guesses on my blog candy! :)


Thinking of You and Losing My Mind

Let me start out saying, thank goodness the weather is cooler! It’s slowly becoming a “Seattle Summer” again. However, it seems like it’s been a lot more humid than normal….anyone else think so?

Tonight I am packing for one of my favorite stamp shows of the year- Stampaway! If I could chose just one show to attend, this would be the one. With so many fabulous vendors, the great promoter and the friendly people, you can’t go wrong. This year, we are flying in a day early- hopefully I can do some shopping in my down time!

Since I knew I wouldn’t be in the office the rest of the week, I tried to get everything done so I wouldn’t have a pile of work waiting for me. I got almost everything completed- yay! However, once I was nearly home, I forgot some IMPORTANT things that needed to come to the show. Is my memory really that bad, or is it because I have too much crammed into this brain? I’m hoping it’s the latter…it would be sad if my memory is already going.

I made this card a few weeks back. I just love the colors, and the DeNami Design buttons are irrisistable! I originally made this card to put on my Etsy shop, but decided to someone who is going through a hard time. I rarely send cards via snail mail anymore- I really want to get back into that habit.

Well, there is still much packing to be done. I’ll try to post pictures when I come back!


You’re So Sweet

When I got the Cupcake Collection set, I knew I wanted to add lots of glitter to the cupcakes- who could resist glittery cupcakes?! I love how this card came out…it has all the components of a perfect card- polka dots, glitter and buttons! I normally don’t use yellow, but I made a really cute bridal shower card using yellow, and it inspired me to use it more often. I’m *trying* to go outside my comfort zone and use colors I don’t normally use. (You’ll see that in future posts.)

Today it looks like it’s going to be another HOT day. I’m helping with the set up of a show this weekend….I really hope they turn on the A/C! In between lifting boxes, going in and out of the heat, and setting up the booth, I’m bound to look like a mess tonight. Hot weather + Paulina= not a good combo.

Well, it’s off to get a blackberry smoothie before the busy day. Yummy! With this ridiculously hot weather, have you been eating/ drinking things you don’t normally?

Lastly, this card is dedicated to all of you blog followers, and those who leave me sweet comments. You guys are the best! :)


Heat Wave

If you’ve read my blog for a while, you know that I can’t get enough buttons! I have so many jars, it’s quite ridiculous. However, I DO use them so I have to replenish, and then new colors come out….it’s an ongoing cycle that I do not foresee ending in the near future.

This card features the new set by Papertrey Ink called Everyday Button Bits- such a cute set. I’ve made lots of cards using several of the designs- I just need to scan them in and post! Alas, time seems to be the problem, as usual. I’m hoping that come September, life will slow down a bit and I’ll be able to find a routine again.

This past week has been SCORCHING hot! With work being so busy, I have had to help out in the warehouse- can you say unbearable heat?! We had all of the fans going and we limited the machine use, but with temperatures in the 100’s, you couldn’t really bypass the heat. Thankfully, it’s supposed to slowly cool down in the next week or so.

Well, I’m going to enjoy some moments of relaxation while I sit in front of the fan. :)

Night, girlies!


It’s My Birthday!

I’m not gonna lie, I’m so surprised that I have 28 people following me on my blog! Thank you to all who follow, and also to those who leave comments! I love reading what you have to say! When I see comments, it’s really motivates me to post more often- so keep them coming!

This card was really easy to make- my kind of card! As you can tell, I cannot get enough buttons! Nami from DeNami Design has made a GORGEOUS button bracelet- I’m hoping she’ll make one for me so I can show it off. ;) *another hint*

So, today is my birthday….and I went to the doctor! As I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t been feeling too great. This dreaded nausea and dizziness will not leave! Went to have blood taken today, so hopefully we’ll get to the root of the problem. I’ll keep ya posted! But back to my birthday….My sister and my friend, Ginny, planned a surprise birthday party for me. My sister kept on persisting on taking me to coffee- even though I wasn’t feeling that great. I finally gave in and went with her (reluctanctly). We got to the (best!) coffee shop, Cutters Point, and I was looking at the board when a BUNCH of people yelled “surprise”! Let me tell ya, I was completely shocked- I had NO clue that anything was planned. They had a whole day of fun planned for my special day. We started at Cutters Point, then headed to the bowling alley and finished it off at Olive Garden. It was such a fun day, with many wonderful friends.

In conclusion, I want to thank my followers and also my friends. I feel incredibly blessed.


Rain in the Summer?

No, thank goodness the title isn’t true….yet. You never know though, I DO live in Seattle!

This card features lots of new stamps from DeNami Design. I just LOVE their new umbrella chickie stamps- so much fun to stamp and perfect for people who live in Washington! This card is pretty basic, but it has super fun colors. Can anyone say Singin’ In The Rain?? Hmm….may have to watch that movie in the near future- it’s been ages!

I know this is a short post, but I think you come here for card ideas rather than me rambling!
I’m off to take a nap- sleeping is the only guaranteed time for me to not be dizzy! I left a message for the doctor, so hopefully I can get a visit in early next week. If you think of it, prayers would be most welcome on my behalf. This is my birthday weekend, but it feels anything but special.


Starlets, Paper Flowers and More!

First of all, can I apologize for being such a bad blogger? In all honesty, I have been super busy and just haven’t had a chance to post.

Here is my first card featuring the new DeNami Design collection. This was a really great collection- there is something for everyone! From cute, fuzzy chickies to elegant poinsettias, you will find something to fall in love with. I absolutely LOVE their new buttons– they are of such a great quality and the colors are FABULOUS! Be sure to check them out!

To find out how to make some fantastic, easy flowers visit Dawn McVey’s tutorial here. I was thinking they would be hard, but it was really easy and it only took a few minutes! If you end up trying it out, be sure to send me the link to your card! I would love to see your creation!

I’m off. I have been feeling pretty miserable all week and I even had to leave work early today since I was (and still am) feeling dizzy. :( If you think of it, prayers would be most appreciated!


Just Because

Do you ever feel so busy you just want to curl up in bed and not do anything? That was me last week. I had so many different deadlines and felt like nothing was going as planned. Thankfully, everything got done and I have been able to relax….a little. Because of my busyness, I haven’t had a chance to post to my blog as often as I would like. Just know that I love you all dearly and will post as often as I can.

Here’s a card that I made a while back. I really love this color combination- these colors would be perfect for a guy card! This card was so easy to make, and I actually like the end result! (Usually when it comes to easy cards, I don’t like how they turn out.)

Last weekend, I stamping like a mad woman for the design team I am on. Honestly, I got so frustrated, I almost cried. I hate it when my brain doesn’t want to be creative and I come up with mediocre cards. Thankfully, I am not the only person on the DT and the others had some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G cards. *whew*

Okay, well that’s all for me right now. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Baby Girl card

Here is my first card using the PaperTrey Anniversary set. I looked high and low for this set….it was so hard to find! I bid on four different auctions via Ebay, but I was always outbid. These sets were going for at least $36! After a while I had given up hope. The other day I was on the Papertrey forum and saw that someone was offering up a new one for sale. I immediately contacted the lady, but I figured it had already sold since it had been a few hours. I was so surprised when she emailed back saying that the set was still available and she had set it aside for me! She was such a sweetheart, and she wasn’t in it to make a huge profit. I got the set for such a reasonable price- I almost felt guilty! So if you’re reading this, thank you Mindy!

I stamped all weekend creating cards for the company I am on the design team for. I don’t know if my creativity is gone or what, but it was so hard to come up with ideas! I made seven cards so far, but I still have quite a few I need to make. I’m hoping that the cards start to flow….I need to get this finished! In the next few weeks I’ll be able to post what I came up with. Until then, they are “top secret!” :D

This past week I sold five things on Etsy, which made me really happy. I’m hoping that the sales keep on coming…it’s so exciting to create and see results!

Thank you all for your sweet comments. You know I love hearing your feedback!


Raspberry Suite Color Challenge #8

Oh my goodness, can you say stunning?! I LOVE Dawn’s colors this week- I had to play along! This is one color combination that I know I will use again in the future. It was so fun & easy!

I love my new stamp set additions- Green Thumb and Bird Watching Additions. Lately my new kick has been birds. Can’t. Get. Enough! Both of the sets I have from Melissa (BWA and Wishing You) are AMAZING! They are so versatile and fun! As usual, I’m already checking out what other sets I need. I just bought a PTI Anniversary set from a person who had an extra….SO excited to play with it. I’ll be sure to show you samples!

Well, I must call it a night. I’ve been working a lot lately and I need my beauty sleep. (We all know I need it!)

Thanks for stopping by! Can’t wait to see all of your beautiful creations.