Mothers Day cards

Can you tell what my new favorite set is? Yup, it’s Wishing You! Hopefully you all love it as much as I do- you’re going to be seeing it a lot! :) I knew I needed to get some Mothers Day cards up on my Etsy shop, pronto! I looked at the calender earlier today and couldn’t believe how fast May is sneaking up on us. Sadly, in less than a month, my “baby brother” will be nine….*cue the sad music*

Last night I went to an engagement party for my good friend, Steph. It was such a joyous occasion- they had been dating for quite a while. I am SO happy for the couple and cannot wait to see what’s in store for them. I’m already starting to think of what I want the wedding card to look like! Thankfully, I have some time to get it perfect. :) I have yet to make a wedding card that I am truly proud of- hopefully this will be the one!

Well, that’s a wrap for me tonight. Be sure to check out my Etsy shop if you’re in need of a Mothers Day card, or any other cards! I’ll be posting more soon.

Tulips Galore

Don’t you just love spring? I love the sunshine, flowers and of course, wearing flipflops & big sunglasses! When I first saw this set from Melissa, I fell in love. Who could resist that gorgeous tulip set?! After seeing all of her A-M-A-Z-I-N-G samples, I instantly put the set into my shopping cart. Also, have you seen Dawn’s set? The Scattered Showers set is SO fun! I saw this fabulous idea on Debbie’s blog post– isn’t it genius? I love how this card turned out. Isn’t this a fun color combo? As you can tell, I’m just addicted to pearls at the moment-I’m already on my second pack! I think they add so much elegance to a card. Yes, I still like rhinestones, don’t worry.

I have been on the go a TON lately, so it was so nice to be able to relax and stamp for a while. Granted, I watched more “Monk” than I actually stamped…but I still had fun.

Well, it’s off to bed I go. Let me know what you think of my new sets!

First Etsy Listings

I finally did it…. I listed my first items on Etsy! You can find my store here. I’ll be working on adding some more things before the end of the week. Any requests?
These two cards were the first few that I listed. (The top one has already sold.) I love both of these color combinations- same stamps, but such a stark contrast! You may recognize the design from this previous post.
Hate to cut this short, but I have been staying up much too late these past few nights. I’ve been doing some research on marketing, and of course I have been blog hopping and trying to squeeze in some stamp time. I actually had to get some more supplies today- I have already used my whole package of decorative pearls!
Oh, one more thing, BLOG CANDY coming very soon! I have gradually been getting some fun goodies- I think y’all will enjoy it! :)

Happy Friday

Have I told you recently how much I ♥ Fridays? I think they are my most favorite day of the week (Just not this upcoming Friday- have to go to the dentist!). Today I was able to spend a LOT of time with my adorable brothers, made dinner and made quite a few cards. Oh, and I also just posted my first things on Etsy! :) I have no idea if they will sell, but it’s worth a shot, right? My Etsy store can be found here.

Tomorrow, if it’s sunny, we are are planning on going to the zoo. I haven’t been there in ages! It’ll be fun to take my brothers- they have been wanting to go for a while. In fact, I have to cut this short so I can look up directions and see what time they open!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend.


2 Sketches 4 You- Kazan’s Sketch #24

Seems like it’s been a while since I have done a challenge…I HAVE been stamping, but nothing very exciting or blog worthy. :) This is my take on Kazan’s sketch. I have loved using the PTI Guidelines stamp set- can you tell from this post or this post? It’s so easy to use, and there are so many possibilites! Granted, I am horrible at doing the actual lines….I need to get a bigger block- I can only stamp a little at a time!

This morning I woke up to snow. Can I say once again that I’m tired of snow?? I am SO ready for flipflops and sunglasses- I’m over the sweatshirts and scarves! Okay, I really don’t mind them, but I WOULD like some sun!

Oh, I have to tell you all about my new obsession. Twitter. I have no idea why I like it so much, it’s only little updates on people! Do you have one? If so, leave your username so I can look you up!

Snow….in April

The title says it all. Why is there snow in April?! I know that April showers bring May flowers- what does snow bring? I am so over the snow….we have had more than enough this year!

This card was super easy to make- in fact, I made two! I love how versatile this card is. All you need to do is change up the sentiment, and you had a fabulous, hearthfelt card! As you can tell, I’m OBSESSED with all things rounded. I have used a corner rounder before but never this much! I love how it can make a card feel “softer” and more subtle. Speaking of things rounded, I just got the Stampin’ Up scallop border punch- I can’t wait to use it!! I also got another punch, but haven’t decided how I’m going to use it yet. It’s definitely not my normal type of punch- I think you will all be proud that I’m going outside my comfort zone! :)

Well, I’m off to do some stamping and watch some more Monk. I just bought the second season, and I’m half way through already!


Guidelines Love

I hope you all have a very blessed day with your family and friends. Remember, it’s not about the candy, easter eggs, bunnies or ham…it’s about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He did for us!

How yummy are these colors together? I used the Papertrey Guidelines & Mega Mixed Messages stamp set- both fantastic sets that are so versatile! Honestly, I have the HARDEST time lining up the grid stamp….thankfully the designs pretty much cover the mistakes! Hopefully I’ll get better with practice since I absolutely love the look of the grids.
I know this is short, but a nap is in my immediate future.
Much ♥ to you and your loved ones!


Hoppy Easter

I have had this card for months and months, but kept on putting of scanning it. Well, I guess I’m just on time with posting it! :) However, now that it’s so late, I don’t know who I’m going to give it to! Most likely it’ll just go in my stash to be sold later….This is one of my favorite card layouts. It’s so easy to do, but the card always looks fantastic.

Today I went and saw a movie and had lunch with Ginny. It’s so funny how our everyday talk consists of blogging, certain stamp designers, stamping and card challeneges! Of course we talk about other things too, but crafting comes up quite a bit. It’s so fun, I can’t talk like this with any of my other friends- I would bore them to death!

Well, I’m gonna go blog hop for a little while. Hope you all have a fantastic night, and I’ll catch you tomorrow!


Easy Cards

I think I have a new favorite cardstock…..brown kraft from DeNami Design! Granted, I have used this for years, but have never fully appreciated how versatile it really is until now. I LOVE the brown ink on the kraft cardstock- so easy but really looks elegant! Just to forewarn you all: I think you’ll be seeing lots more of this in my future posts!

I wanted to make some easy cards and these are what I came up with. I’m really trying to get my card inventory built up so I can list a bunch of things on Etsy. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to do that in the next week or two. It seems like life has been super busy, and I can’t figure out why! I haven’t taken on any new responsibilities or commitments lately, so I’m a little baffled as to why I don’t have very much “free time” anymore. Are you feeling like this at all? It seems like us Americans are always on the go- I want to start to slow down a little more and enjoy the roses. :)

Well, that’s all for now. I have an Easter card that I want to post…hopefully I’ll get a chance to do that later on today.

Have a great Saturday, and take time to enjoy life!


Raspberry Suite Color Challenge 3

First of all, I have to say that I am SO happy to be out of bed! I have been sick since Thursday and did not leave the house ALL weekend. I’m still stuffed up, and somewhat tired, but I think I’m finally on the road to recovery. (I think the SUNSHINE helped LOTS- can you believe it was 79*?!?)

Dawn has put together another fabulous color challenge this week. I have to admit, I was overwhelmed with the five colors. After browsing through various entries, I finally got the courage to try a card. Three failed attempts and lots of wasted cardstock, I almost gave up….but I had to give it one last try. Not exactly what I had envisioned, but I do like the end result. What do you think?

Well, it’s off to bed I go. I’m hoping that with going to bed early and drinking tons of orange juice, this sickness bug will move along quickly.

Thanks for stopping by!