Thank you to all who participated in my DeNami Design gift certificate giveaway! It was so fun to read your favorite stamp companies. I know you are all waiting to hear who won, so without further ado, the winner is Debbie K!
Again, thanks to all who entered. Don’t have anything planned for my next giveaway….any suggestions? ;)
Okay, I feel like a little school girl right now. My stomach is all jittery- just like it used to when I had a school test! Why, oh why, am I so nervous about my first craft fair?! It might have to do with the fact that I spent hours and hours working on these items. Oh yes, and I’m such a people pleaser….I’m hoping people will like what I have! Come 12 hours from now, I’m hoping that I’ll have a Christmas fund, not very many products and a settled stomach. :)
I’ll post pics of my table, products and also my sisters yummy goodies! {She also has a table at the craft fair} Oh my word, my sister is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G baker- how did she inherit all of the cooking/ baking skills?!
With the holidays coming up quickly, I thought I would offer some more fun blog candy! This time around DeNami Design has graciously offered a $30 gift certificate for me to give away. Who doesn’t love a shopping spree? DeNami has everything from buttons to glitters to gorgeous rubber stamps.
Here are some of my most favorite DeNami products:
The details: One comment per person- unless you become/ are a blog follower. 1) Leave a comment ON THIS POST letting me know your favorite stamp company and why. 2) Leave a link on your blog to my giveaway! (If you don’t have a blog, that’s alright, be sure you let your friends know another way! )
3) Leave a way for me to contact you. (ie: blog or email address)
…:::If you become a (public) follower, or already one, you get to leave an additional comment! Just let me know you became/ are a follower!:::…
You have until Thursday, December 3rd to enter. I will pick a winner using the next day.
I cannot believe how FAST this year has flown. Doesn’t it seem like we were just ringing in 2009?? If life is flashing before my eyes now, I can only imagine what it’ll be like when I’m in my 30’s and 40’s!
Today I am sharing my absolute favorite Christmas card that I have made this year. I love how this one turned out. {I made it two months ago and still love it!} I am so enjoying the pleated ribbon look these days….going to have to do that some more when I start making cards again.
I’m in the home stretch of the craft fair {3 more days}! I’m sure you all will be happy not to hear about it anymore. ;) Yesterday I got my order of 60 more white post it notes….gonna be busy making the covers! I stayed up entirely too late working on more products and also painting a display. For those of you who know me, I am SO not a handy-type girl, so painting was not fun at all. However, if I didn’t paint this display, it would have bugged me the entire time I was at the craft fair…..
Before I close, I just want to remind you all that there are only TWO days left to enter the DeNami Design gift certificate giveaway I’m having. Be sure enter!
Well, that’s a wrap for now. Hope you all have a fantastic day!
I have no card to post at the moment….I’ve been so incredibly swamped with everything related to my craft fair. I have set up my “mock table”….I can’t believe things are actually coming together. However, after setting up, I realized I don’t have nearly enough items for sale. :( Once things sell, my table will look very bare! These next three days are going to be crazy- don’t be surprised if I “disappear” from my blog.
This post is dedicated to everything that I’m thankful for. Yes, I know I’m a bit late for Thanksgiving…however, we should not just be thankful for things once a year, right?
Health- I don’t have the best health, but I am thankful to be alive. This year I have had more than my share of health concerns- thankfully I have conquered most of them.
Friends- I have some of the goofiest/ crazy friends ever. (Yes, I’m talking about you, Ginny and Cece!) My friends are great at listening, making me cry from laughter, doing fun things, oh yes, and they are great movie buddies as well!
Hobbies- Oh goodness, this year I have gotten caught up in stamping. I have stamped ALL of my life, but this is the first time I have really enjoyed it. For all of my friends, this may be surprising to you….just another tidbit of “Paulina info”. :)
Job- Even though sometimes it’s stressful, I absolutely love my job. I am very thankful to have a stable job, despite the tough economy.
My blog peeps- You all are amazing! I know I’ve said it before, but you all make blogging SO much fun. I love each and every one of you- thank you again for all of your sweet comments and emails.
Family- I have a crazy family, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have had many struggles and trials, but have always come out on top of them. I love my family so very much…I’m tearing up just thinking about them!
My brothers- Yes, I realize they are part of my family, but they really deserve their own column. Both of them are constantly making me laugh and they bring me much joy and happiness. When I have kids someday, I want them to be just like my brothers.
Jesus Christ- I owe everything I am to the Lord. He loves me even though I don’t deserve Him. Words cannot express how lost I would be without Him in my life.
I am thankful for so much more, but these are the things that really stick out to me.
Thanks for stopping by! What all are you thankful for this year? I would love to see your lists! :) I think it’s important to stop and realize how truly blessed we are…..won’t you join me?
I hope you all had a wonderful day. Did anyone do some “Black Friday” shopping? If you did, which stores did you go to and what all did you get? Yes, now is the time to spill the details….
This year I didn’t spend much at all. {Yay!} I got seasons 2 & 3 of Psych, Wanted DVD and a couple stocking stuffers for my brothers- not much at all! I’m hoping that I make a little {actually a LOT} of money from the craft fair so I can finish buying my presents. I have put so much time, effort and $$ into this fair….really, really hoping it pays off. I recently put up my “mock table” so I’m starting to plan out how I’m going to set everything out. I didn’t realize how many items I have made so far! I still have quite a bit to do- thankfully I’m getting a little faster since I’m doing a little bit of mass producing.
I was planning on doing a Thanksgiving post but time slipped away from me. Within the next couple of days I’m going to post a list of things I’m grateful for. Who knows, you might be on the list! ;)
Well, it’s off to bed I go. I hope you all are doing well- miss hearing from you!
Oh goodness, can you believe it’s the 25th already?! I was busily going about my day yesterday when I realized I only had a couple hours to work on my PTI Blog Hop project! {I work so I can’t create at all hours of the day. Jealous of those of you who can!}
This months challenge was über fun. With the holidays around the corner, who doesn’t need a fun gift tag?! I actually made two tags but decided to post the more “traditional” Christmas one. Since I’ve been doing a TON of non-traditional Christmas color combos, I thought I’d post something different than the norm. I L-O-V-E how this tag turned out- I think I’ll need to make more! There are just some days when I’m totally surprised with what I make….yesterday was one of those days! :)
Well I can’t wait to see what all of you lovely peeps created. You all are so inspiring! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and Christmas is exactly one month away?! Thank goodness I don’t have to do much for the festivities tomorrow- I don’t enjoy cooking one bit! This year we are doing something new, we’re going to my aunts house for Thanksgiving. We ALWAYS host it at our house, so this will be a big deal for the family. LOL What is your favorite dish at Thanksgiving dinner? I’m a big fan of the stuffing- can’t get enough! :)
Here’s my card for the Raspberry Suite Color Challenge. I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of the card. I really wanted to give this color combo another try, but I just won’t have enough time before the deadline. Be sure to let me know your thoughts on this card– don’t worry, it won’t offend me since I don’t care for it too much! ;) Having to consciously use FIVE colors on a card is hard! Did anyone else struggle with this one?
I’ll have another post tonight- can’t miss out on the PTI blog hop!
Hope you have a fabulous morning….I’ll see you again soon!
**I have yet another giveaway posted. What can I say, it’s a time for giving. :)
I hope you are all doing well. I have been keeping quite busy since I returned from my vacation. In between work, picking up relatives from the airport, putting laundry away and creating cards for challenges, I have been a busy little bee.
Today I have a card for the 2S4Y sketch. Isn’t it a fun one?? It wasn’t too terribly hard…you should give it a try! If you do, be sure to let me know- I want to check it out! Since there are SO many entries now, I’m not always able to look at every single one.
I have a few cards ready for the blog….and also some more gift tags! I’ll have a tag for the Papertrey blog hop tomorrow- be sure to stop by again!
Well, I must run. Lots more things to create! :)
For those who haven’t entered yet, be sure to check out the gift certificate that I’m giving away!
Today was my last full day in California. How does the time fly by so quickly?! I had a full day of helping prepare for my cousins Eagle Scout ceremony and then of course, participating in it. Just a tidbit of info: did you know only 3% of Boy Scouts become an Eagle Scout {the highest achievement}? Yeah, I didn’t know this either. Today I learned a ton about being a Boy Scout, the Eagle Scout and also how much work it takes to put together an Eagle Scout shindig.
Even though I have had a nice vacation, I’m ready to head back to Washington. I miss my comfortable bed, my routinue and last by not least, my crafting supplies! I saw that I have at least three challenges that I want to play in….hopefully I’ll get a chance before the deadlines! I get home early enough where I might be able to make a card of two….we’ll see how I feel. I have to get up early to head into work on Monday morning- thank goodness it’s only a 3 day work week! Speaking of which, any stores you *must* hit on Black Friday? I haven’t checked to see if any ads are out yet- I’m scared to see how much damage I’ll be doing! Last year I got my Cricut Expression on Black Friday. I’m hoping that there won’t be *that* much damage this year.
Well, that’s a wrap for tonight. Next time you hear from me, it’ll be from Washington! :)