DeNami Giveaway

You know that I love sharing my good finds on giveaways. There is a nice, big one on the DeNami Design blog! I have personally used all of these items and LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

Be sure to pass this along….it’s always fun to share good finds!

Mini Tags

Aren’t these fun? I absolutely love how these little tags turned out! Since I’ve been selling on Etsy, I have had a lot of requests to make mini thank you cards and tags. These ones are really classy looking, but they are really simple to make. Such a perfect combo!

I have a super long weekend- which I am SO excited about! Four glorious days off! I started my time off by watching “Terminator Salvation.” I had never seen any of the Terminator movies before, so I didn’t have too many expectations. The reason I went to see this one? Christian Bale. It was an enjoyable movie, but I now know why I had never wanted to see the others. Lots of great special effects…’s just not my type of movie.

Okay, we’ll I’m going to get movin on some of my house work so I don’t have to do it later. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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Raspberry Suite Color Challenge #6

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been so long since I have played along with Dawn’s color challenges! It seems like it was not that long ago, but alas, I am wrong, as usual! Seriously, where is the time going these days?!

I absolutely loved this weeks challenge. Dawn has a knack for finding the perfect color combinations! I was so happy that she chose some of my most favorite PTI colors- I had all the papers, ribbons and inks to play with this one! :) For this card I used three different PTI stamp sets (Wishing You, Guidelines and Damask Designs). I absolutely LOVE these sets….don’t they look fab together?

Since I feel like I haven’t written in a while, I’ll give a little update. I’ve been keeping very busy at work, which is a good thing. Lately, I have also been keeping busy with my Etsy store and my part-time job. Alas, with all of these different things going on, I haven’t had much of a chance to blog hop or even post on my blog! If you are wanting a “Paulina update” more often, be sure to check out my Twitter! You can find me here. Since I can update from my computer AND phone, I tend to update more frequently.

I miss all of you dearly! Leave me a comment and let me know what’s new in your world!


Friends to the End

Isn’t this card cute?! I love how this card came together- so “non-Paulina!” Seriously, I used orange, bright blue, a deserty rose and dark green! (Ginny, you should be proud….)

I’m going to keep this post brief since I’m feeling icky. I went to work and felt nauseous all day….no fun!! I know quite a few people that are sick, so I’m hoping to stay away from the bug.

Have a fab night!


It’s Raining Cards

Okay, the title is true, but I’m only posting one card today! (Gotta make sure you all come back to check out my newest projects!!) This card is far from my “normal” color scheme. If you’re new to my blog, my favorite color is pink! Coming in behind is black, brown, white and green. Moving on….

Did you all have a good Mother’s Day? Did you do anything special for your mom? My mom just got back from a business trip this afternoon, so we didn’t have a chance to do anything special. I got her a dozen pink roses, hydrangeas, some homemade soap and of course, one of my cards. Last year I went all out and got her flowers for all of our hanging baskets (there are at least 12), but this year I had to try to stay within a budget. Hopefully I can do something really special next year…..

This upcoming week is going to be busy, busy, busy! I have a ton of different activites that are going on this week, and then I’m helping at a local trade show. Granted, most of these things are fun, but I know I’m going to be exhausted come next Sunday. I’m going to take it one day at a time, and hopefully I’ll be able to stay sane for the whole week!

I hope you all have a great night. Thanks for showing love!

Fathers Day cards

I cannot believe that I’m on top of Fathers Day cards-I’m usually scrambling to come up with a nice, masculine card. Since I’m now on Etsy, I’m trying to stay on top of the holidays…..not an easy task! I think I came in too late for the Mothers Day cards- none of them sold. I may attempt some graduation cards. I am horrible at making them! I don’t think I have ever come up with one that I actually liked.

I feel like I’m behind on so many things. I have wanted to update my blog for a while now, but I just haven’t had the chance. In between work, spending time with the family, trying to promote my Etsy shop, working on my part-time job @ home, crunching in time with my friends, and the day to day routine, life seems to be flying by. I need to figure out how I can fit everything in and do them all well! I think I may have to give some things up….I just have to figure out what.

Well, it’s getting late and I’m exhausted. It’s been a long weekend and I’m ready for bed.

Hope you are all doing well. Leave me some love so I know that you’re reading- sometimes I feel like I’m writing to myself!

Custom Cards

These are the custom cards that I made for one of my Etsy customers. She is getting married in a few months and wanted to have two thank you cards made for her bridesmaids. Her colors are light yellow and light blue, so I tried to incorporate those colors. These are not my usual colors, but it was fun to work outside of my “comfort zone.” She was thrilled with the end result- yay! She was also in need of a wedding card for her friend. She saw one of my samples and liked the style, so all I had to do customize the words. On the outside it reads “Cinderella should be smiling…”, and on the inside it says “the slipper now fits.” (It’s an inside joke for them.) I really like how it turned out- what do you think?
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first couple weeks on Etsy. I got on the Etsy chat rooms this week and made a bunch of friends! I got a bunch of awesome tips and got lots of hearts in my shop. :) Click here to see my store. I’m constantly adding more things so keep checking back.
Last night I went to a stamp night at my LSS, and had a ton of fun. Lots of laughing, talking, food and stamping. I’ll post what I cam up soon!

Pastel Colors

Lately I’ve been playing with some pastel colors, and it’s been so much fun! Isn’t this a fun color combo? I love these colors together- so yummy! I just bought some more ink pads, so you’ll be seeing some more fun colors soon. :)

Just wanted to show you some of my recent cards……it’s super late and I need to go to sleep!


Cute Umbrellas

As soon as I saw this cute umbrella from the “Scattered Showers” set that Dawn designed, I knew I had to get it. Also, since I live in rainy Seattle, I thought it was very fitting. I’m loving my new stamp sets, ribbons and papers….can you tell? I made this card in another color combo, but I like the way this one turned out better. Only the best for my blog followers! :)

Like I mentioned before, I have posted some things on Etsy lately. I know some of you have been selling on there for a while, any good tips? My friend, Susan, is a MEGA seller on there. She gave me some awesome tips- I’m just wondering if any of you have some more! If you know me well, you know that I can be impatient. I want to see results…..that’s what keeps me going! I’m continually adding to my store in the hopes that someone, somewhere will be my next sale.

I’ll have more for you soon. I scanned a few cards in, so I have no excuses not to post soon! :)

Unique Baby Card

I made this baby card a while ago. I wish you all could see it in person- it looks so much better than the picture. I used LOTS of paper, but after seeing the end result, it was so worth it. Of course, I had to add some decorative pearls ALL over the card- it adds so much elegance!

What is your new favorite embellishment? Rhinestones? Pearls? Buttons? Speaking of buttons, I got some FAB new containers for mine- I’ll post pictures soon! How do you store yours? I LOVE seeing all the different ways people store their buttons, ribbons, stamps, etc…..If you got a picture of your area, be sure to share! :)