Thankful Thursday: August 30th

It’s been a week since the accident (story here). The days have been filled with pain, soreness, doctors visits, rest, and lots of pizza. For some reason, the near death experience has left me craving pizza every.single. day. I knew it was my favorite food before, but wow, I’ve taken it to new levels.

I couldn’t let a Thursday go by without doing my Thankful Thursday post. Let’s get to it:

  • I’m alive- after last week, I don’t take any day for granted.
  • The amazing people around me. The amount of texts, emails, phone calls, etc…I’m so blessed.
  • That God orchestrated all the small details of the accident (my sister arriving from out of town early, a friend who was nearby to deal with insurance for me, calming people who found me….)
  • A sweet and encouraging note from an anonymous friend. I came into work for a few hours and was greeted with a note and a Starbucks card. ♥
That’s going to wrap up my post. What are YOU thankful for this week? It can be serious, funny (which will do me good- I need a laugh), or completely random. Whatever your list may be, I can’t wait to read it! :)

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10 Minute Craft Dash #1 Highlights

It is time to announce the winners of the twine sampler from the 10 Minute Craft Dash Challenge #1. Did you notice I said winners? Since we had such an amazing response, I thought I would surprise you all and offer up another prize! This time around, I had Ginny pick a winner and I also picked a winner. So…..TWO lucky ladies will be receiving a prize for playing along with us.
And the winners are…….
 Ginny’s Winner: Lauren
 My Winner: Nina Yang
You both have won the super yummy twine sampler!
Please email me (click the contact me at the top) with your contact info to claim your prize. Also, you get to grab the badge below and proudly display it on your blog!

Since there were SO many amazing entries, Ginny and I have some favorites that we would like to highlight. There were certain elements about these projects that stood out to us and we just couldn’t have them go unnoticed. Be sure to visit the links to take a peek! (Also, you five gals are more than welcome to snag this fun badge!)

The next 10 Minute Craft Dash will be on September 5th and we have another round of AMAZING special designers joining us for this challenge. On top of that, we have a fab sponsor! Lots of fun- you’ll definitely want to stay tuned.
Thank you again for your excitement and participation in our first challenge. I’ll talk with you all later!

Car Accident

There are some things you never want to be involved in. One of them: being in a car accident. The story I have for you may sound crazy or unbelievable, but I promise it’s the truth.

On Thursday, I had my full work day. It was a good day and I was so excited to start my weekend off afterwards with a trip to Target, my favorite store. I was making my way there and started to not feel very good, so I headed in the direction of home. I was feeling clammy, nauseous and dizzy on the drive home and was planning to pull off into a driveway to rest. As I was praying to get parked safely, the next thing I know I can’t see anymore and I’m waking up to a stranger talking to me. “Are you okay? Do you know where you are?- those were the first things I heard when I gained consciousness. After coming to, I learned I had passed out while driving. There was someone talking to the 911 dispatcher, people peering out of their apartments and many people gathering around my car.

Many moments later, the paramedics came and started taking vitals and information. Shortly after, a police officer came and got details and started assessing the damage. The miracle? I had crossed FOUR lanes of traffic (crossing the street with oncoming traffic coming towards me), jumped the curb, narrowly missed a tree and hit two parked cars. On top of that, this is one of the busiest streets in the city I was in and there are practically always pedestrians walking on the sidewalks. It’s a miracle that I didn’t get hit by an oncoming car, didn’t hit any walking pedestrians or hit the tree. Everyone around kept stating that they didn’t know how there wasn’t more damage.

It’s another miracle that I didn’t get more injured. In all reality I shouldn’t still be alive. I know for a fact that angels were watching over me. I went to the doctor on Friday and thus far, there isn’t any signs of lasting injuries. I’m SUPER sore, exhausted, dizzy and nauseous, but I know it could be so much worse. I think the fact that I wasn’t conscious helped since I wasn’t able to tense up beforehand. Also, I was wearing a seat belt so I didn’t fly out the window.

I never wanted to be in an accident- after nine years of driving, I haven’t ever been in an accident while I was the driver. Yes, all of this is a hassle, the pain is almost unbearable today and it’s not cool that my car has to be in the shop. However, I’m blessed to be alive. I’m thankful that my friend was able to come quickly and help talk with insurance while I was still recovering, that my sister was able to come from Seattle and take care of me that night, that there are no broken bones, all the cars involved are still drivable and overall everything should be okay within a few weeks.

I’ve been on mostly on my back these last few days- standing and walking aren’t things I can do for very long right now. I would so appreciate prayers for healing and the pain, along with being able to get back to “normal life” soon. I have a test coming soon to see if they know why I passed out, so I’m hoping that will answer questions.

I’m hoping that I can do what I normally do, but just bear with me if there are gaps between posts. :) I’ll be in contact with Ginny so we can announce the winner of the 10 Minute Craft Dash in the next day or two.

I know this is a super long post and I should go lay down again. I’ll talk with you all soon.

*updates can be found HERE, HERE and HERE.


Last Day!

Hi there!
I just wanted to pop in and remind you all that TODAY is the last day to enter your crafts into the first 10 Minute Craft Dash. We have had so many great entries and we hope you’ll join us in the fun! When we announce the winner, I’ll have a special surprise- so be sure to stay tuned to the blog for that.
I have another card to share that was created under 10 minutes- I’m really starting to get the hang of crafting with a timer now! :)
Time it took to create: 7 minutes 47 seconds

I decided to go with a different color scheme and pulled out some blues and yellow- definitely not my usual go-to colors! I thought it was unique and a fun little change from my usual pinks and greens.

That’s going to do it for this post. Have a great weekend.

Thankful Thursday: August 23rd

Hello there, friends!
We are a little over a week into the first 10 Minute Craft Dash and we have over 50 entries! Ginny and I are both amazed, thrilled, giddy and humbled that you are enjoying it. There are 2½ days left to play along, so feel free to link up your crafty project!

With today being Thankful Thursday, you know I have a brand new list for you. Can I just say that I love doing these posts? Looking back on my week and highlighting some of my highs is almost like reliving them! :)

  • All the excitement over the 10 Minute Craft Dash. Seriously love seeing you enjoying the challenge!
  • The new Chris August cd. Hands down the BEST cd of 2012!
  • Freshly painted nails- they make me so happy!
  • Pictures that remind me of my weight loss journey. Still amazed at how far I’ve come.
  • Unexpected gifts and surprises.

Last week, I enjoyed seeing the different lists that were posted about what YOU are thankful for. Let’s keep it up, okay? :) Feel free to post your list in a comment or send over a link to the post where you list your items. With the craziness that life brings at times, it’s SO important for us to continue to take time to stop and think about what we’ve been blessed with.

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Counting 1,2,3

As promised, I have a crafty project to share with you today. Many of you know that the word “project” terrifies me. I get so intimidated by this little word. I can handle creating cards, no problem, but anything bigger than that makes my heart skip a beat. Scrapbook pages, favors, banners…. However, seeing as I’m trying to go outside my comfort zone, I decided to just go for it. Less thinking, more doing!
I’ll be the first to admit that this took a little bit of time to create, but I just love how it turned out. One day I randomly had this idea (which appeared out of thin air) where I wanted to create a counting flip book. Granted, it’s not a gigantic project, but I’m all for taking baby steps. :)
We have so many fun little critters on the DeNami website it was easy to find stamps. After finally narrowing down which images I wanted to use,  I started with number 1 and went from there.
{Seeing all of them together just makes me happy. Now I want to create more!}

I had wanted to go all the way through the number 10, but I got a little tired and had to take a break. Maybe one of these days I’ll finish it up. :) That’s the great thing about the ring- I can always add more super easily!
ADDED: I’m linking this up with the Lil’ Luna Link Party #91! SO much fun over there! 
I hope you enjoyed this project and it inspired you to create something outside your comfort zone. Thanks for stopping by!

Points to You

Good morning!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I was able to get lots of crafty time in (yay!) and also went to a food truck event on Sunday, which was amazing. I used to be so hesitant of them, but now I may be a little addicted. Yummy food + great prices= a winning combo.

While I was driving the other day, a song came on the radio that stood out to me a lot. It’s the song called “Live Like That” by Sidewalk Prophets. Here is the part that really tugged at my heart:

The “points to You” part is referring to Jesus. This past year, I’ve grown so much as a person and really opened up about some of my struggles (posts found here and here and here and here). Throughout it all, I’ve had one constant in my life- Jesus. I’m constantly amazed at how He loves me, despite my flaws and can use little ‘ol me to bless others. I won’t say that life is perfect (because that is FAR from the truth), but knowing I have someone going through life with me is so reassuring.

I know I still say and do things sometimes that don’t always glorify Him, but I’m trying each day to be better at this. I hope that through my various posts, you’ll find encouragement, maybe a laugh (because we all need this sometimes!), or some crafty inspiration. And though it all, my hope it to glorify God with my words, actions and gifts.

See you tomorrow with a crafty creation!

Sweet Giraffe + Facebook Page

Hi there!
I have a new card to share as a little more inspiration for the 10 Minute Craft Dash challenge. Seeing all your beautiful submissions made me want to go into the craft studio and create something else!
 At work yesterday, I filled an order with the Giraffe and it made me want to use him on a card. I pulled out some of my scrap papers, set my timer and went to town. Crafty craziness, yes, it totally happened.
I wanted to play with the current DeNami Addict Challenge since Monday, so I knew I had to incorporate a button somehow. I had all these grand ideas of using lots of them, but being on a timer, I had to stick with just one. Hopefully I can get a chance to make another card using lots of buttons!
  Time it took to create: 8 minutes 52 seconds
Over the past few months, I’ve been contemplating setting up a Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page. I never thought I was “big enough” to do it, but after some promptings from a few different bloggers who are quite successful, I took the plunge. My hope is that I’ll update the page when I have a new blog post, but I also want it to be a fun, interactive place for fellow crafters and bloggers alike.

That’s going to wrap up this blog post. I hope this card inspired/ nudged you to try out the challenge. Remember, it isn’t just for cards- you can create tags, favors or even whip up something on the sewing machine! Oh my, think of all the fun possibilities!

10 Minute Craft Dash #1

Hello and welcome to the very first 10 Minute Craft Dash!

I am so thrilled to have you here and I hope that you’ll be able to join us for this fun {and quick} challenge. My good friend, Ginny and I come up with a concept that we are really excited about and haven’t seen {in our blog circle} thus far. The challenge? Coming up with a crafty project within 10 minutes.

I know that I struggle with creating projects quickly {I’m a slow crafter}, so this actually IS a challenge for me. While some may find this to be easy, I know quite a few of us will struggle with this short amount of time. That’s the beauty of a CHALLENGE, right?

We will be doing this challenge twice a month (on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month) and boy, do we have some fun color palettes planned! Since it may take a little while to get used to crafting on a time restraint, our first challenge is a “free for all”, so you can use any colors your heart desires! 

Here is what I created for this challenge. One layer is the way to go for quick & easy cards!

 Time it took to create: 7 minutes 27 seconds

 And here is what Ginny came up with. How gorgeous is this?!

Time it took to create: 10 minutes

To kick start this first challenge, I am thrilled to have some very special names joining us. These are some of the sweetest, most talented ladies on blog land. Be sure to visit each of their blogs to see their stunning 10 Minute Card Dash creations.

Amy Tsuruta

Chari Moss

Dana Seymour

Daniela Dobson

Danielle Walls

Elena Roussaki 

Kelly Marie Alvarez

Laurie Willison

Suzanne Dahlberg

Since this is our first challenge, I wanted to be sure we had a prize. I have up for grabs a great sampling of twine for the winner of this challenge.


How to Play

1) Create a card/craft project within 10 minutes

2) Post the time it took to create

You can pull out your supplies before your timer starts!  
  • Post the challenge graphic in your post, link to the challenge
  • You may combine a total of three challenges with your entry. You may enter the challenge a maximum of two times.
  • Challenge ends August 25, 2012 at 11:59pm, PST.

Blog Team Up: Day 2

It’s Day #2 of the Blog Team Up I’m doing with my friend Ginny. I hope you enjoyed the girly theme we did yesterday- I had so much fun with that card! 
Today we decided to focus on colors- yummy colors to boot! Ginny found this color palette on Pinterest and we both created items inspired by these colors. 
Here is my take on these colors…
I was inspired by the garland holding back the curtains {in the picture} and created a garland at the top of my card. Since confetti is so trendy right now, I decided to incorporate that look into this card.  I really love how this looks- I need to do this again in the future!
{Notice the stitching? Yes, I pulled out my Sew Easy tools again! My tutorial on it can be found here

So, tomorrow Ginny and I are starting our BRAND NEW challenge. I am so excited for this new venture! I have quite a few of my fabulous crafty friends helping kick start this challenge and boy, you are all in for lots of crafty goodness! Here’s a tiny sneak peek at the challenge…. any guesses as to what it might be?
I will see you all tomorrow for the challenge! Thanks so much for stopping by!