Sweet Times, Sweet Memories

Remember the saying “time goes by faster when you get older”? I have found this to be all too true. Granted, I turned 25 this year, so I’m still on the younger side, but it’s true nonetheless. As the years are going by, I am amazed at how the days,weeks and months blend together.

I will be the first to admit that while I enjoy taking snapshots from day to day {find me on Instagram: prettypinkposh}, I’m not particularly fond of getting MY picture taken. I am overly critical and always find others look better in pictures. Their outfits are cuter, their make-up and hair more flawless, they look so skinny in comparison to me…. the reasons are endless. However, as the years go by, I’m realizing that I really need to get over this. I simply LOVE looking back on photos of special times, memories and moments of goofiness, but I’ve noticed I’m not in too many of them. I have missed out on many sweet moments for a moment of being vain. Many of these moments I won’t be able to get back- why did I REALLY care so much as to not just get a picture taken?

Since the accident, I’ve re-learned that each moment is not to be taken for granted. As we close the last part of 2012 and ring in a new year soon, I’m vowing to take more pictures and BE in more pictures. I want to be able to treasure these precious times.

As I was thinking on this subject, I realized some of you may struggle with this too. I’m going to challenge YOU to also BE in more pictures, to document special times and to set aside a moment of being vain. Do any of you struggle with this also? Will you take this on with me? 

Looking forward to seeing your responses. Let’s TREASURE the moments we have, sweet friends!


  1. Very well said Paulina. We have soooo many women in our family who don’t want their photo taken. I have a 40 something cousin who puts her hand up everytime…such a shame to remember these lovely people in this way. I hope to pass your positive outlook along to them this year ~ THANKS!!

  2. Ohh Paulina, I totally understand where you’re coming from. But trust me as your friend, you are beautiful inside AND out and it shows in your pictures! I can not stand having my picture taken because it reminds me of the things I can not change about myself (how I never fully recovered from a bout of Bells Palsey) and the things that I SERIOUSLY need to work on (my weight issues). I’m much happier behind the camera, but as you have soooo very well stated, we do need to be in front of the lens and perserve these all to fleeting moments in our lives.

  3. I can’t believe you’re camera shy, Paulina! You are gorgeous! I am one of those who really have this problem, especially after the last additional 10 pound weight gain! I’m not a mom, but I do know this is really a problem with some moms. I know my mom is in very few pictures when I was growing up. Good thoughts; I will work on myself. :)

  4. i definitely have to be better about this, too. i have always struggled with self-image since i am overweight. funny how those go hand in hand. but i need to be more comfortable with myself now!


  5. I will take this on with you. I am so critical about myself in pictures. But it is true – we will miss being a part of those memories. You are young and beautiful, enjoy being in pictures.

  6. wow what a great article and on a subject that I’m sure many of us can relate to! Sometimes the reason I don’t get my picture taken is because I feel silly asking someone to take a picture of me and I become super self conscious and the picture thus turns out goofy if I do work up the nerve to ask… I often wish there was someone else in my family who was an avid photographer rather than just me taking the pictures of everyone and someone else taking mine without even having to ask. I look at your pictures and always think how beautiful you are, but I’m amazed to learn that you ever have the same thoughts that I do and it reminds me that we are always our own worst critic.

  7. Yes, Paulina, I struggle with the other side of the camera. I am at home and comfortable and in control behind the viewfinder. Put me in front and I’m over-exposed. This was in my list of things to do better from now on. My first grandchild arrived this year and I want to have some photos of her and I together…my days are numbered, but I don’t know the combination. Make the most of each moment. My mother is still here and I love getting her in the photo with the baby,but she’s another one to complain about how she looks, my late mother-in-law would also hide from the camera…how many photos lost because they were never taken. You are right…the fun things that go on that you miss out being apart of the picture because you are the one taking the photo…or worse…vanity! The people who value you, who love you, want to have memories of you too…let’s see what we can do in this new year!

  8. Paulina, you have the most beautiful smile in blogland, and even though I envy your gorgeous hair, flawless skin, and clearly perfect figure, it’s your winning attitude and true generosity and kindness that shine the most. IT DOES NOT MATTER how our shells appear to others…what matters is what kind of person we are on the inside. And you, my dear are the most amazing soul.
    Do I wish my outside was thinner and prettier? Sure, occasionally. But this is me. And as a believer in reincarnation, I know that my next shell will be different:) What matters to me is how I am remembered by my family, friends, and even strangers. Do I want them to think “Oh I remember her, she was pretty.” or do I want them to think “Oh yeah, she was so nice to me and I remember how she made me feel!”…?
    Take photos. Document your current shell. Your loved ones will want to see and it will help them to remember what an amazing person you really are, regardless of your beauty.

  9. Great comments, and ones we all need to hear. I’m not too bothered about having my picture taken, I seem to be one of those people who ‘take a good picture’. (by no means do I mean I’m a stunner!lol! I just manage to look ‘myself’ in pictures) since having my second son I am more self conscious about my weight, but I just try and hide it well in photos (and am going to a diet club to try and shift some). My problem is taking photos. Problem 1: at home with my ‘local’ family we never have the camera out, so we don’t document our time together, but when we go to visit my inlaws we always have the camera out. Unfortunately when my mum passed away a couple of years back we only have a handful of pictures of her with my son (he was over a year old). I vowed to take lots more pictures after that…but alas, I find it hard to do. Instagram is helping, and a hand-me-down iphone which I use as my round the house camera.
    Problem 2: Its normally me taking the pictures! So I don’t make an effort not to be in pictures, it just so happens I’m the one always taking them! Family shots are also lacking too.
    I love what Dana said about being remembered for what we are like rather than what we look like, but personally I don’t believe in reincarnation, I believe in Resurrection, and when Christ returns he won’t be interested at all how we look, but how we have responded to Him in our hearts.
    “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16v7
    I take on your challenge to take more pictures and be happy with whatever they show!

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