Prayers for Connecticut + Join A Cause

As I type this, my eyes are filled with tears, my heart is heavy and full of emotions and my mind still not fully grasping everything that happened in CT today. I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything– all I have been able to do is pray for those affected by this horrific event.

If you know me, you know I’m a person of action. I had a dream of starting a challenge and went for it. I have big dreams for my blog and I’m going for it. Yes, there are times I have far fetched dreams, but overall, I try to be a person who has an idea and goes for it. Today’s event brought that out in me yet again.

Working on the details….but stay tuned, YOU can help join a cause that will make a difference. I know my readers are ones with BIG hearts, so I wanted to let you in on this, even though I don’t have all the details just yet. There will be several different ways you can help out- a BIG one will be in helping to spread the word once the details go live.

In the meantime, please join me in thoughts and prayers for the families. A mere 11 days before Christmas and their world has changed forever. I cannot even begin to fathom….

We cannot take for granted a single moment with the ones we love. We are never guaranteed tomorrow, so let them how much you treasure and love them.

I love you guys. I’ll give you details as soon as I have them.


  1. I cried when I heard what happened this morning too. I didn’t want to send my daughter to school today. It was the worse feeling in the world.

    1. I should restate that I felt horrible but it obviously wasn’t the worse feeling in the world. There are so many sad families this morning.

  2. This has been so hard for my hubby and I to deal with today. As I tucked Leah into bed, I held onto her so tightly. Sigh. My heart hurts for those affected by this. Praise God for your heart and what you are able to do to make a difference.

  3. I know this man was mentally ill, but I still can not wrap my head around what happened…It truly makes my heart ache. The devastating changes in not only the parents lives, but that of the first responders too can not even be fathomed by us that aren’t involved. All we can do is pray for their well being and hold onto the knowledge that God is there walking by their sides as they go through this {{HUGS}}.

  4. I can not wrap my mind around it and I am so filled with sorrow. I would gladly join you to stop this terror and help those whose lives are changed forever.

  5. Grieving and heartbroken for so many families who have empty rooms to come home to tonight. Hugging my kids tightly.

  6. As a mother, my heart is aching for those families who’s lives have forever been changed by this horrific tragedy. I have not been able to get the families of the children and staff affected by this off my mind. I have spent the day hugging my little one more often, longer and tighter today.

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