Thankful Thursday- October 4th + Unexpected Blessing
My heart is just overflowing with joy and happiness today. Yesterday I launched the fourth 10 Minute Craft Dash challenge and my heart is just giddy from all the excitement. On top of that, tomorrow I have a giveaway post in honor of my 4th blog birthday. But that’s not all, as you may have noticed, I recently did a re-design of my blog and Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page and well, it just makes my heart happy. :)
This week hasn’t been the best in regards to pain {my back and neck have decided to flare up big time} and migraines. However, in the midst of all of this, I’ve had some unexpected joys and great things come recently from the blog. Also, I received a big blessing, which I’ll share below.
- Up to this point, all of my chiropractor visits have been covered by insurance.
- My sister made it to Germany (for the International Culinary Olympics) safely. Now we just wait for the competition….hoping for gold!
- Homemade cooking. Lately my mom has been making lots of delicious goodness and we have had many family dinners together. Oh how I enjoy family time!
- Found out that I qualify for my iPhone upgrade in a month and with the buy back program, I’ll be able to get a new phone for very little out of pocket. Yay!
Okay, now onto my unexpected blessing…..Quite a few months back, I got a new craft studio area in the house. With the passing of my grandfather, the busyness of Summer and then the accident, organizing and arranging everything was put on hold. I needed a larger storage unit for my new area (to fit my expanding collection), but it was a lot more pricey than I could afford at the moment.
On Tuesday, while I was at work, my dad text me a photo of this white unit and asked if I would want it. I wasn’t too sure, since it looked like a great quality and didn’t know how much it would cost. I responded that I would need better pictures and wanted more details. A few moments later he sent over a better picture and then said it was waiting for me in my craft studio. While my mom was heading out to do errands, she saw it at the end of our street (which is in the country and pretty much in the middle of nowhere) and it had a free sign on it. How awesome and amazing is that?!
My unspoken hearts desire was fulfilled and it was WHITE and beautiful, just like I had envisioned in my head! God knew exactly what I wanted and I know it was a blessing sent from Him. With all the craziness of the physical pain and migraines, and then these doctors bills, it was truly the thing I needed right now.
I am loving the different drawers and shelves- I can’t wait to figure out how I’ll organize everything! I’m going to see if I can find some different knobs and am thinking about possibly painting the wood on the top. When I get it all finished with my crafty items on it, I’ll take a picture. :)
Thank you for bearing with me in this long post and for sharing in my joy! What are YOU all thankful for this week? I can’t wait to see your lists!
See you tomorrow, blog friends, for the giveaways!