
Sending You Love

Right now I’m looking at an empty suitcase and have the sudden urge to cry. I think it’s the dreaded hormones….yuck! Hopefully I can pull it together, get some energy, pack this suitcase and relieve some of this stress {quickly}!

Yesterday I came to the realization that I need to lose weight. Yes, I already knew this and was kinda, sorta doing it. I’ve been getting lazy, and it’s really beginning to show. Why is losing weight so hard?! My goal was to lose 15-20 lbs by the end of the year. Sadly, I haven’t lost any of it! With the holidays coming up, I’m scared that I’m going to gain even more weight and that will NOT be good. Any tips?

This card I originally made for the Eat Sleep Stamp: Sketchy Thursday #52. I made this one first and then I did the Christmas one. Since they were SO similar, I didn’t think I should submit them both. I asked all my family members and the Christmas one got the most votes. :) Which one do you like better?

Well, hopefully I can snap out of this grumpy mood. Seriously, who tells people when they are grumpy?! Oh yes…..I do. :)


  1. Hey, love your sweet card…the colors are fabbie :)

    I’ll be your walking buddy…seriously…although I’m an early bird :)

  2. love this card too–that ribbon/ button combo is GREAT! *sigh* did i mention that i love DeNami chickies? they’re fabulous. i’m so going to miss you this weekend, although i’ll be at my dealership on saturday getting my tires changed–oh joy!

  3. Feel better! (((HUG))) We love you, and we’ll be praying that your trip is fun & a success.

    p.s. super cute card!

  4. I love the Denami stamp!! Very cute card! My tip to lose weight…get a walking buddy, and substitute salad once a day for one of your meals…it works for me until I start eating ‘the old way’ again….I can even have candy during the salad weeks and lose 1-2 pound a week!! :)

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