
Pink Balloons

This card makes me so happy- I just love the light and bright pink buttons! Add the polka dots and scallops, and this card screams “made by Paulina”! I actually made this card way back in July, just never got around to posting it. I seriously have TONS of cards you have never seen, and some you will never even get to see! (The ugly ones are not worthy of your views.) Do you ever make a card and it turns out horribly? What do you do with them? I’m thinking they will go to my brothers….they like giving cards and aren’t too picky on the way they look.

I just got some new products from DeNami Design– can’t wait to play with them! After work tomorrow I need to pack, and then I leave for the airport around 4AM on Thursday. I’m guessing that you won’t see these products for at least a week, maybe two. Once I post them, I’ll let you know which products are new…..you’re gonna ♥ them!

I’m gonna get going, it was a long day. *hugs*


  1. looove it! i think i looked through your stash and saw this one and wondered, “why haven’t i seen this before?”

    i usually give my “not so great cards” to family members too… sometimes my mom will really like something that i made, even if i don’t. my other option is giving them to teacher friends :)

    pink = amazing.

  2. HOLY COW this card is cute! I heart all things pink, and apparently I have a weakness for buttons. I love the composition – this is beautiful and fun!

  3. This card is so cute! I will have to make a similar one for my friend – she loves buttons!
    Good luck on your trip and I look forward to seeing the new stuff.

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