Sweet Birthday Wishes

Happy Monday to you all! Hope you had a fab weekend- what all did you do? Yesterday my friends, sisters and I went to the local fair. Oh goodness, it normally only takes 30 minutes to get to the fair, but yesterday it took two hours! It seems like EVERYONE in Washington decided to go! It was crazy, to say the least.

Above is the card that I made for my mom. It wasn’t nearly as elaborate as I wanted, but it is “her” colors and she loves her polka dots. :) I wasn’t too sure of this color combination at first, but now I really like it.

Today was crazy busy at work. Since I’m going to be gone on my business trip, I want to make sure we get everything out of production and shipped off. In between the incoming shipments, paper work, outgoing shipments and the day-to-day tasks, I’m going to have my work cut out for me. The rest of the days this week, I will NOT wear heels. I made that mistake today and my feet were dying. I actually took my shoes off and was walking around in my socks!

In closing, I want to thank you all for your sweet comments lately. It warms my heart to read all of them- I really love hearing from you and knowing that I’m not just sending this off into cyberspace. :)

Toodles, girlies!


  1. ooh, cool! i love this card. definitely her, and i know she’ll love it. great job.

    and i know what you mean about the fair… i mean–do people know it’s open next weekend too? hehe.

  2. Have been on vacation this past week and so have been catching up on the blogs I like to read. Your cards have been wonderful this past week!

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