
No Place Like Home

Happy Friday from Las Vegas! I hope you had a great week and that you have some fun plans for the weekend.

Yesterday we (my mom and I) took an early flight to Las Vegas. We left our house at 4:30am, and flew out at 6:20. This was the first time that I took an early flight. Oh wow, I did not know how busy the airport was that early! We were standing in the security clearance line for appoximately 20 minutes. My mom and I were noticing all the different travelers, and some of the people who looked like they just rolled out of bed. We had a great flight and landed in Vegas at 8:45. We were hoping to check into our hotel early, but there was an extra charge. We ended up going to several different casinos, stores and walked the “Miracle Mile Shops”. I’ll write more about this later…along with pictures. :)

Right now we are relaxing in the hotel room waiting to set-up for the show. We are staying at a nice hotel that is quiet AND non-smoking. I knew that Vegas was loud, but didn’t realize how loud. After walking only 30 minutes, I got a horrible headache that lasted ALL DAY. I took tylenol and took a nap, but nothing would make it go away. Thankfully I’m back to normal {or as normal as I’m going to get}.

In closing, these cards are my first set of A1 size cards. I absolutely LOVE this size- it’s perfect for a little note! I’m hoping to do a craft fair this year, so these are some of the ones that I’m hoping to sell. Have you sold at a craft fair before? Any tips or suggestions?

I’ll write again soon. Have a fab day!


  1. oooooo, super cute! i love the umbrellas and colors–hooray for bright and cheery.

    i’m praying for you and your headaches there in Vegas… love ya!

  2. Well, I do love the umbrellas…but my favorite part is that “Chin Up, Buttercup” sentiment. So absolutely-freaking-adorable. :) Great cards!

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