Wish List

May Wish List + Giveaway!


Hello and Happy Friday!

Today I’m bringing my (monthly) On the Wish List feature back to the blog. I’ve been so busy with my full-time job on top of my Pretty Pink Posh work… sadly, this feature got temporarily put on the back burner. I’m still trying to find a groove and rhythm of fitting everything I need to do into my daily life, but I’ll get there….eventually.

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I wanted to let you all know about a 20% Ellen Hutson coupon code.  After all, we all like saving a little money on crafty goodness!

momsday14In case you’re overwhelemed with the amount of crafting goodness there is, I’ll share what on MY wish list right now. Yes, a couple items are ones I’ve listed in the past, but I still haven’t purchased the items. (So many cute items, so little money!)

I wanted to also share some of my current craft favorites….in case you still haven’t gotten a chance to pick them up. These items are tried and true products I love- I hope you love them just as much as I do!


You all know I absolutely ADORE Ellen and her team and I wanted to offer up a $25 gift certificate in honor of Mother’s Day. Ellen truly is one of my biggest cheerleaders and I’m SO blessed to have her carry my products. Also, stay tuned- very soon she’ll have all of my 4mm sequins on her site!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I plan on taking the weekend off from packaging orders and sneak some craft time in. Granted, it’s not exactly a work-free weekend, but it’ll be a nice break. You can bet I’ll have a Starbucks cup nearby (a HUGE thank you to those who sent over donations! I’ll be sending handmade thank you cards to you very soon!)

Have a splendid weekend!

On The Wish List + GIVEAWAY


Hello, sweet readers!

Today I don’t have a new card to share, but I will have one later this week. I’m working on a couple items for the new release that’s happening on Saturday (mark your calendars!) and I’m really excited to share them with you all.

Some of you may remember a feature I did in the past….it’s my On the Wish List feature! I know it’s so easy to miss some of the items from stamp companies and when friends share what’s on their wish list, it can 1) remind you of items you forgot you wanted 2) introduce you to new items 3) be trouble for your wallet. *wink*

Here are the items that caught my eye this month….

This month, I decided to splurge a little bit and I actually purchased a few of the items I have listed. I’m still waiting for a few of them to come in, but when they do, I’ll do a haul video!

I’m so grateful for all of the support and love I’ve received lately, so I wanted to do something special…. you’ll have until Saturday, March 1st to leave a comment with your crafty wish list and I’ll announce a winner on Monday.

Thanks for stopping in today. Enjoy your Wednesday!

On the Wish List- September Edition


Oh boy, can you believe the last day of September is here? It amazes me that while it seems that day to day sometimes goes by slowly (especially when one is eagerly awaiting to feel physically well), the months seem to fly by. How is that even possible?! Before you know it, it’ll be Thanksgiving and we all know what comes after that!

Today I’m bringing along my On the Wish List feature for this month. I always have intentions of doing it earlier in the month, but then the days fly by and it’s hard to sneak it in among my other posts. Since I also wanted to share a card today, I’ll be doing TWO posts today. It’s a rarity here on the blog, but there are just some days that call for it.

I’m curious…. sweet readers, what’s on YOUR wish list at the moment?

As some of you may have seen on my Instagram or Facebook page, I recently got some new craft supplies. I’m awaiting another order today and I’ll be doing a haul video. While it won’t go live today (since UPS delivers late in the day for me), I’ll still be classifying it as a September Haul. Stay tuned to the Pretty Pink Posh YouTube channel later this week for the video!

Thank you for spending some time with me today, sweet friends. I truly adore hearing from you all and I hope to see you for the other post that will go up in an hour.

On the Wish List- August Edition

wishlist_augustDoes anyone else feel like companies are upping up their game and releasing even more amazing products? Just when I feel like I’m at a comfortable place and don’t need or want anything else in my craft studio, a new release happens and I’m awe struck and looking for a money tree to pop up somewhere on our property.

This month I have a little mixture of stamp sets, inks and products and I have to confess, some of them are on their way to me right this moment. In fact, they should be here today! See? I couldn’t just keep these items in my cart, I had to checkout! Goodness gracious….I think I need a blindfold….or more self control.


Feel free to leave multiple questions here, ask me on any of my social media sites, or you can ask anonymously on this link: http://ask.fm/prettypinkposh. I’ll pull some of the most popular and frequently asked questions and bring them together for this post. Bombard me with questions, I’m READY! :)
ASKThank you for spending some time with me today, sweet friends. I truly adore hearing from you all and I shall be back again soon!

On the Wish List- July Edition


Is anyone else in shock that today is the last day of July? While this month hasn’t gone how I thought it would, it still has flown by quickly. After planning for months the big 10 Minute Craft Dash Birthday Bash celebration, it’s amazing it’s just a week away!

I’m excited to spill a little more info on the birthday bash…. we will have one giant prize for the winner of the challenge- the retail value is well over $150! Every post between now and the day the challenge goes live will have some more nuggets of info. Stay tuned!

Last month, I did the first On the Wish List feature that was well received and I’m bringing a new edition this month. With some birthday money this month, I was able to cross a few things off of my wish list from last month {which was in THIS haul post}. I’m happy that I’ve been able to inspire some of you with these posts and hopefully once things settle a little more, I can start playing with the items and do some more videos!

This list is shorter than the last one and I was tempted to put in a few non-craft related items. Would you be interested in seeing those also? Example: I’ve been eying these TOMS for months and months now, but didn’t know if any of you would care to see that listed! *wink*

Sweet readers, I’m curious, what’s on YOUR wish list at the moment?


I am all about sharing the savings with my readers and just this week, Ellen Hutson posted a 20% off savings coupon for items that are in stock. With me posting these items today, I thought you might be in the mood to do some shopping. If you haven’t shopped with Ellen Hutson before, you are missing out. These gals have amazing customer service, I love their selection of products and honestly, supporting a small business in the city next to mine is a plus in my book.

*I want to note that I’m an Ellen Hutson affiliate, but only because I adore them so much. Any products purchased through the links I have listed, or the EH sidebar ad on my site, will provide me with a small commission which in turn helps keep this site running and also helps me provide giveaways & prizes. If you plan on doing any EH orders now or in the future, feel free to use my link! :)

Test Post {of sorts}

wishlist_juneI don’t know about you, but I always love seeing what items have caught the eye of my fellow blog and craft friends. Whether it be the latest items from Target {that store always gets me in trouble!}, a new nail polish or some beloved crafty items, I love peeking in and being introduced to items I may not have normally seen.

Thanks to the prodding of a couple friends and my birthday coming up soon, I thought I’d do a “test post”, of sorts. Here’s some items that have been on my wish list and/or have caught my eye recently.

I’d love to hear whether you enjoy these sorts of posts, or would you rather I skip them. Honestly, if you aren’t a fan, that’s totally okay! I’m completely unsure if I want to do this feature, so it’ll be YOUR feedback that helps me make the decision. I promise, there won’t be any hurt feelings one way or the other. *wink*

That’s going to wrap up this short little post. Quick reminder: if you have been wanting to participate in the 10 Minute Craft Dash #19, the deadline is TOMORROW night! There have been so many gorgeous entries so far- I hope you’ll add yours to the list!