On the Wish List- September Edition
Oh boy, can you believe the last day of September is here? It amazes me that while it seems that day to day sometimes goes by slowly (especially when one is eagerly awaiting to feel physically well), the months seem to fly by. How is that even possible?! Before you know it, it’ll be Thanksgiving and we all know what comes after that!
Today I’m bringing along my On the Wish List feature for this month. I always have intentions of doing it earlier in the month, but then the days fly by and it’s hard to sneak it in among my other posts. Since I also wanted to share a card today, I’ll be doing TWO posts today. It’s a rarity here on the blog, but there are just some days that call for it.
I’m curious…. sweet readers, what’s on YOUR wish list at the moment?
As some of you may have seen on my Instagram or Facebook page, I recently got some new craft supplies. I’m awaiting another order today and I’ll be doing a haul video. While it won’t go live today (since UPS delivers late in the day for me), I’ll still be classifying it as a September Haul. Stay tuned to the Pretty Pink Posh YouTube channel later this week for the video!
Thank you for spending some time with me today, sweet friends. I truly adore hearing from you all and I hope to see you for the other post that will go up in an hour.