
Family Game Night

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy time with family and friends. When I was growing up, we didn’t have cable tv, so we spent many nights playing board games together. Some of my fondest memories are of the late night games we used to play- no electronics or cell phones, just time together.

It’s so easy these days to get caught up in the busyness of life. With my accident, I haven’t been up to doing much outside the house, so board games have been making a comeback in my life. Not only does it keep the mind off of the stresses of life, it’s also a time for cherished moments with my family.

With the holidays coming up, I thought I would compile a list of a few of our favorites. Hopefully it’ll introduce you to some new games, or possibly remind you of some of the ones you have!

Purchase Rummikub HERE

Purchase Settlers of Catan HERE

Purchase Spot It HERE

Purchase Apples to Apples HERE

Purchase Five Crowns HERE

I honestly could have kept going….our family loves playing games! I have done a second post with more of our family favorites- find it HERE!

Question: what are your favorite board/ card games to play with your family and friends?

Social Experiment + Exclusive

Hello, sweet friends!
A gigantic thank you all to who visited the Featured Blogger post yesterday. Meeting new friends who came via Jenny’s sites and connecting long-time blog readers with Jenny’s music was such a delight. If you haven’t already, click here to see the interview and also enter for you chance to win her new single! 
With November here, I am busy prepping my blog schedule for the rest of the month and also starting to get some of the first few weeks of 2013 planned out. Speaking of which, I recently had this genius {well, at least to me} idea for a social experiment. The details would be posted to the blog and those with blogs would be encouraged to join. However, those who YouTube or Facebook, and those who don’t, would be more than welcome to join too! I don’t want to divulge too much information, but let’s just say it would bring joy to those around you and carry the theme of love. Sound intriguing? Would you join along?
For my crafty friends, if you are interested in getting a head start on your 10 Minute Craft Dash project…there’s a sneak peek of the colors that will be featured on the Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page! If you like my page and go to “exclusives”, you get to see the next 10 Minute Craft Dash challenge colors a day early!
That’s going to wrap up this post. Curious to see your answers on the social experiment—-I’m hoping many will be intrigued! Don’t worry, answering the question won’t lock you in! :)
See you all tomorrow for a brand new 10 Minute Craft Dash. I have a new sponsor and I cannot wait to announce who it is. Come join in on the fun!

Facebook Page Exclusive!

Hi all! 
Did you know there’s a Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page? I recently started it so you all could keep up with the latest posts and announcements. In addition, you get to interact with other readers AND occasionally there will be exclusives to those who “like” the page. 
Well…..there’s an exclusive right now! If you like my page and go to “exclusives”, you get to see the next 10 Minute Craft Dash challenge colors a day early! That’s right, you could start crafting your projects so they’re ready to post tomorrow morning– you could be one of the first ones to enter! 
I hope you’ll “like” my page and also let your fellow crafty friends know! See you bright and early tomorrow for the 10 Minute Craft Dash. You won’t want to miss this post- I have seven amazing special designers joining along AND there’s a fab prize for the winner. Lots of great stuff! 
Have a great rest of your day and thanks for stopping by! 

New Series on Monday!

In my effort to add some new, exciting (and different) content to my blog, I racked my brain on what I could do. After contemplating a few different options, I decided on wanting to team-up with someone from the crafty blog world. After several emails, my fellow collaborator and I nailed down some super great things to post next week. Get ready, coming Monday- Wednesday I’ll have three new crafty posts (yes, back-to-back) that will be ultra inspiring AND you’ll get to see two very different takes on one theme/ concept/ color combination.
Ready to find out who this collaborator will be? It’s my real-life friend, Ginny over at GinnyLou Studio! We both have very unique styles and I’m looking forward to seeing what she has created using the ideas we have come up with. It’s going to be great fun! 
Oh, but that’s not all I have to share with you….. Ginny and I are teaming up for a BRAND NEW challenge that we will host here on my blog. You won’t want to miss the announcement next Wednesday.
That is going to wrap up this fun little post. Be sure to head on over to Ginny’s blog and check out all the cute things she has created recently- she’s been on a crafting roll! 
I’ll be back tomorrow for my Thankful Thursday post AND I’ll be here on Friday for a photo tutorial. It features a product I just received and well, I’m a tad bit obsessed. See you then!


When I first started blogging back in October of 2008, I got giddy when I got my first 10 followers. As the numbers grew larger, I become more excited and also humbled. It’s so crazy that I am just a few away from the BIG 5-0-0! 
I am beyond thrilled to see new faces and get comments from new friends. I just love this little community! I have dreams for this blog and with each new follower, these dreams are becoming a reality. 
Do you know someone who enjoys crafts, wants to connect with other bloggers or is looking for a new blog to follow? Feel free to send them to this blog! :) 
Thanks, blog friends- you are the BEST! 

Question for my blog readers

So, it’s not a craft blog post this time around. I actually just wanted to ask a question to my amazing blog readers.  It’s something that I’ve been going back and forth on, but I figured I would just ask you all since YOU are the readers.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t been posting many cards and crafts lately. Since just about all of my cards are created for the DeNami blog, I don’t post them here. (Don’t think you want to see them twice)

There are so many times when I want to type up a post, but then I don’t because I don’t have a card to post too.

Please be honest, I totally don’t mind! :) Looking forward to hearing what you wonderful readers say.

Talk with you later…

Just An Update….

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, blog friends! 
I don’t have a card for you all today, however I thought I would just pop in and update you on what’s new in my life.
Being as a BIG part of my life is work, I thought I’d start out with that topic. :) 
  • If you follow DeNami Design, you know that we have had lots of new and exciting things happening there. At the beginning of March we released a new collection, which also happened to be our very first time doing cling stamps. It’s been so neat to see your excitement over the new format.  
  • Have you all heard of Pinterest? It’s the greatest thing ever for creative/ crafty people. You can pin items that inspire you and have various “boards” so they stay nice and organized. I’ve been on Pinterest for a little while and let me say, it’s ADDICTING. Being as I’m striving to keep DeNami current on everything, we now have an account there! We hope you’ll follow us there!
  • In other news….. have I mentioned that I started dating someone? My guy is pretty incredible, if I do say so myself. We met at church (yet another reason why I love my church) and hit it off really well. So far we’ve been together for six months- here’s hoping to we have many, many more!  
  • I have fallen deeply off the weight loss journey. Me + stress= lots of stress eating. I’m trying to stop this habit, but honestly, it’s one of the hardest things to do. While I haven’t gained a ton of weight back, I have gained a few pounds. This isn’t particularly good when I’m still wanting to go the other direction (as in 15 more pounds the other way). Hoping to gain back motivation pronto! 
I know I haven’t been very good at updating this blog very often. It’s hard to post new cards when just about all of my cards are created for the DeNami blog. If you still would like to see my work, I’d suggest following that blog as well. :) I’m going to wrap this up. Thanks so much for checking on. Have a great Saturday!

      Snow Pictures!


      I’m writing from snowy Washington. Yup, we have been inundated with snow over here- so much snow I wasn’t able to get to work today! While I was quite bummed that I wasn’t able to get to work, I WAS happy that I was able to get some work done here at home. I

      While I don’t have a card to share today, I have some pictures of the snow. I just love taking pictures of snow- it’s so pretty!

      Here’s a picture of it coming down pretty heavily……

      Here’s a picture of it from my room….

      I’m so surprised that we got this much snow. The weather forecast said we were supposed to get snow, but you just never know with these Seattle weather people! We are supposed to get another few inches of snow tonight, so I may not be able to get to work tomorrow either. *sigh*  Doesn’t the snow know I have things to do and orders to ship? :)

      Well, I’m going to wrap up this blog post. I hope you all are doing well!

      Until next time….

      Early Christmas Present!

      Hello there! 
      Can you all believe that Christmas is just TWO days away??! This month has flown by ridiculously fast. I’m still in denial that the holiday is here- for some reason, it doesn’t feel as “Christmasy” as it has in the past. Despite this feeling, I’m glad that I finally got all my presents purchased and wrapped. 
      Last week, my sister came over with an early Christmas present for me. Imagine my surprise when I saw she made something…..a GORGEOUS white wreath! I recently repainted my room (with a grey, white and black color scheme), so this goes with the decor perfectly. I just LOVE this wreath!
      My sister first saw this idea on Pinterest and decided to recreate it. Any guesses as to what the white stuff is? I first thought it was tissue paper….it’s actually coffee filters!
      We thought about adding little holly berries inside the wreath, but then decided against it. (I didn’t want the paper to rip when we took the berries off) 
      Before I close, I just want to remind you all of the challenge we have over at Young Crafters Unite. We’ve extended the deadline, so you have FOUR more days to enter! The next challenge will start in the new year, January 5th, to be exact. :) 
      Well, it’s off to finish baking and then nap time for this girl. Gotta love vacation time! Hope you all are doing well!

      Fascinating Fridays Feature

      Hello there!
      I’m excited about the post I have for you all today- I’m being featured on a blog! This blog is one I’ve admired for some time, and I was beyond ecstatic when I was asked to be featured. SO flattering! The cute blog is called Paperie Designs’ Studio.  
      There’s a short little interview, along with some of my cards, if you’re interested in taking a peek. I’d suggest bookmarking this blog- Noor always has some GREAT designers on here. 
      Until next time…..