Family Game Night

If you’re anything like me, you enjoy time with family and friends. When I was growing up, we didn’t have cable tv, so we spent many nights playing board games together. Some of my fondest memories are of the late night games we used to play- no electronics or cell phones, just time together.

It’s so easy these days to get caught up in the busyness of life. With my accident, I haven’t been up to doing much outside the house, so board games have been making a comeback in my life. Not only does it keep the mind off of the stresses of life, it’s also a time for cherished moments with my family.

With the holidays coming up, I thought I would compile a list of a few of our favorites. Hopefully it’ll introduce you to some new games, or possibly remind you of some of the ones you have!

Purchase Rummikub HERE

Purchase Settlers of Catan HERE

Purchase Spot It HERE

Purchase Apples to Apples HERE

Purchase Five Crowns HERE

I honestly could have kept going….our family loves playing games! I have done a second post with more of our family favorites- find it HERE!

Question: what are your favorite board/ card games to play with your family and friends?


  1. I have only played Rummikub and it is an all time favorite of mine!! I really enjoy cribbage too – but I always win so it isn’t too fun to play with my husband anymore.

  2. Total “yes” on Settlers!! We love that one. But I cannot recommend enough a game called “Times Up”. We played that game so many times that we actually had to make up our own cards when the old ones were too familiar. Such a fun fun fun game. It has been the source of MANY laughter tears :)) Fun post!!! I love game night!

  3. We’ve got three versions of Apples to Apples, the Jr. Version, the regular version and the Bible Version. This is our go to game for “old Year’s Night”/Hogmany,New Year’s Eve to you, when we’ve a house full of guests and we form teams to play…lots of fun for all ages! Will have to look for Spot it. Another game my crew likes is Dutch Blitz, a card game that is very fast paced.

  4. We started playing Apples to Apples a couple of years ago when Our son & DIL received it as a gift ~ VERY FUN!!

  5. My family loves games, too. We have most of the ones you listed, but also will add Quiddler(LOVE this one), Bananagrams, Moods, Scrabble, and Wits and Wagers. We have many more, but those are favorites.

  6. I didn’t know there was a junior version of Apples to Apples. Casey is a little too young for the adult version, so the junior one may be perfect for her.

  7. I love games!! Problem is, I’m the only person I know of who likes to play them! Sometimes the hubs will play with me, but I know they are not his favorite so :( As a family, we used to play “Sorry”, “Monopoly” and “UNO” all the time!

  8. You have listed many of our favorite family games here! I haven’t heard of Five Crowns before, but it sounds like a game my daughter will enjoy. Thank you for the list. I hope you do this feature again.

  9. We like Ticket to Ride in our family. From the sound of this post, I think your family will too.

  10. This feature is exactly what I need this Christmas. We are having a big gathering and I need to get more games. Thank you for doing this post, Paulina!

  11. We are big Apples to Apples fans in this household. I haven’t heard of some of these games, but I’ll be looking into them. Thank you for introducing them to us!

  12. I don’t typically comment on your blog, but I had to for this post. This feature is really great and I hope you will continue doing it. Our family likes Monopoly and Life, but we will look into the games you listed.

  13. What a clever idea for a post. I agree that families spend too much time using technology and not enough time spending time together. This post has prompted me to make family game night a more regular occurrence in our household.

  14. my friend just told me about Settlers of Catan and then you listed it. i think it’s a sign! i’ll have to look into this game and Spot It for my next paycheck.

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