Snow Pictures!


I’m writing from snowy Washington. Yup, we have been inundated with snow over here- so much snow I wasn’t able to get to work today! While I was quite bummed that I wasn’t able to get to work, I WAS happy that I was able to get some work done here at home. I

While I don’t have a card to share today, I have some pictures of the snow. I just love taking pictures of snow- it’s so pretty!

Here’s a picture of it coming down pretty heavily……

Here’s a picture of it from my room….

I’m so surprised that we got this much snow. The weather forecast said we were supposed to get snow, but you just never know with these Seattle weather people! We are supposed to get another few inches of snow tonight, so I may not be able to get to work tomorrow either. *sigh*  Doesn’t the snow know I have things to do and orders to ship? :)

Well, I’m going to wrap up this blog post. I hope you all are doing well!

Until next time….


  1. GORGEOUS snowy photos, Paulina!!! Please send some of that white stuff to Colorado!!! We desperately NEED it!!!! Plus…I LOVE being snowed in!!! HA!

  2. Your snow is SO pretty, Paulina! Thanks for sharing your photos. We haven’t had much snow at all this winter, but I’m not complaining–it’s so much easier for my kids and me to walk to and from school without it. I hope you are able to get in to work soon!

  3. I love your snow pictures! They are gorgeous! But I’m going to have to say “you can keep it”! LOL
    Who am I kidding, I’m in Illinois I’m sure we’ll get our share!
    Be Safe! ;o)

  4. I used to live in Auburn, Wa, but moved to Florida a few years ago. I’m sitting around in bare feet, capris and a t-shirt while enjoying your photos.

    Your cards are always beautiful!

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