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How To Mask With Glossy Accents

Hi Crafty Friends! Carly here and I’ve got a question for you…have you tried masking with Glossy Accents?

I love the look of the Glossy Accents and I’m thrilled that it does double duty as a permanent mask! Plus it’s the perfect way to combine white ghosts (from the new Valentine Ghost Friends) and colorful backgrounds!

Watch the video above  I  Watch the video in HD on YouTube

Here are some tips for success…

  • use heavyweight cardstock to avoid warping from the layer of Glossy Accents
  • emboss your stamped design to help keep Glossy Accents inside the lines
  • apply Glossy Accents as close to the edge of the stamped image as possible
  • use a craft pick to remove bubbles from wet Glossy Accents, pull into small spaces of the stamped image and “erase” any that does go outside the lines
  • let Glossy Accents air dry completely before adding ink blending or watercolor 

Thanks so much for stopping by!


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