
Welcome Baby Onesie

Hi everybody, it’s June here! Today I’ll be showcasing some of the cute baby products recently released.

I used the new Onesie Shaker Dies to create a central focal point for my card. I blended a gradient on the border piece using Twisted Citron, Cracked Pistachio and Peacock Feathers Distress Oxide. I used those same colors with a lighter hand on the backing piece to not distract too much. I did want to add a bit more detailing though, so I splattered some Peacock Feathers and Mowed Lawn Distress Oxides and thinned out white acrylic paint on my back piece.

I love how customizable the onesie is! I personally went for the lace collar and rubber duckie to go on top of my shaker. I knew I wanted to try out a certain new stencil for the background, so the duckie just HAD to be there. Also, I was excited to see that the color palette I chose matched perfectly with one of the new shaker bead packs, the Spring Breeze Shaker Beads. This is one of my favorite shakers I’ve made so far because everything just matches so perfectly!

For the background, I went a bit out of my comfort zone again. I already talked about being intimidated by layering stencils before, but each time I see these beautiful stenciled cards my fellow Design Team members create, I really want to give it another go. So that’s what I did!

I used a variety of Distress Oxides and small blending brushes to carefully color in each image from the Layered Baby Wreath Stencil. I used a light hand so I could create a slight gradient look to the images. I tried to bring back my main colors and also used a bit of brown for the teddy bears. Going into this, I thought it would be a very stressful process for a perfectionist like myself, but I genuinely had an amazing time and lifting up my stencil made me smile each time! After I finished the stenciling work, I added some white gel pen detail like I would do with stamped images. I cut out my background using the largest of the Stitched Torn Rectangle Dies

Because I used brown for the teddy bears, I thought it would be a good idea to bring back that color in my sentiment. I embossed the ‘Baby’ from the Baby Animals stamp set onto a brown piece of cardstock with white embossing powder. I did the same for the ‘welcome’ sentiment from that set and I cut it out using the banner from the Big Celebration Cupcakes Dies. I adhered both of them using foam tape to match the height of the shaker piece.

I’ll see you again soon, bye!

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