Sea Friends + A Challenge
Have you had a day where you feel incredibly blessed? Lately I’ve been having some battles within myself (the stress of dealing with health issues, worrying about finances, etc…) and know that the stress doesn’t do anything but harm me physically, mentally and emotionally. Despite KNOWING these things, I still let it get to me sometimes. I was having one of those days and then I bumped into a friend at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday. We didn’t chat for long, but it was a familiar face when I needed one. Then later on that day, I received a check in the mail. Granted, it was a small one, but it was the unexpected blessing I needed to know that God still has me in the palm of His hand.
With the craziness of life and the ups and downs I still deal with physically (click HERE for previous updates), I don’t often take the time to sit down and write friends cards. I decided to spend a few hours writing notes to friends and vow to actually MAIL them this week. Today’s card is going to a friend that has become so very dear to my heart. She unexpectedly blessed me with flowers last year (story HERE) and she also happens to be the friend I bumped into this weekend.
Friends are a funny thing. Some friends are with you for just a season, some come in and out of your life for other seasons, and then there are lifelong friends. I have been blessed with a dear lifelong friend, but so many friends have come in and out of my life. Do I sometimes get sad that many of them seem to have gone away since the accident? Absolutely. However, I’m grateful for my lifelong friend and the friends I have in THIS season.
It’s been a while since I put a challenge out to you, my readers, but I feel like doing one today. Send at least TWO cards to friends, family members or someone who needs a little encouraging today. It doesn’t have to be a super long note, but let’s brighten up some lives this week.
That’s all for me today, sweet friends. I hope your week gets off to a great start!
*I wrote a previous post about “True Friends” that you may enjoy, too. Be warned: it’s a long one.

Hugs Paulina! As for your challenge… one down and one to go!! Thanks for reminding us to actually mail the beauty we create!
Your post, today, is the timely friend that I needed, even as your friend was to you. Thanks!
Oh boy, can I EVER relate to the different seasons of friends! It IS a sad thing, but I’ve realized it’s part of Life. Special people come in during the different phases we all have. I’ve realized those people ARE special, along with the amazing (only few) Lifelong friends I have, and I DO miss the when I realize that phase is over and so are the friendships. But I think of all of them quite often. So I LOVE your idea of sending a couple cards out. And I think I’m going to send them to the friends that belong to those short phases in life (college, baby, different jobs). LOVE this idea, Paulina!
Oh yah, P.S. – I love, love, love this card! It’s genius!
Great challenge, I can do that! Adorable card.
Fun turtle and fish shaker! Thanks for the challenge Paulina..I made a few cards yesterday that will work perfectly:)
Happy Monday Paulina! I just have to say…I didn’t know about your car accident 2 years ago–THANK GOD and THE ANGELS who were with you that day! I’ve had very close calls in my life and I KNOW that someone, somewhere was watching over me to keep me safe. I’m with you on that! Also, I’m a ‘bit’ older than you and have had friends come and go as well. But, what I’ve found, TRUE FRIENDS stay with you, especially during times of conflict, illness, sadness….when I separated from my 2nd husband, and he subsequently died in a car crash, people who said they were my ‘friends’ turned their backs on me. Suffice it to say, these people weren’t friends or family and overall, we are better off without ‘humans’ like this in our lives. Your challenge to send 2 cards to family or friends is a meaningful one, Paulina. I don’t have a lot of people in my life that I can call friends. I’ve been hurt many times and it does leave scars—BUT, with God’s help and love, I’m trying to let down my barriers and let myself trust people again. THANK YOU, Paulina, for sharing your personal story. Your strength gives me strength and that’s a good thing!! Cheers to you!! XOXO-Shari
Thank you for the reminder to be grateful for each day we wake up knowing we are loved and cared for by others. Bless you.
How wonderful, Paulina, that when you ‘needed’ a friend, one appeared – and ‘exactly’ the one you needed at the time! Right time, right place, right friend – aren’t blessings so very wonderful? Your card is pure delight; guaranteed to bring a smile to your friend’s face, just as it has mine! You may be sending this to a specific person, but by sharing it here, you’ve brightened the day of all of us who see it! Thank you!!
Pretty and adorable card all rolled into one. (My heart is saddened for you as I too struggle with many health issues and daily severe chronic pain as well as the financial issues that come along with all that. Being a human guinea pig just to end up with no answers is hard physically and mentally. I am so sorry you are dealing with these things, I hate to hear that others are going through it too. I will keep you in my prayers. It sounds like we have a lot in common health wise and prayer is what helps me, so I can only hope my prayers will help you too. God bless and I pray you are healed soon!
Paulina, I read about your life changing incident (car accident) and I can identify with some of the thoughts you have shared. I too have good and bad days and sometime get upset at the Lord for allowing my to have the condition I do for most of my life. I have epilepsy and although for most of the time I am controlled through medication. It only takes one time having a seizure and I struggle not to get upset about it. One thing I must constantly remind myself that I am quite fortunate to have many things others with my condition don’t have. I have a God given husband who I love and has accepted me with my epilepsy as well as all my personality quirks. I also have 3 grown children 1 married with 2 of my 3 lovely grandchildren, 1 who very expectantly became a dad to a beautiful little girl (we dubbed her our Valentine sweetheart – she was born on that day) and the other who is still at home with us and helps work with my hubby at his work. I know this is kind on long, but I just want you to know that even though I can’t totally experience what you are going through, I can show you great empathy and pray unceasingly for your mental, physical and spiritual well being. Give Jesus all the glory and praise! Love you Paulina and don’t apologize for being human, we all are. HUGS!! P.S. I also can drive, not very many with this condition can. :)
I’m glad to hear you are doing better this week. I have been trying to send cards to my remaining Aunts. Their health is not the best and they live several hours away from me, so I figure that a handmade/handwritten card is the best “gift” I can give them. I haven’t sent any lately, but I will try to get one mailed this week :-)
Great card & challenge. My favorite stamp store “Buffalo Stamps & Stuff” is placing
an order for your sequins. I’ll be sure to purchase some as soon as they
arrive there.
Such a cute card, Paulina! I think you are right, t here are friends that are for short seasons and those that are friends for life; I am happy that you have a best friend. Sorry to hear that the stress of finances and your continuing health struggles were getting you down. I admire your positive attitude through it all! I hope there will be easier times ahead for you!!
What a sweet sweet card! LOVE it! And yes I accept your challenge! =)