Thankful Thursday- October 11th

Good morning!

Before I start with this post, thank you all for sharing in my excitement last week {post here} about my unexpected blessing. I am still so excited about this and am looking forward to arranging everything. My dad put up my embellishment shelves and now I can actually start putting things up. Now comes the fun process of finding organization bins/ jars and make everything pretty. :)

Here is my Thankful Thursday list for this week.

  • My sister and her team {who were in the International Culinary Olympics in Germany} got Gold and Silver for their dishes! After a year+ of commuting between WA and OR, numerous practices and trips across the country for fund raisers, this journey is coming to an end. I’m so proud of her!
  • My sparkly pink glitter tipped nails. Yes, it’s such a tiny thing, but it makes me happy.
  • Fitting into smaller size jeans! I recently had to go shopping for new jeans and was so excited to see I fit a smaller size!
  • New blog friends who have joined in various blog posts and left comments. I truly love getting to know you all, and your comments make it possible.
  • This past week, I set aside fears and finally contacted one of my favorite bloggers {who is famous in a certain circle} and asked if she would be my Featured Blogger for next month. She graciously accepted and I cannot wait to introduce you all to her- she’s amazing.

How has your week been going? What are YOU thankful for this week? Big, small, life-changing or funny, I can’t wait to hear about it.  

I am so excited for the DeNami Halloween Blog Hop on Sunday, I couldn’t stop creating cards! I’ll be back tomorrow with one of the Halloween cards I made. :)

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  1. You sound so happy today!! :)

    Way to go on those smaller sized jeans, girlie!! WOO-HOO!!

    This week I’m thankful that my Mother got to go out of town to visit with her sisters and I’m thankful for cardmaking. Without cardmaking I’d be a nervous wreak. Everyone needs a stress releiver and this is mine. I can get lost in all the papers, glitters and stamps for hours and just let my head clear….sigh.

  2. I am glad you could set your fears aside; I have had a difficult time doing that lately.

    I am thankful for riding bikes with my kids. It has been a lot of fun!

  3. Your list is so sweet….love it! I am thankful for fitting into smaller sized jeans too (I had to go shopping about a month ago for some new pairs)!! I have basically switched to a basically gluten free diet…which has totally changed how I feel & what I weigh!! I am also grateful that the few dinners we ate with gluten in them…I have been successfully able to change them to gluten-free! Yay!!

  4. Ahh, this is one of the posts that didn’t get posted from my stinkin’ phone!

    I’m thankful that my hubs and I both have jobs! We both were unemployed for a bit and that was so scary! How quickly our world can crumble when money is involved.

    I love that you’re thankful for glittery nails too! Just today when I got home I had to take some pics of this really pretty tree in our front yard, it turns so red, makes me smile when I see it.

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