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Papertrey January Blog Hop

Happy Monday, dear friends!

Today was my first day back at work since returning from CHA. Oh goodness, my body & brain are so exhausted! Even though I went to bed early, my body is still feeling the effects of being on the go. If you didn’t get a chance, be sure to take a peek at the pics I took with some blogging regulars {aka Ashley Cannon Newell, Kelly Marie Alvarez, Maile Belles}.

Moving on to the card at hand…..this month’s challenge at Papertrey was to create a complete package card {ie front of card, inside of card and envie}. I rarely take the time to do everything on a card, however I’m thinking I should do this for some special people. I love the look of how everything matches!
I decided that I don’t use Ocean Tides as much as I should. This color is so elegant and is great for a masculine card. I pulled out the elegant Decorative Crest Circle from DeNami Design and Turning A New Leaf from PaperTrey Ink for this card. Don’t they go well together? Here is the decorated envie that I made to match the card. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how it turned out! Isn’t it fun to make everything coordinate? I’ll post more like this in the future, keep checking back! ;)
Here’s the final picture of the envie and card together. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you were inspired by today’s post!

Stamps: Hello Friend, Decorative Crest Circle, Turning A New Leaf, Dots Background
Paper: Cream, Dark Chocolate, Ocean Tides
Ink: Vintage Sepia, Fresh Snow, Ocean Tides
Other: Marvy 2½” scallop circle punch, Marvy 3″ scallop circle punch, corner rounder


  1. Great card! I love how you stamped the inside. I also love the layered look of the stamping on the outside.

  2. Oh, I’m so lucky I’ve already got the leaf set. Because if not, I’d be getting it right now! Love the ocean tides and chocolate together. Fabulous!

  3. I love Ocean Tides too, in fact it was my first PTI colour that I purchased in cs, ink pad and refill. I absolutely love your perfectly co-ordinayed card. So clever with the envelope!

  4. I have to admit when I first got my Ocean Tides cardstock I was sooo disappointed, but now it is my favorite go to color. I struggle sooo much with masculine cards. Think I will case this one….beautiful job!

  5. This is gorgeous! Makes me want to go grab some Ocean Tides, and start stamping! I really love your background stamping, too!

  6. This is really beautiful! The stamping is gorgeous, and I love the rounded corners and clean design! Great job with the blog hop challenge!


  7. Oh my gosh the dsp you made with the ocean tides paper is super fun. Way to rock the blog hop challenge!

    It’s a good life!
    Terri E.

  8. Wowsa! I love the layered look on the OT cardstock! I love the overall color combo…I’m going to have to give it a go!

  9. Fabulous! I love these colors together. This makes a beautiful presentation. I love the way you did the front of the envelope too, that’s really unique!

  10. Wow! This is a beautiful masculine set! I love your colour choices and the layered stamping – it’s really amazing! Your envie looks digital it’s so perfect! Yummy!

  11. Gorgeous set, great colors. You stamped the sentiment perfectly, did you use the stamp positioner? I’m bummed I forgot about the blog hop. Maybe next month you can remind me its’ coming. :-)

  12. excellent card..inside, outside and envy! I just got home a couple hours ago and I ‘get’ to go to work tomorrow…wwwaahh…I’m exhausted..

  13. Wow! I really love the patterned paper you made for this. And I agree, Ocean Tides is an elegant color that is great for masculine cards!

  14. This is so pretty… inside & out. Love the way you used the leaf. Great job on the challenge!

  15. Hi Paulina! I didn’t have time to visit your blog yesterday due to the time difference, so I am catching up now. Wow…..you made a wonderful card and envelope. Beautiful design and colors. Thanks for sharing!

  16. LOVE the colors you used on this card! I struggle with the masculine cards and mine always look plain & boring. Im definitely case’ing this! :o)

  17. So very pretty! I don’t use Ocean Tides enough either, great way to challenge yourself and wonderful result.

  18. I’m hopping a little later than normal! Your project is AWESOME! I love your work with Turning a New Leaf – I need to get that set!

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