
Color Challenge #39

Woah…I did two different cards for Kristina’s color challenge this week! As you can see, I LOVE the new DeNami chickies– they can be found here. Also note, I have used more rhinestones. I’m telling ya, I just can’t get enough! I looked online, and saw all sorts of colors that I’m going to get….just can’t justify doing it right now…..I’ll write about why in another post.


  1. oh my goodness!! have i mentioned that i love chickies, and that you are awesome at making really cute cards?

  2. This is the cutest card ever, I love those little chicks :) Thanks for visiting my blog, I’m glad you did, I love your work!

  3. oh, how SWEET! Love the colours, love the layout and those chickies are adorable!!

    Rhinestones are addictive … did you ever try looking at a dollar store? Sometimes they have all sorts of stuff that doesn’t quite break the bank!!

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