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Fancy Favors Blog Hop

prettypinkposh_favors1Who is ready for some yummy treats and lots of inspiration? Today is the Fancy Favors Blog Hop over on the DeNami blog and I have a feeling there are going to be lots of pretty favor ideas! If you started the hop from the beginning, you should be coming from Tammy’s blog.

It’s no secret that I tend to have a hard time deciding on which stamps to feature for blog hops. So many choices to choose from! I decided I would go with something more bold and immediately thought of going the boy route. After all of the pastel and girly items I’ve been creating, this was a welcome break.


Just about every kiddo likes cookies, so I thought they would be the perfect item to stick inside the pillow boxes. The DeNami outer space stamps are adorable and I was so happy I got to pull them out again! A little masking, some coloring and a few sequin additions and I was able to whip these up quickly.


Your next blog hop stop: Rochelle Washington’s blog! Be sure to leave a comment on each stop- you never know where the winning comments will be picked from. Oh, and did I mention there’s prizes? Two lucky people will win a $20 DeNami gift certificate for leaving a comment!

Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you were inspired!