



At the beginning of the year, I did a blog post about my word for 2013. I’m really glad that I chose this word- it’s been a good reminder these last few weeks to take heart and find courage.

As I was laying in bed the other day, I started to jot down notes about my word. Since I try to be open and transparent with you all, I thought I would share some of the ways I plan on being courageous this year.

  • Courage to believe in myself
  • Courage to fulfill my goals
  • Courage to face my health issues
  • Courage to be optimistic about the future
  • Courage to have faith during difficult times
  • Courage to have big dreams in all aspects of my life
  • Courage to believe in people
  • Courage to take my blog to an even higher level
  • Courage to believe God has a plan in everything

Many of you have shared some of you words for 2013- change, trust, hope, faith, joy, strength, patience, loving- all of those are fantastic. If you didn’t share you word earlier, I would LOVE to hear it! Or if you did share it, I would love to hear how you plan on putting your word to action.

I’m thrilled that many of you have taken on different challenges with me. Whether it be to better yourself personally, saving for the future or creating a better atmosphere for those around us. I honestly LOVE hearing about you and your journeys and the things you’re learning and how you’re growing. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. You all mean so much to me. Truly.

Word for 2013: COURAGE


Happy New Year!

Some of you may be familiar with having a word for the new year. I have seen it in blog land in years past and wanted to take part of it this year.  These past few days I’ve been pondering what I wanted my word to be. After going over a few, I finally decided on the word COURAGE.

2012 was a rough one for me. There was some ups, but a lot of downs. As we go into the new year, I will admit, I feel defeated and run down mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually…..  I have been a fighter in the past, but it seems like that fighting spirit has faded away. I miss that part of me and I’m going to try to bring that back in 2013. I want to have courage to face the health issues, courage to tackle my goals & dreams, courage to walk in the path God has for me.

As we look to this new year, I’d like to encourage you to choose a word. Have one? I would LOVE to hear what it is!

Wishing you a wonderful 2013. Looking forward to sharing this new year with you all!