
At the beginning of the year, I did a blog post about my word for 2013. I’m really glad that I chose this word- it’s been a good reminder these last few weeks to take heart and find courage.

As I was laying in bed the other day, I started to jot down notes about my word. Since I try to be open and transparent with you all, I thought I would share some of the ways I plan on being courageous this year.

  • Courage to believe in myself
  • Courage to fulfill my goals
  • Courage to face my health issues
  • Courage to be optimistic about the future
  • Courage to have faith during difficult times
  • Courage to have big dreams in all aspects of my life
  • Courage to believe in people
  • Courage to take my blog to an even higher level
  • Courage to believe God has a plan in everything

Many of you have shared some of you words for 2013- change, trust, hope, faith, joy, strength, patience, loving- all of those are fantastic. If you didn’t share you word earlier, I would LOVE to hear it! Or if you did share it, I would love to hear how you plan on putting your word to action.

I’m thrilled that many of you have taken on different challenges with me. Whether it be to better yourself personally, saving for the future or creating a better atmosphere for those around us. I honestly LOVE hearing about you and your journeys and the things you’re learning and how you’re growing. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. You all mean so much to me. Truly.


  1. I enjoyed your post very much. You have chosen a great word and have come up with many areas to incorporate it into your life. I wish you well. My word is appreciation. I must work on showing my loved ones how much they mean to me and thank them for little things they do to make life easier for me. I also want to learn to take the time to appreciate the good things and opportunities I experience like good health and the many vacations we take now that we are retired, instead of taking these things for granted.

  2. When you first mentioned this in a post a while back, I gave it some thought. I then decided that I wasn’t going to pick a word. I decided I needed to go for an overall remake of my life in several aspects.
    *showing more patience
    *be willing to accept change
    *concentrate on my health
    *learn to say the word “no” sometimes (I can’t always be Super Woman)
    Well, those are just the ones on my little post it note taped to my bedside lampshade so that I am sure to see them everyday and try to incorporate into my life at the moment. I hope to add to it as the year goes by.

  3. Above all other I think my word continues to be faith. Faith in God sees us through EVERYTHING. With the recent loss of my mother-in-law I know that faith has gotten my husband and I through this. We faithfully believe she is in a better place and that God was ready for her and this gives us peace (another good word!).

  4. Hi Paulina! I have been out of the blogging world for sometime now and have decided that I need to get back in to my crafting as it is so good for my soul. I LOVE the new look of your blog! Please say Hi to your folks for me and everyone at DeNami. If I were to choose one word it would definitely be appreciation. I appreciate everyone in the blogging/crafting world so much and have come to realize the gift of friendship. I wish you and your family all the best in 2013. Hugs!

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