Word for 2013: COURAGE


Happy New Year!

Some of you may be familiar with having a word for the new year. I have seen it in blog land in years past and wanted to take part of it this year.  These past few days I’ve been pondering what I wanted my word to be. After going over a few, I finally decided on the word COURAGE.

2012 was a rough one for me. There was some ups, but a lot of downs. As we go into the new year, I will admit, I feel defeated and run down mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually…..  I have been a fighter in the past, but it seems like that fighting spirit has faded away. I miss that part of me and I’m going to try to bring that back in 2013. I want to have courage to face the health issues, courage to tackle my goals & dreams, courage to walk in the path God has for me.

As we look to this new year, I’d like to encourage you to choose a word. Have one? I would LOVE to hear what it is!

Wishing you a wonderful 2013. Looking forward to sharing this new year with you all!


  1. Paulina, this is a perfect word. You have inner strength that shines through in your posts. I wish you well and will keep visiting your blog and check to see that you ‘courage’ is still with you….and if not, will give it a nudge! I x

  2. Happy New Year! Courage would be a good word for me as well because I have learned in the last couple of years that I do not deal with adversity very well. I really hope the new year brings you better health.

  3. That’s a good one! I keep thinking about what my word would be and I’m lost. Or I have too many. I need to let my brain settle and then I’m sure a perfect word will pop out! I feel like I need a new word every week, day or even hour!

  4. I have several words that have come to mind as I’ve thought about this the last couple of days. I am praying right now that God brings me the right word… the one he most wants me to live out. I will update when it happens :)

  5. Happy New Year, Paulina!!! LOVE this idea and your post—so inspiring! I’ve decided my word for 2013 is TRUST! It comes from one of my favorite quotes: “What if you just KNEW everything was working out perfectly…”

  6. HappyNEWYear Paulina! I shall pick HOPE. I HOPE in a God I can trust. It does fill me with peace when I remember WHO is in charge…AND IT’S NOT ME…THANK GOD!!!! LOL.

  7. That is such a great word. I feel you on too many downs in 2012. I am so ready for happier memories and change. I think that’s my word. Change. Maybe it should be two, Embracing Change. Tackling Change. Positive Change.

    Happy New Year,

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