
Happy Thursday

Okay, maybe it wasn’t exactly a “Happy Thursday.” Right now my mascara is running and I look like a wreck- being an emotional girl can be exhausting! Don’t worry, I’m alright, it’s just been a crazy week. Moving on…..

Today I’m showing you a pansy card. (Is that a reflection of me?!) I absolutely LOVE how this card turned out. I love how all the colors blend so well, and I’m really starting to enjoy using purple! I had to stock up on some more of this gorgeous Bazzill cardstock- I was going through it so quickly! I love their variety of colors and the texture is great too. Seriously, I could spend hours at a scrapbook store looking at all the different cardstocks- especially if they are in pretty colors! Lately I have really been into purple and black, but my favorites are still pink, brown and green.
I’m hoping to get some good crafting time in this weekend. Tomorrow I’m a pedicure with my friend and then I’m going to a fundraiser dinner. Side note: I’m SO excited about getting my toes done….they are long overdue! Hopefully I can get a few cards in sometime- that’s the highlight of my weekends! Well, I also very much enjoy sleeping in and spending time @ home, but those were give ins!

Just incase you forgot, this is the last night you can enter the BLOG CANDY! I’m picking the winner tomorrow morning- be sure to check back to see if you won.

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2 Sketches 4 You- Laura’s Sketch #19

Today has been a whirlwind of a day. Worked a full day, sat in the cell phone waiting area @ the airport for a while, picked up family from the airport, came home and ate dinner, and finally was able to get some cardmaking in. I almost didn’t want to post this card, for fear that I would come up a better take on this sketch. This sketch was so much fun….I couldn’t decide what stamps I wanted to use! While helping with the class yesterday, I was talking to someone who LOVES cupcakes. Who can blame her? They are so much fun! I haven’t stamped with any in a while, so I decided it was time to take them out again. I love this color combo together- will be playing with these colors some more! I still have a baby card that needs to be made…I think these colors would look great on it, especially since it’s a girl.

On the 2 Sketches 4 You blog, they are having an “Eye Candy” giveaway. All you have to do is share a picture of your special someone. (ie husband, boyfriend) Well, I don’t have a husband or a boyfriend, but I do have two special little men in my life. They are my sweet younger brothers. Seriously, a girl could not ask for better ones! They open the door, offer the last piece of cake, cookies, candy to me, compliment my cards, and even tell me I look pretty. What more could a girl ask for? They are such little gentlemen, and I know that someday they will make for great husbands. But until then, I’ll just keep on training them. ;)
***Don’t forget about my BLOG CANDY! You only have a few more days to enter!***

Scallops & Filigree

I think it’s pretty interesting that I didn’t like these filigree stamps. When I first saw them, I had no idea if or how I would use them. Needless to say, this has definitely changed. I love these stamps- I can’t get enough! I love how they can be elegant, but the cards can still be super simple. I ended up embossing the filigree on this card, and for the centerpiece I added some magenta glitter. It added some color, and also so much fun! I originally was going to try to make this card work for the 2S4Y sketch this week, but I just couldn’t pull it together. I am however happy with the card that I did post.

Today I helped out with a stamp class at a local store. I had so much fun, and the ladies were all so nice! The class was filled and we kept busy with 10 cards in 3 hours. It got a little crazy, but everyone had a good time, and their cards turned out fabulously. Someone asked if I thought about teaching down the road. Right now I’m pretty busy with working, trying to have a personal life (yes, you can laugh), and then trying to make time to create some cards. I have thought about it though, and I would be open to the idea down the road. We’ll see what happens…

Hope you had a fab weekend. As usual, it went by way too quickly for me. I’m not ready to go back to work tomorrow…..that’s life.


Mojo Monday #72

I was super excited with this weeks sketch from Mojo Monday. It looked so fun, and also the first Monday of each month is contest week! (Seriously, can you believe we are already in February?!) Moving along… I was in need of a birthday card for one of my greatest friends, and her favorite color is purple. Also, with spring coming soon, flowers are on my mind. Hence this purple, pansy/ spring feeling card. I’m really happy with the outcome. The polka dot ribbon and all of the stamps are from DeNami Design.

If you don’t know already, I have posted some blog candy! I will be picking a winner on Friday, so be sure to enter before then! This is my first time with the candy, but I know it won’t be my last! I already have ideas of what I want to do for my next one. *think BIGGER*
Tomorrow I am helping out with a class at a local stamp store. I’m really looking forward to it! The class if filled to the max (17 students), and the cards are really fantastic. My biggest wish right now is to get rid of this little cold that is lingering. I’ve had it for a week, and I’m SO over it.

Hope you all are staying healthy. Don’t forget about Valentine’s Day next Saturday!! I have posted some Valentine cards a few posts back- be sure to check those out too! :)


2 Sketches 4 You- Kazan’s Sketch #19

Wow, this was a LOOOONG week. With working and being sick and then trying to recover, I have not been feeling up to creating anything. I was so excited about this weeks sketch- it was amazing (as usual). I had this great idea of combining two sketches/ challenges, but after FOUR hours of “creating,” came up with nothing. Yes, nothing! Let’s just say I went to bed feeling defeated, and almost gave up. I decided I would give it one more try, and I’m glad I did! I really like the end result- so girly and yet simple.

This week I posted my first blog candy giveaway. Click here to check out the post. It’s super easy to enter, just let me know what your favorite embellishment is!


January 2009 Project Parade

I stumbled across the Verve blog not too long ago. They have a great group of designers, and they also have ” Project Parades.” This months theme is “A Kid At Heart.” I don’t make too many kids items, but it’s fun to go back to more basic cards, and some vibrant colors. I knew I wanted to use these DeNami Safari Animals– they are so cute and chubby! I changed up the card to make it look like a tag, but it’s really a card! I also added some Crystal Lacquer to make the animals shiny and also more dimensional….so fun!

Have you made a card recently with a kid theme? If so, send me the link so I can admire! I love looking at others creations- you guys are so inspiring!


Cupcake Challenge #53

This is the first time I have participated in one of Taylor’s Cupcake Challenges. I really enjoy looking at all of Taylor’s creations- her work is so clean, and she has some great sketches. I had a hard time narrowing what stamps I wanted to use on this challenge, but in the end, I chose the new DeNami filigree stamps. I am constantly in need of a “just because” card….I’ll definitely be making more of these. I love these new stamps so much, I played around with them some more. *see below*

Would definitely make a cute gift set!

I made this as a birthday card for my sister. She loves the damask look, and she also enjoys these colors. In fact, I even stamped some wrapping paper to complete the look- I know she’s going to love it! I can’t wait until she comes home from Canada so I can give it to her!

Baby Card

I’m FINALLY posting the baby card that I made a few weeks back. I really can’t tell you why it took me so long to post- I was just being lazy! This is one of the first baby cards I have made…mainly because not too many of my friends have had kids yet, or are even married. I absolutely love how this card turned out. I am thoroughly addicted to cutting out letters with my Cricut, and then covering the letters in glitter. It looks like the expensive letters from the scrapbook stores, but only at a fraction of the cost! This card in particular is for one of my girlfriends’ sisters. She is expecting her first baby in March, and they are having a baby shower in two weeks. I was so thrilled when they had announced the name they had chosen for the baby- that gives no excuses for not personalizing a card!

Hope you enjoy this card as much as I enjoyed making it! There are a few more baby cards that are in my future, but I think I’m going to wait until I know the names first….doesn’t look complete without it. Have you made any adorable baby cards recently? If so, send me the link! I love seeing the different variations on special occasion cards.

I Was Tagged

I normally don’t participate in these “tag wars,” but since Brandi was so sweet about tagging me, I thought I would share the love. With this war, there are rules. Go into your pics on the computer and choose the 6th folder and the 6th picture in that folder. Now, I may seem vain to have pictures of myself, but I have an explanation. I’m part of the Facebook world, so I have my profile pics in a folder- I like it all organized! Okay, now to tag some others…..

4) Teri
5) Nami


2 Sketches 4 You- Laura’s Sketch #18

First of all, can you believe I did THREE sketches before Friday?! I have to admit, I surprised myself! Okay, now that I shared my excitement….
Here’s my take on Laura’s sketch at 2 Sketches 4 You. I was a little scared to try this sketch, especially after seeing so many great cards in the gallery! Like I said in an earlier post, I’m addicted to pink, green, brown and paisley…..You will most likely be seeing more in the weeks to come! Seriously, who cannot love these colors?!
I’m so proud of myself for doing a bonus sketch…my very first one! I’m glad that it was Rae’s too- she has amazing work, and evidently amazing sketches too! If you haven’t been to her blog, it’s definitely a MUST SEE! Rae was such a sweetie…while she was on the design team for 2S4Y, she would always comment on my cards. (Rae, if you’re reading this, don’t stop! I love hearing from you!!) This sketch is one of my most favorite- definitely one to keep in mind for future card projects!
Oh, I still haven’t posted my baby card yet! That will come soon- I PROMISE!