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Hello Friend

As much as I love technology, there is nothing that can replace a handmade card. Quite a few of my friends are going through hard times, so I thought I would make some “just because” cards. Even with Facebook, Email, Twitter, etc., there is something about receiving a handwritten note. I have gotten a couple books of postage stamps (before they raise the prices AGAIN!), and am going to make a conscience effort to send more notes this year. 

You can probably tell by now, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE these stamps! At first I didn’t care for the curly dove, but now I just can’t get enough! I think these stamps are my new stand-bys.
Before I forget, be sure to check out my Splitcoast gallery. It’s all the same cards as I post on my blog, but you can see them at a glance. I’ll get some more up soon- still trying to figure out the ins and outs of the site. Do any of you have galleries on SCS? If so, send me the link! I’d love to check out your work!
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Easter Chickies

Here is a Easter card that I made using the new DeNami Design chickies. This card is super easy to make, but it’s really cheerful and is sure to bring a smile to the receiver. I love cards like these!

Today I spent a little time in my crafting area- I think I’m going through a creative slump. I have been spending a lot of time stamping, so maybe it’s time a take a little break. I’ll still be browsing blogs and poking around my new SplitCoast Stampers account…maybe that will inspire me.
Have you gone through a creative slump recently? What do you do in your “free time”? My mom has been knitting a lot recently, and I’m thinking about taking it up again. I just went to a new yarn store in the area, and I didn’t realize how many different kinds of yarns there were! I tell ya, I have way too many interests.
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Happy Thursday

Okay, maybe it wasn’t exactly a “Happy Thursday.” Right now my mascara is running and I look like a wreck- being an emotional girl can be exhausting! Don’t worry, I’m alright, it’s just been a crazy week. Moving on…..

Today I’m showing you a pansy card. (Is that a reflection of me?!) I absolutely LOVE how this card turned out. I love how all the colors blend so well, and I’m really starting to enjoy using purple! I had to stock up on some more of this gorgeous Bazzill cardstock- I was going through it so quickly! I love their variety of colors and the texture is great too. Seriously, I could spend hours at a scrapbook store looking at all the different cardstocks- especially if they are in pretty colors! Lately I have really been into purple and black, but my favorites are still pink, brown and green.
I’m hoping to get some good crafting time in this weekend. Tomorrow I’m a pedicure with my friend and then I’m going to a fundraiser dinner. Side note: I’m SO excited about getting my toes done….they are long overdue! Hopefully I can get a few cards in sometime- that’s the highlight of my weekends! Well, I also very much enjoy sleeping in and spending time @ home, but those were give ins!

Just incase you forgot, this is the last night you can enter the BLOG CANDY! I’m picking the winner tomorrow morning- be sure to check back to see if you won.

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2 Sketches 4 You- Laura’s Sketch #19

Today has been a whirlwind of a day. Worked a full day, sat in the cell phone waiting area @ the airport for a while, picked up family from the airport, came home and ate dinner, and finally was able to get some cardmaking in. I almost didn’t want to post this card, for fear that I would come up a better take on this sketch. This sketch was so much fun….I couldn’t decide what stamps I wanted to use! While helping with the class yesterday, I was talking to someone who LOVES cupcakes. Who can blame her? They are so much fun! I haven’t stamped with any in a while, so I decided it was time to take them out again. I love this color combo together- will be playing with these colors some more! I still have a baby card that needs to be made…I think these colors would look great on it, especially since it’s a girl.

On the 2 Sketches 4 You blog, they are having an “Eye Candy” giveaway. All you have to do is share a picture of your special someone. (ie husband, boyfriend) Well, I don’t have a husband or a boyfriend, but I do have two special little men in my life. They are my sweet younger brothers. Seriously, a girl could not ask for better ones! They open the door, offer the last piece of cake, cookies, candy to me, compliment my cards, and even tell me I look pretty. What more could a girl ask for? They are such little gentlemen, and I know that someday they will make for great husbands. But until then, I’ll just keep on training them. ;)
***Don’t forget about my BLOG CANDY! You only have a few more days to enter!***
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Scallops & Filigree

I think it’s pretty interesting that I didn’t like these filigree stamps. When I first saw them, I had no idea if or how I would use them. Needless to say, this has definitely changed. I love these stamps- I can’t get enough! I love how they can be elegant, but the cards can still be super simple. I ended up embossing the filigree on this card, and for the centerpiece I added some magenta glitter. It added some color, and also so much fun! I originally was going to try to make this card work for the 2S4Y sketch this week, but I just couldn’t pull it together. I am however happy with the card that I did post.

Today I helped out with a stamp class at a local store. I had so much fun, and the ladies were all so nice! The class was filled and we kept busy with 10 cards in 3 hours. It got a little crazy, but everyone had a good time, and their cards turned out fabulously. Someone asked if I thought about teaching down the road. Right now I’m pretty busy with working, trying to have a personal life (yes, you can laugh), and then trying to make time to create some cards. I have thought about it though, and I would be open to the idea down the road. We’ll see what happens…

Hope you had a fab weekend. As usual, it went by way too quickly for me. I’m not ready to go back to work tomorrow…..that’s life.

I Was Tagged

I normally don’t participate in these “tag wars,” but since Brandi was so sweet about tagging me, I thought I would share the love. With this war, there are rules. Go into your pics on the computer and choose the 6th folder and the 6th picture in that folder. Now, I may seem vain to have pictures of myself, but I have an explanation. I’m part of the Facebook world, so I have my profile pics in a folder- I like it all organized! Okay, now to tag some others…..

4) Teri
5) Nami

Blog Award and More

I’m a little late in posting this, but I got my first blog award from Amy. If you have never visited her blog, you MUST! She has gorgeous creations, and I love getting to know her more through blogging.
I know that you are supposed to nominate others for these awards, but there are just so many people, and most have already gotten awards! To make it easy and simple, I’ll just say everyone on my sidebar are my favs and they definitely deserve awards. I hope I’m not being a “party pooper” for not nominating anyone.
I have a big T00T! I was featured on the DeNami Design blog! With each of my little recognitions, I’m starting to gain a little confidence. Maybe one of these days I’ll try submitting to a magazine…..

16 Things

Everybody is doing this thing called “16 Things” lately….isn’t if funny how these things catch on? Anyhow, here’s some more random things about me. (As if you needed to know how truly weird and random I can be!) You are supposed to tag 16 people at the end of your list, but I don’t have that many people to tag- hopefully someday I will!
1. I can be very outgoing, but I can also be really quiet. Sometimes people think I am stuck up.
2. I cannot stand the sound of people blowing their nose. I don’t know why, but it has always bothered me.
3. This past year, I have become addicted to Facebook, Twitter and blogging.
4. Anything peanut related can cause me to die. My allergy has gotten worse over the years.
5. I bite my nails. It is a horrible habit, and I wish I could stop.
6. Pedicures and massages are some of the best things on earth.
7. I loathe going to the doctor.
8. I can be really sarcastic at times.
9. I am not an animal person by any stretch of the imagination.
10. I wore braces but did not wear my retainer- one of the biggest things I regret.
11. Shopping and Paulina go together like salt and pepper. End of story
12. I have made many mistakes, but I have learned/ continue to learn from them.
13. I am a city girl.
14. I get motion sickness really easily. I absolutely hate it, but I haven’t found anything to help it. Long car rides, rollercoasters, even rafting is no good….LAME, I know! Any suggestions??
15. I love to give gifts. That may be why I don’t have much in my savings.

16. I could not live in the “olden times.” Internet, cell phones/ texting, cars are things I could not live without.


Yay! Finally got some semi-decent pictures of my gifts on here. The lighting is still a little off, but you can still see some of the damask on the paper. If you know me, you know that I LOVE hot pink- this wrapping paper is very me. Another thing I love is floral ribbon…adding ribbon to a gift makes it “complete” in my eyes. I was originally just planning on doing white ribbon this year, but I thought the green looked really festive.

Alas, I still have lots of shopping to do, but I’m stuck at home until some of the snow melts. It is starting to get a little sunny, so I’m hoping the snow melts QUICKLY! I really wanted to greet my friend at the airport, but it’s not looking too promising right now. It’s funny, all the surrounding cities are okay to drive in, but mine is a sheet of ice. Driving home from work yesterday was not a joyride.

Being stranded has made me lazy. I don’t really want to do anything. I need to clean up my room and get ready for the day- it is 11:11, and I’m still in my pj’s! Maybe I should do that now…..

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2 Sketches 4 You- Kazan’s Sketch #15

I made this card on Tuesday, but was too busy to scan it in, and then our internet was down yesterday. I’m just glad that I was able to post it before the deadline! This weeks sketch was amazing, and the gallery is FULL of awesome takes on Kazan’s sketch. This week my friend, Ginny, took part in all the fun! :) I’m so glad that I finally have a friend that likes scrapbooking and stamping too! We are talking about having a crafting night- definitely LOTS of talking, laughing, junk food, and fabulous cards will come out of this evening. Hopefully we can make this happen sooner than later….
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I still have lots of online Christmas shopping to do- hopefully the internet cooperates!
Yesterday I stamped for 12 hours! I’m working on class cards- this upcoming season is going to be top notch! Today I still have some more cards to make, but it won’t be nearly as grueling as yesterday. However, I was able to catch up on some tv and movies while I stamped. I watched Uptown Girls, V for Vendetta, The Game Plant, The Interpreter, 2 episodes of Heroes and an episode of Monk. Needless to say, my eyes were VERY tired last night!
Oh, one more thing. We have snow in Washington! It snowed a LOT last night, and we still have some outside. I think it’s beautiful, but it really can be inconvenient at times. I absolutely HATE driving in it, so I’m hoping it goes away before tomorrow.
Paper: White, Black, Red, Lime
Other: Crystal Lacquer, Red ribbon, Emerald ribbon