
Sweet Baby Love

If you told me last year that I would actually ENJOY creating a pastel baby card, I would have laughed. I’ve never been good at creating baby cards, let alone pastel ones. You would think that pastels would be easier than bright, bold colors, but for me, that’s the exact opposite. While I’ve slowly warmed up to the light colors, I still struggle with these colors….

In an effort to continue to stretch and expand my crafting skills, I thought I’d try my hand at a baby card again. I wish you could have been in my craft studio when I started laying the pieces of this card down- I actually got excited seeing it all come together! Add in some sequins and I believe we have a winning baby card, blog friends.


Have I mentioned how much I love this chevron twill ribbon? I purchased a ton of it from Little Free Radical, one of my April blog sponsors. I got several yards of it in eight colors and I can’t stop using it! It’s so easy to tie bows in it and who doesn’t love a chevron patterns? *wink*


In closing, I know that many of my readers read via email or a blog reader {THANK YOU}… Would you do me a favor? In the past few weeks, I made some design changes on the site- you can now easily follow along on all of my social media sites AND  check out my fabulous sponsors on the sidebar. I’m so excited to work with each of the ladies behind the sites that are sponsoring Pretty Pink Posh this month and I think you’ll enjoy their sites, too!

Okay, that’s going to wrap up today’s post. Until next time…


  1. What a sweet baby card! LOVE that ribbon…for sure :) The paper pieced onesies are adorable!

  2. Paulina, you are so right! This card is a winner, indeed!! :) (In fact, I may have to CASE it!! ;)

    What is this about you struggling with light colors?? Pish!!! You handle them beautifully! You have a genuine knack for colors — of all varieties! :)

  3. This is so darling. Have you figured out what to do for a reader replacement? I’m trying feedly (it’s really nice) and I also use greader(which is my fave) on my phone, but I don’t understand or know if they are going to be compatible after reader retires.

  4. Such a sweet card, Paulina! I just picked up that Dear Lizzy Neopolitan paper pad last week and have been dying to cut into it. It looks great on your card!

  5. Oy, you so need to do pastels more often! This is precious! I am just the opposites. I love pastels and have a harder time with bolder colors. This is just precious!

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