
Full of Gratitude

My heart is full with gratitude from all of your sweet words about my health update yesterday. I greatly appreciate all your prayers and well wishes regarding my appointment later on today. Trying not to get too excited {like I have in previous doctor visits}, but also trying to remain hopeful and optimistic. It’s such a tough balance!

Tomorrow is the deadline to submit your creations for the 10 Minute Craft Dash #6. I couldn’t resist giving you one more sample using these colors and my Avery Elle set, Blossoms & Blooms.

Time it took to create: 5 minutes 54 seconds

I’m amazed that my “normal” card used to take over an hour and now I’m really used to creating in a shorter amount of time. This challenge has changed my crafting life for sure! :)

I hope that you’ll join in my challenge- I would love to see what you create! There’s a fabulous prize for the winner and of course, you get to challenge yourself {and get a mini workout in!}.

So grateful for all of you……thanks for dropping by!


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