
Extra Long Weekend

Even just typing out the title of this post made me happy! Yes, it’s true, I have an extra long weekend! It’s pure and utter bliss. I have Thursday- Monday off, and I am going to enjoy every single second of it! This summer has been crazy busy, so I’m definitely looking forward to some extra days off. :) In between a wedding, hanging out with girlfriends, spending time with family, creating/ promoting cards for Etsy, I won’t have too much time of nothingness- oh well, at least these are all fun things!

Yesterday I went to my first bachelorette party. One of my friends is getting married on Saturday, which is very exciting. Her sister threw a surprise bachelorette party for her- you should have seen her face! The process of getting to the party was not fun at all. I got off work and quickly had to run to the mall for a gift. You would not believe how hard it was to find a suitable gift! I seriously thought I could just go into Victoria’s Secret and find something really quickly. After 1 1/2 hours at the mall (15 of which were spent waiting for the lady to wrap the present!), I was FINALLY able to head to the party location. By the end of the gift hunting and thinking I was lost, I nearly fell apart and cried myself into oblivion. Thankfully, I held it together (for the most part), and was able to enjoy the party.

After work, I went to my LSS and got some fun goodies. I already made some things using my new items- really fun stuff. I’ve been trying to go outside my comfort zone these days, which has NOT been easy. Right now I’m playing with new color combinations and also some new layouts- haven’t decided if I like them yet. Judging from the response from the fam, I’m not too sure they like the “new style” either. :)

I’m off to blog hop now! ‘Night!


  1. This card is simple yet cute! I love the color combo! Did you stamp the background as well?

    You are having 4 days off?? Jealous :))

  2. Cindy, the background is actually strips of paper- isn’t it cool?! Such a great way to use scraps….goodness knows we all have too many!

  3. Oooh, I love the simplicity of this card. The paper tearing on the bottom of the kraft really caught my eye–love it! And the BG is fun too.

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