
You’re So Sweet

When I got the Cupcake Collection set, I knew I wanted to add lots of glitter to the cupcakes- who could resist glittery cupcakes?! I love how this card came out…it has all the components of a perfect card- polka dots, glitter and buttons! I normally don’t use yellow, but I made a really cute bridal shower card using yellow, and it inspired me to use it more often. I’m *trying* to go outside my comfort zone and use colors I don’t normally use. (You’ll see that in future posts.)

Today it looks like it’s going to be another HOT day. I’m helping with the set up of a show this weekend….I really hope they turn on the A/C! In between lifting boxes, going in and out of the heat, and setting up the booth, I’m bound to look like a mess tonight. Hot weather + Paulina= not a good combo.

Well, it’s off to get a blackberry smoothie before the busy day. Yummy! With this ridiculously hot weather, have you been eating/ drinking things you don’t normally?

Lastly, this card is dedicated to all of you blog followers, and those who leave me sweet comments. You guys are the best! :)


  1. Mmmmmm – just scrummy! Love the colours and that button cluster is just about as cute as the cupcake! LOL!

  2. i love that set… you’re making really sweet stuff with it :D and p.s. i like your color combo!

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