
Pass the Kleenex

As I write, I’m laying in bed with a miserable headache, runny nose, sore throat and cough. I don’t know how I got this sick, but what I do know is that I need this horrible thing to go away….QUICK! I had a terrible time trying to sleep last night- I was finally able to after taking Benadryl to make me drowsy. Needless to say, I’m not exactly in the best mood.

I made this card yesterday (while I was still feeling somewhat human). I have yet to decide whether I really like this card or not. It is pretty busy for me, but I though the yellow was fun to play with. I almost submitted this card to 2S4Y, but like I said in an earlier post, the other card got the most votes.

Sorry to cut this short, but me and my bed have a date. (Hopefully it will be good to me this time!) If you think of it, prayers would be most appreciated! :D

One Comment

  1. i LOVE the yellow and black :)

    you’re definitely branching out–i’m so proud of you!

    still hoping you get better soon… take care and sleep lots.

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