
Happy Friday

Have I told you recently how much I ♥ Fridays? I think they are my most favorite day of the week (Just not this upcoming Friday- have to go to the dentist!). Today I was able to spend a LOT of time with my adorable brothers, made dinner and made quite a few cards. Oh, and I also just posted my first things on Etsy! :) I have no idea if they will sell, but it’s worth a shot, right? My Etsy store can be found here.

Tomorrow, if it’s sunny, we are are planning on going to the zoo. I haven’t been there in ages! It’ll be fun to take my brothers- they have been wanting to go for a while. In fact, I have to cut this short so I can look up directions and see what time they open!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

One Comment

  1. LOVE it! i like that simple alpha from PTI, and your background is great! i think you’re getting better at the grid :)

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