
It’s Raining Cards

Okay, the title is true, but I’m only posting one card today! (Gotta make sure you all come back to check out my newest projects!!) This card is far from my “normal” color scheme. If you’re new to my blog, my favorite color is pink! Coming in behind is black, brown, white and green. Moving on….

Did you all have a good Mother’s Day? Did you do anything special for your mom? My mom just got back from a business trip this afternoon, so we didn’t have a chance to do anything special. I got her a dozen pink roses, hydrangeas, some homemade soap and of course, one of my cards. Last year I went all out and got her flowers for all of our hanging baskets (there are at least 12), but this year I had to try to stay within a budget. Hopefully I can do something really special next year…..

This upcoming week is going to be busy, busy, busy! I have a ton of different activites that are going on this week, and then I’m helping at a local trade show. Granted, most of these things are fun, but I know I’m going to be exhausted come next Sunday. I’m going to take it one day at a time, and hopefully I’ll be able to stay sane for the whole week!

I hope you all have a great night. Thanks for showing love!


  1. it’s also raining RAIN.

    but that’s okay. i love the card. the raindrops are just too cute. i know i’ve said that before, but they are.

    okay, i’m going to save up (for a whole WEEK) before i come to the puyallup show. gotta have some spending $$!

  2. There they are again – soooo CUTE!!! I have to use my new set this weekend especially since it’s been raining so much here in Miami (FL). Your work is just awesome!! Hugs, T

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