Halloween Treat Bags

Hi there, sweet blog friends!
I have a confession to make….I am a scatter brained crafter. One day I am creating Christmas cards, the next I’m doing an Autumn project and now today I have a Halloween project. Goodness, I really am all over the place. Does this bother you? Would you rather me stick to just one holiday/ season at a time? 
Today’s project is a super easy one, but I must say, I think it’s pretty darn cute. I always love seeing the adorable spider from the Halloween stamp set. I paired him up with the Mini Star, then added some Orange and Black grosgrain ribbon and some buttons from the Halloween Boutique Buttons set. I used some of my newly purchase bakers twine and I was done! This would be perfect for favors at a Halloween party, or even something just to give to co-workers or friends!
If you follow my blog, you know that I rarely take pictures of my projects. It started out because I didn’t have a camera. Then, I got one but wasn’t able to achieve decent looking pictures. Now that I kind of (using that loosely) have the hang of my camera, I’m debating on whether to take pictures of my cards/ projects. 
Blog friends, now is the time to let me know your thoughts! Pics or scans? The choice really is up to you. :) 
Thanks for your input! Can’t wait to hear what you all say…..


  1. Very cute, Paulina! Love the pattern you created on the kraft bags! I think it’s okay to create whatever your dear heart desires, then share it with us to see! Even if it was a Mother’s Day project, I’d still look!! I prefer pictures because you can see dimension better than in a scan, but in the end, so what’s easiest for you!

  2. Your pictures look great, maybe you should try taking some pics. of your cards too. Love the cute treat sacks you made.

  3. I love that you mix it up! Keeps everyone longing for more! LOL. I prefer pics to scans as well. You can see the entire project, dimensions, etc… But do what is easiest for you because no chance I am ever unsubbing from your blog! LOL!

  4. This is adorable! If you spend anytime on my blog, (I am laughing as I write this) I am all over the place too because this is the season where multitasking is a must to get things done. I love MIXING it up! People enjoy whatever you post or we wouldn’t look. :-) I am still having issues with the camera thing too, but the best way to see dimension is through pictures, but I guess with scanning you don’t have to worry about lighting as much. Either way I will keep following! :-)

  5. I don’t mind at all that you mix things up. It’s fun looking at all the different projects. I like pictures!! Keep posting them.

  6. Super cute Halloween treat bags!!! I think it’s great that you mix it up!! I love seeing your creations for all occasions any time of the year!!! And your photos look GREAT!!

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