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Halloween Pillow Box

I know I’m cutting it close to Halloween with this post….however, it’s better than waiting until next year, right? I actually have attempted taking photos of this project three times, but with the gloomy weather here in Seattle, I just wasn’t having any luck. Thankfully, three times was the charm for this project! pillowbox1

If you watched my latest haul video, you’ll recognize these kraft pillow boxes. Lately I have been admiring pretty packaging and with the holidays coming up, I’ll definitely be highlighting some of my own packaging ideas here on the blog. I love the size of this particular pillow box- they’re big enough to fit cookies or candies, or you can put in travel size toiletries! Hello stocking stuffers! pillowbox3

If you follow me on my various social media sites (which I hope you do!), I mentioned briefly that I’ll be making some changes on the site. There are some ideas that I’ve been wanting to incorporate on my site to make it a little more user friendly, but it was a little outside of my scope of knowledge and my current server has been a nightmare. I’m hoping that some of these changes will slowly start rolling out within a week or two and there shouldn’t be too much downtime. Since blogging isn’t my full-time job and funding is minimal, I’m having to do things in stages. In the end, I hope to have this site be easy to maneuver, and hopefully a place that will continue to inspire you and your loved ones.

I’m curious, are there any changes you hope I’ll make to the site? Do you have requests for future tutorials or projects? I have all sorts of ideas, but I also want to make sure if there are certain aspects of my site you enjoy, I keep them! *wink*