In the Quiet….


It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a heartfelt and personal post. I haven’t forgotten about them, it’s just that time has slipped away and I didn’t want to give just a quick, half-hearted one. These posts are little pieces of my heart, a closer look into my personal life and honestly, sometimes there are tears that come from writing them.

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of social media. In fact, in the past I’ve claimed to be an addict of it. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, I’m on them all. Truth be told, I’m also on all of them for work. That’s EIGHT different social media places that I’m on almost daily, sometimes even simultaneously.

Recently, I have felt like I’m constantly “plugged in” and these places were no longer places of joy. While I love the instantaneous rotation of news these sites bring, I almost felt like my life revolved around them and it was getting to be suffocating.

With my health issues being where they’re at {because of my car accident: story HERE, latest update HERE}, I have spent a LOT of time in bed and needless to say, my phone is always right next to me. I was getting notification after notification about this person tweeting, so and so posting something new on Facebook, notifications that items of mine were being repinned, dozens of people liking photos on Instagram…. Don’t get me wrong, I DO love all of these things. I really, really do. However, it felt like they were taking over my life and every time I would look at my phone, it was blowing up with social media news.

I needed a break.

I recently changed settings on my phone so not everything shows up. I took somethings off my phone completely. I don’t carry my phone everywhere anymore. {If you text me and don’t get a response quickly, this is why}

Want to know how things have changed? I don’t feel so suffocated with news anymore. I can enjoy the moments with family and friends, without having my phone always in my hand. I can CHOOSE when I want to be connected and not have it always right there on my phone the second I turn it on. It’s honestly so freeing.

I have found in the moments of quiet {or rather not being plugged in}, I can actually think without distractions. I can live in the moment and not live in the moments of everyone else.

Has anyone else felt like they are always plugged in? I would love to hear your thoughts on social media and the pros and/or cons you have with it. I would even challenge you to change some settings on your phone, or put time restrictions on them, and get a new take on life. You might initially be scared at how quiet things can get, but it gets easier, I promise.

Let’s start living in the moment more often. I’m doing it, won’t you join me?

*the amazing photo used was taken by my sister in Japan.


  1. Oh, I hear you Paulina! Add to some of the social sites you claim I can add in political news junkie. Seriously depressing at times and I needed a break. I also found how much I had been lacking in one form of instant messaging…the one with the Lord! All these ‘things’ were crowding out the one true voice I needed to hear on a daily basis. The steps to recovery have been slow, bad habits are hard to break, but I’m finding refreshment, strength for each day and it is sufficient to do all I have to do! Blessing to you as you continue your road back to normal on this long journey you have been on!!

  2. I have actually did this awhile ago. I am completely off Facebook…I actually an NOT a fan of that social media…it was causing too many personal headaches and drama, and have been non-FB for over 4 years…such a relief! I am a fan of Pinterest and Twitter, and bloglovin’….that’s about all I do. Sometimes a little google +, and instagram…but that is all. And I do not have any of these mobile accesses on my phone. I can’t..just can’t. it can be too much just having what I do have. I feel like life is too short as it is, why waste more time on the electronic devices , and more internet connection?? I like to take walks in nature with my family without having a ding/vibrate on my phone letting me know about updates. For me, family is first. My choice. :) And it feels darn good!

  3. I’ve been feeling the same way recently Paulina. FB is particularly on my “check regularly” list. I took a month or so break a while back and while it was really difficult in the beginning, it was freeing once I got used to it. I’ve been feeling that I need to do that again soon. I think it is good to center ourselves on the moment and the people right in front of us. That can be difficult to do but worth it in the long run. Continued prayers for your health as well!

  4. I use Facebook for games and email to keep in touch. Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram are just for occasional fun. So I’m quite happy to turn off/limit notifications on my phone (which is almost always on vibrate anyway). I switch to silent mode when I want peace and quiet. There’s no need to be plugged in all the time. We need to relearn the lost art of face-to-face conversation…

  5. I’m with you, sister!

    I haven’t been on Facebook for about 6 months, but keep the log-ins if I want to get pictures of my nieces and nephew. Don’t see the point of Instagram since I love Twitter. I follow well over 200 blogs, but if the title or picture doesn’t grab me (or one of my favorites), I don’t read them anymore.

    Along those same lines, I don’t enter challenges if the subject doesn’t “call” to me and I rarely complete a blog hop. I will not leave an insincere comment just because. If I take the time to comment, I truly loved their work.

    I enjoy other people’s work and learn from them everyday, but I had to find a balance.

    So for now, I’m a selective reader, twitterer, pinterester, and youtuber:). And this comes from a communications officer who spends 10 hours a day doing this for the government!

    Quiet and creative time is golden!!

  6. Kudos for pulling the plug! I came to the same conclusions you did a few years ago, and I haven’t missed a thing. No more news programs, no facebook, limited Pinterest, fewer games on my iPad. Textng instead of calling or having to answer the phone makes so much more sense. I still carry my phone with me, but turned off in the car–that’s what the message box is for. I can always return a call later, and sometimes the call doesn’t even need a response. Isn’t it amazing how some of the new ” time savers” can so easily become “time wasters!”. Enjoy your new-found freedom!

  7. I can totally relate. Sometimes I feel like I’m completely sucked in and bombarded by everything out there. I am constantly readjusting how much and what I participate in. Sometimes I need a total unplug for a bit…maybe soon.

  8. Hey girl!
    I can see what you are talking about, and can relate to it in a way.
    Your post totally made me reevaluate the amount of time I spend browsing. Although I rarely use facebook, or twitter, I am pretty regular in checking my favourite blogs.

    Also, I do check youtube atleast once a day for new videos from my favourite crafters.

    At times, I do feel a little bit hollow. Perhaps, I should cut down a little bit. Thank you for the heads up :)


  9. Paulina, I salute you for taking time for yourself. I too have had a terrible injury that has plagued me this entire year practically, and had surgery 2 weeks ago. I have cut out all gluten and eat a clean whole food diet. Changing these things has really improved my outlook and feelings. I sought a counselor for pain management years ago (for long term pain) and she has been my angel…. I am proud of you for taking this on and conquering your anxiety and fear. Part of that includes unplugging. I rarely check Facebook or Twitter and wait for my hubby to say “did you see xxx” in order for me to go and take a look. I am a happier person and much more open to the world….. good luck with this endeavor and I love reading all your posts! Thanks for the continued inspiration – both creative and personal!

  10. I made a change a few months back, where the only time my phone would make a sound is when someone was trying to call me…no more dings, bells, or whooshes for text messages, emails, or FB posts. This change allowed me to be more focused and less distracted. One thing that I’ve been trying lately is keeping my phone in my bag when I’m catching up with friends and family over a meal. Or leaving it face down on the table. Gotta pay attention to the ones we love, not our phones:)

  11. My dear, I hear and understand, SOmetimes we have to step back, disconnect, reevaluate, seek within ourselves to reconnect, prioritize, regroup and see that which detached from life in a different lite. Seek and you will find. Turn your back on family and friends, you might loose and then it is hard to regain.
    A rest is good when recognized. Take it smell the roses, look at the sky, ID with self and all will heal or turn out well. I KNOW.

  12. i totally agree with what you said about social media… its nice not to always be staring at a screen and see the world around you. So much beauty to enjoy and people to connect to face to face!

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