10 Minute Craft Dash #19 Highlights

The 10 Minute Craft Dash #19 challenge ended on Saturday and it’s time to announce the highlights! OHMYWORD, you all did a phenomenal job with these colors. It’s so funny, the color palettes that I’m not sure will be popular are the ones that you all showcase the best! It made my heart giddy that there were SO many newbies joining along this time around. I LOVE seeing that word of the challenge is spreading- thank you to everyone who continues to help with this!

craftdasherBefore we get to the winner and favorites, I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be starting a new tab under the “craft dash” section here on the blog. If you have played in at least three 10 Minute Craft Dash challenges and would consider yourself a “Craft Dasher” or fan of the challenge, feel free to link up your site! This will be a great resource for those looking to follow new blogs and I think it would be fun to see the list grow as time goes on.

Okay, now onto the real reason for today’s post….

Congratulations to Amy Sheffer!


Please email me (click the contact on the top right) with your snail mail info to claim your prize. Also, you get to grab the badge below and proudly display it on your blog!


Here are my favorites picks from this last challenge. If you haven’t already, be sure to stop by each of the blogs to take a look at the beautiful cards! {Ladies, feel free to grab the badge below and put it on your blogs!}


Betty J.

Marybeth Lopez

Katie Brooks

Lindsay A.

Tracey C.


If you are interested in getting a head start on the next Craft Dash, I have the colors that will be featured on the Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page. This is EXCLUSIVE to those who like my page. If you go there and go to “exclusives”, you get to see the next 10 Minute Craft Dash challenge a day early!



Tomorrow we have a returning sponsor and SEVEN of their designers will be providing inspiration. I hope that you’ll stop by and of course, join in the fun! I shall see some of you on the Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page later. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Aw, THANK YOU! So excited to be recognized. I love your challenges – now that Summer is here, I should have a little more time to carve out to make sure I can participate!!!! :)

  2. Oh my, thank you so, so much!! What an honor!! I didn’t even realize there was a prize — and twine, no less. Score! Sending email now…

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