Coming Soon….

I had plans to post details on my craft de-stash {which I mentioned on the Pretty Pink Posh Facebook page}, but my body decided to succumb to this sickness bug I’ve been fighting. Yesterday my day was spent resting up and taking in the items pictured below. I’m still not feeling 100%, but I’m hoping the worst part is behind me.


Just about all of you know about my car accident. I have stayed away from talking about the bills and such that came with it mostly because insurance and my savings were able to take care of it. Well, I just got the biggest bill, which was for my three MRI’s and it was a bit of a surprise. I had talked to the company about it five weeks ago and it sounded like bill was behind me, but alas, it ended up in my mailbox a couple days ago. Such an unpleasant surprise, especially since I had already booked things for San Francisco next month was told the bill was down to zero.


In my effort to pay off this bill and help get the stress of this daunting amount from my head, I’ve done some cleaning of the craft studio. While it’s a sad thing to part with some of my beloved craft items, I’m hoping that they’ll go to homes that can love them. Gotta look at the positive side, right? :) Stay tuned….


  1. sorry you’re not feeling well! It’s never a fun time to have a sick day……I feel for ya and medical bills as I’ve been going through a similar experience now myself but I must say I am looking forward to your craft de-stash as I’m an OCD paper crafter and I LOVE my ‘stuff’. It’s actually good to go through your stash every now & then as I find that there are things we’ve forgotten we even had so it’s kinda like Christmas when we see all our stuff! good luck digging through your goodies; I’m anxiously waiting for what’s next!

  2. Sending BIG BIG get well wishes your way Paulina!!! And as for the medical bill, don’t sweat it it will all workout ;)

  3. Just remember what I said in our text’s this morning. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to have faith, I’m sure it’s all part of the big picture that we aren’t privy to just yet. God is watching and he won’t let you fall. (hugs) Hpoe you feel better soon, girlie :) <3

  4. Feel better and I pray that everything works out with your medical bills, no fun I am sure.

  5. I surely hope that you start to feel 100% soon! Medical bills are that horrible nightmare that we don’t want to face because the dollar sign amounts are usually something we can’t even phathom. I hope it all works out for you dear. Stay strong and get well!


  6. Hope you feel better soon. If your medical bill aren’t covered by
    your auto or health insurance make sure tell the providers to
    see if they offered you a discounted rate. If they don’t offer
    ask for one. If they don’t give you a price you feel comfortable
    with, tell them that “this is the amount of $$ I’m paying you
    per month.

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