
Hello and Happy Monday!

Recently, I’ve had different emails and conversations with others and they’ve said that I have somehow inspired/ influenced them. Whether it be challenging them to grow {in their faith or thinking} or possibly in their fitness goals. I won’t lie, I NEVER in a million years would have thought I would have an influence on someone.

If you’ve followed my blog, you know that I do quite a few posts under the “My Life” tab section. These posts are based on things that I am going through, learning or things I’ve gone through in the past. These posts tend to be the “hardest” ones to write, since they hit so close to home, but I also have received the most feedback from them. I’m amazed at how many struggles, or things I am going through, others can relate to.

Going back to the topic……When I received the emails, I stopped in my tracks. Wait, me? Influence someone? I never really thought little ‘ol me would have any sort of impact. I have tried my best to write posts that would inspire people, but I guess I never heard a lot of feedback so I didn’t think they made much of a difference. It’s funny how even in the midst of quietness, there are things working……

Reading from various blog readers that I have challenged/ influenced them was eye opening. Granted, I have always wanted to do this, but actually hearing that I DO was so humbling. In the midst of living life and just “doing my thing”, I was influencing people and didn’t even realize it. I won’t lie, knowing that people look up to me makes me think twice about everything I do/ say.

In my day to day life, I try to have a positive outlook on life and be encouraging to people as much as possible.Yes, I realize I fail many times. Life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies but I want to be one of the people to brighten someone’s day, give a hug or smile when needed, or be a positive role model. Goodness knows we have enough “bad ones” out there on tv and in the limelight.

People may be watching you at work/ school/ church/ on your blog, are you using your influence for good? 

Gals that are reading this, if you are one of the people who have emailed, thank you. You have made my heart swell with gratitude and brought new perspective to everything I do and say.

I’m looking forward to reading your comments on these answers. We are all works in progress and I think it’s important to see the areas we need to work on.  Thanks for stopping by and visiting me today!


  1. You definitely influence ME, sweet friend. You remind me to stay positive, to put my worries in God’s hands, and to be thankful for what I have instead of being upset for what I *don’t* have. For as young as you are, you definitely are one of the most wise and wonderfully lovely people I know. Thank you for being you. <3

  2. wow I have to say your blog post today has really made me think… you know I wonder a lot about whether I am someone to look up to or not, now that I have two little ones I think about it even more… I hope that I am someone to look up to… I try my hardest at being patient and kind, and showing good morals for my children to follow, but what I struggle with is my choice to be a stay at home mom. I had always said that is what I want to do, and do not get me wrong I LOVE being home with my kids I cherish every moment of the day with them, and I wouldn’t want to miss a moment of it, but I did go to college ( a fairly expensive one at that ), and I did earn a degree but I never fully used it and sometimes I struggle with my own guilt of myself feeling like I have “wasted” what knowledge I gained and have instead simply attained a student loan that feels like it will never be fully paid off. I wish that I could get over this guilt that I have laid on myself, but I do not have many other friends to share being a stay at home mom experiences with that help me lessen this burden… anywho it feels good to get that off my chest… so thanks for being an outlet for me… and yes you are def. inspiring!

  3. You inspire me to “PUT IT OUT THERE”. ;) I remember telling my mom, (when I was a teen)..”I don’t like to look people in the eye, because there is such SADNESS and loneliness there and I feel SO BAD”. Now that I’m a Christian, I am SO GLAD there is hope to share. I pray I point the way the best I know how, you know? I pray I do that. Thank you, thank you for your sweet spirit and kind comments and “putting it out there”. ;)

  4. I sometimes feel like I am in a slump right now and I’m not sure I could say yes to this question. Moving, dealing with a nerve condition that causes constant pain, and mostly being away from my friends who were the biggest encouragement in my life has been tough. I know it’s a season and a time for God to grow me and grow inside of me but it’s hard. So am i being an influence…probably not right now. Not the way God would want me to be. Good things to think about and definitely something I will be praying that God changes in me for the better. I love how you use your blog not just to share your craftiness but to share you and your faith too.

  5. I’m not quite sure I’ll ever live up to being the person I’d like to be, but I can say I’m striving everyday to be that person. I need to work on my resentfulness and anger. You know exactly what/who I’m refering to…You have been such a BIG help with that issue and have kept me grounded and from acting out in agner at that person. For that I owe you HUGELY! Talking to you about spiritual issues has been wonderful also…well, you know all my feelings about all this from our conversations so I wont bore you with it all again. But I do want to say one little thing…thank you. Thank you for being there and thank you for being you {{HUGS}}

  6. I can relate – I have a personal blog and have a very hard time sharing certain posts. Vulnerability doesn’t come so easily for some of us. I was most inspired by a book on vulnerability and shame by Brene Brown. She has done a few TED talks as well. Because of delving into those concepts, I finally had the courage to become a social worker and have a year left of school! People expect a lot from social workers and it’s a challenging field. We are supposed to have empathy, be supportive, help them where they struggle, and be good listeners. People are resilient and capable of making their own decisions, but sometimes just need a little nudge or a different perspective. I have definitely found that being vulnerable has usually gotten the warmest response. We’re human, we can relate with each other more than we think. :) I am new to your blog but I also do relate when people say they look up to you or are positively influenced by you…which I think is great because then it doesn’t get to your head…you naturally have been gifted with a heart that passes on good vibes.

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