Featured Blogger: Beka Fox + GIVEAWAY

Hello and Good Morning!

It’s the first Monday of the month and that means it’s time for a brand new Featured Blogger! This honestly is one of my favorite features to do on the blog. Not only do I get to introduce you all to some of my favorite bloggers, I also get to know these amazing people a little better. Such a win-win in my book!

This month, I’m honored (and excited) to be bringing you one of the sweetest bloggers I’ve interacted with thus far. I found her blog through a blogging network and well, I’ve gone through months and months of her older posts. Each post is so engaging and truly reflects her personality and also her faith.

Please join me in welcoming the ultra sweet Beka Fox!

Let’s get started with some blogging questions! 

Tell us about your blog. When and why did you start it?

My blog is a place of inspiration for me. I love all things encouraging, pretty & simple. Blogger does that for me. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years. I would say that I’ve only FAITHFULLY blogged for 3. :) I started it like any other Momma-2-be….. I was expecting my 1st born & wanted to document it…. or I wanted to talk about the Bachelor or Bachelorette. ;)

What inspires you for your posts?

Life. I truly believe in seeing INSPIRATION everywhere…..  And for me… that is the Bible. Once I read a chapter in the Bible… I come ALIVE.

What has been your favorite part about blogging?

Meeting kind and lovely ladies like Paulina. :) (Instagram really helps me know more about the other bloggers too! Not just in pretty typing.;)) 

Is there a specific post (of yours) that is your favorite?

Oh dear, that’s a hard question. But seriously, I would say…… “Bloom where you are planted”  OR “How to STAY classy while being Single”

Are there blogs that you visit on a daily basis? If so, which ones?  

  • Erin. Because she is SO SWEET..just like her blog!
  • Ruth at because she is an inspiration to me on parenting, marriage and HOMEMAKING!
  • Love because she has a story everyone should read. She is the kindest momma as well!

Okay, now onto some fun questions that are non-relevant to blogging…..

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Most recently, HOOP art…. & my etsy shop to help fund our adoption journey!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Prince Edward Island. :) I would visit all the places of Anne of Green Gables.

Name 5 things that you are most passionate about:
Worship. Singing (it’s my best way of communicating). My marriage. Parenting. Relationships.


Now that you see what a sweet and fun gal Beka is, I’m sure you want to follow her too! Here’s where you can find her:

Find Beka on Instagram: bunkerboo

Oooooh, and guess what? Beka is offering up a sweet giveaway to go along with this post. Go to her blog and follow her (and feel free to tell her I sent you!) then leave a comment on this post.


Thank you so much for visiting today! Have a great rest of your Monday- I’ll talk with you all soon!


  1. Thank you for turning me onto Beka’s blog! She’s amazing, open and just down right engaging!

    (lovin the new profile pic…you are so beautiful and you have accomplished so much with your weight loss journey)

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