Thankful Thursday: August 30th

It’s been a week since the accident (story here). The days have been filled with pain, soreness, doctors visits, rest, and lots of pizza. For some reason, the near death experience has left me craving pizza every.single. day. I knew it was my favorite food before, but wow, I’ve taken it to new levels.

I couldn’t let a Thursday go by without doing my Thankful Thursday post. Let’s get to it:

  • I’m alive- after last week, I don’t take any day for granted.
  • The amazing people around me. The amount of texts, emails, phone calls, etc…I’m so blessed.
  • That God orchestrated all the small details of the accident (my sister arriving from out of town early, a friend who was nearby to deal with insurance for me, calming people who found me….)
  • A sweet and encouraging note from an anonymous friend. I came into work for a few hours and was greeted with a note and a Starbucks card. ♥
That’s going to wrap up my post. What are YOU thankful for this week? It can be serious, funny (which will do me good- I need a laugh), or completely random. Whatever your list may be, I can’t wait to read it! :)

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  1. I am thankful for my funny little girl! She turns five years old today and she woke up this morning and asks, “Why aren’t my legs bigger today?”

    Okay well, I think it is funny! Hopefully today is a better day for you!

  2. I’m thankful that I didn’t lose a friend that I’ve come to cherish. And am thankful that someone cared about her enough to get her the Starbucks fix that she’s always craving ;)! I’m also thankful for twizzlers (L.O.V.E. them)…they have helped me thru a very stressful week!

  3. I’m thankful that I KNOW with GOD all things are possible. I’m thankful you were well taken care of through your ordeal ~ hugs and I hope you feel back to yourself soon. And hey…I’m thankful for pizza too!!

  4. Wow, Paulina! What a thing to have happened to you! I’m soooo glad that you are OK. It sounds like you are recovering from the accident itself, but have they found the underlying cause as to why you blanked out to begin with?

    As for what I am thankful for, well, I’m thankful to have graduated from nine long months of physical therapy for my shoulder. I am so grateful that I am able to put this difficult chapter of my life behind me and start moving forward!

    I’m so glad you linked your blog up to the Moxie Fab World Blogroll. It will be great to stop by and say “hello” from time to time!

  5. I’m thankful for women, the most adorable creatures in the entire universe.

  6. I’m thankful your recovery! I’m thankful for ice cream and chocolate. I’ve been having some health issues this year and I echo your thoughts on how many people have reached out to offer help, love and support through it all. I feel especially blessed for my family and close friends that have shown me such kindness at some very difficult times. I’m also thankful for God!

  7. I’m thankful to be alive, too. To be graced by God with an amazing family, good friends, a loving boyfriend, and two beautiful cats that I treat like kids. :)

    I am also so VERY thankful it was not your time and that you are a part of my life, my friend.

    May your healing come swiftly and your blessings be many. ♥

  8. thankful for friends–seriously, what would we do without them

    thankful for kids that love unconditionally and tell you so :D

    thankful for trader joe’s vintage root beer and orange cream soda

    thankful for you!

  9. What I’m thankful for this week (and everyday for that matter), is that I wake up in the morning! Now on another note, how can you not be thanful for chocolate?!! EVERY single day, I have to have some chocolate!! And trust me when I say, you wouldn’t want to be around when I don’t have any…I may tend to get a little on edge (in other words: crazy)!! If you don’t believe, just ask my husband!! lol :) Enjoy your pizza and feel better soon! :)

  10. i’m thankful you’re okay. I think the praying you did in car saved you..>God had you safe in his precious hand. Amen.

    I’m thankful for my health, after a few year with lung disease trying to claim my breath. I’m steady at 60%lung capacity. I breath in pizza!
    Also for loving friends and family and God…with him i can do all things!

    God Bless Sister.

  11. OH MY GOODNESS! You have been through such an ordeal!!!!!! I’ll be praying for you!
    I am thankful for my family; my husband & our children! They are MY LIFE! They are A GIFT from God! We’ve had MANY people over the years that have tried to divide & destroy our family! (Family!) But, we have stuck together despite their intentions! AND we are the STRONGER FOR IT! I thank God ALL THE TIME for His PRECIOUS GIFTS to me! My family is a Fulfilled Promise of God that I ALWAYS LONGED FOR!

  12. Wow- so glad you’re okay.
    What I thankful for this week is another happy outcome. On the way home from the first day of Middle school on Monday one of our school buses caught on fire. The bus driver smelled something, stopped the bus and evacuated everyone. within seconds the bus was engulfed in flames. I’m thankful for a quick acting driver getting the kids off the bus!

    1. Cassie, oh my goodness, that is a major thing to be thankful for! So glad everyone is okay and that the driver was so aware!

  13. So so many things to be thankful for :) I have a loving and devoted husband, a roof over my head and wonderful family and friends.
    I hope you are continuing to recover every day! You are in my thoughts every day. Take care of yourself :)

  14. So happy you are doing okay after your accident. Sending warm healing thoughts and prayers your way.
    PS: Stopped over after seeing MFW’s Blogroll.

    1. Janet, I’m so happy to heard your brother is doing better- I hope he continues to recover and is able to get back to “normal life” soon!

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