Points to You

Good morning!

I hope you all had a great weekend. I was able to get lots of crafty time in (yay!) and also went to a food truck event on Sunday, which was amazing. I used to be so hesitant of them, but now I may be a little addicted. Yummy food + great prices= a winning combo.

While I was driving the other day, a song came on the radio that stood out to me a lot. It’s the song called “Live Like That” by Sidewalk Prophets. Here is the part that really tugged at my heart:

The “points to You” part is referring to Jesus. This past year, I’ve grown so much as a person and really opened up about some of my struggles (posts found here and here and here and here). Throughout it all, I’ve had one constant in my life- Jesus. I’m constantly amazed at how He loves me, despite my flaws and can use little ‘ol me to bless others. I won’t say that life is perfect (because that is FAR from the truth), but knowing I have someone going through life with me is so reassuring.

I know I still say and do things sometimes that don’t always glorify Him, but I’m trying each day to be better at this. I hope that through my various posts, you’ll find encouragement, maybe a laugh (because we all need this sometimes!), or some crafty inspiration. And though it all, my hope it to glorify God with my words, actions and gifts.

See you tomorrow with a crafty creation!


  1. I LOVE that song too!
    As a NEWBIE to your blog posts I am looking forward to MORE Godly encouragement and reminders just like today!
    Thanks you so much…can you see me :)))?

    1. I’m so thrilled you found my blog, Laura Jane! Just out of curiosity, how DID you find it? It’s always fun to hear how my readers hear about my little space on the web. :)

      Thanks for the comment and following my blog!!

  2. Ohh what a fun post! I love when a song can touch my heart. There’s no way to pick just one thing that I like most about your posts. I NEED each and every one! :) You are doing an amazing job here on the blog and am sooo very happy for you that you’ve come to know the one constant in your life that will NEVER waiver.

  3. you’re going to hate my answer, but i honestly love all of it… i like seeing you getting crafty (i mean, everything you make is beautiful!), but i also love reminders to be thankful, and i LOVE it when you’re real and encouraging…

    so… am i allowed to say that i love all of it? :D


  4. I found you through the 10 min Dash. I’m thrilled to meet another sister in Christ! I appreciate your honesty (I clicked on all the highlights). God uses it, I believe! Just keep sharing what God lays on your heart. ;)

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