Insecurities: We All Have Them

Good morning!

As you can see from the title, this post is touching on something personal and very real. Some of us struggle with it more than others, but I would say that everyone struggles with one (or many) in some aspect of their life.

I have held back on writing this post for a while. I felt like I needed to write it for me, but I also felt like there were some people that needed to read/ see this. Not sure who, just the Lord put it on my heart. If I’m being honest, part of me didn’t want to be THIS vulnerable and put myself out there. Sometimes I feel like I’m put on a pedestal and well, I want to show you that I face things just like all of you. The thing is, I don’t face my battles or journeys alone. Here, you can read what I’m talking about….

Over the years, I have tackled many insecurities, but I still have many more left to face. Honestly, I wonder if some of them will ever go away. The biggest ones I deal with: the way I look and what people think of me.

The first one goes back to about seven years ago. I never struggled with my weight until I turned 18 and from there it got out of control. Many of you will remember me mentioning losing 60 pounds from my heaviest and some of my fitness journey in previous posts. During this low (or rather HIGH on the scale) point in my life, I got some downright cruel remarks from people I knew. Not to mention, I got asked if I was pregnant three times in one week. This was and continues to be a hard topic for me. In the mirror, I still see and feel like the “fat girl”, even though I’ve lost quite a bit of the weight. I have heard that this happens to a lot of people when they lose a large amount of weight- however, knowing this fact doesn’t help at all.

The second insecurity: I’ve had my entire life. I feel the innate desire to be a people pleaser, almost to a fault. Not too many people don’t care what others think of them- my desire just seems to be greater than others.

All of this leads me to this point:

Don’t get me wrong, just because I know this fact, doesn’t mean I’ve conquered my insecurities. It’s actually quite the opposite. EVERY SINGLE DAY I have to remind myself of this fact. God loves ME, despite my flaws and imperfections. He knows I have insecurities and He is helping me through them. It’s a process and He is willing to walk through it with me.

It never ceases to amaze me how faithful the Lord is. I know He will help me through these struggles if I continue to see Him in all of it. While I may never fully overcome these things on this side of heaven, I’m so thankful I don’t have to go through these things alone.

My hope and prayer is that this post speaks to who it needs to. Like I said earlier, I felt like the Lord put it on my heart to write this. If you need to send me an email, there’s a button on the top right of the blog. Take care, sweet blog friends!


  1. My goodness, I’m a little speechless and you made me cry. Non waterproof mascara = my best impression of a raccoon ;)


    I agree that everyone has at least one insecurity weather large or small. It’s hard not letting it define you as a person. God created you in his image…to me this means heart, spirit, love, faith, compassion, etc., not if your thin, heavy or how many times you say “yes”. God does love you with your insecurities and flaws and maybe someday we can learn to love ourselves just as much. Maybe having these insecurities is a test of faith. We have to trust in Him to know what’s right for us and to just be happy. Easier said than done, I know. But it’s something we can all work on.

    While you may never convince yourself that you are beautiful inside & out and don’t have to always agree with everyone and bend over backwards, your true friends believe in you and see what’s really there and don’t mind hearing the word “no” once in a while.

  2. Paulina, thank you very sharing your heart and putting yourself out there. It takes a lot to do that. You post and heartfelt message are a wonderful reminder to all of us. Blessings!!

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